Dear Torsten and Regina,
We have now made it to Melbourne, after many travels. Our apartment is still very empty - but we have just bought a fridge, a TV, a sofa and a washing machine, so we at least can wash our clothes, and sit on the sofa drinking beer and watching the rugby! We don't have a bed yet, though, so we are still sleeping on the floor.
Toby has now met his two grandfathers - one in New Zealand and one in Australia. They both loved playing with him! He survived the flight from London to Australia very well - he slept most of the way, and when he was awake, he played with his toys, and didn't cry much at all. Whew!!
Hallo - Angela auf Deutsch.
Jetzt, sind wir in Melbourne. Und Toby war der beste Baby auf dem Flugzeug. Kein schreien und viel schlafen. Toll! Unser Familien sind glucklich wir hier wohnen.
Mike musst Arbeit suchen. Vielleicht dieser Wochen er musst anfangen. Er hat ein bischen Angst.
Toby liebt sein 'Buggy Buch' Regina hat gekaufen. Aber der Buch ist kaputt. Wann Toby hat Zahn schmerzen, er 'liest' sein Buch mit sein Zahne. Oops.
Ok. Tschuss. Wir denken von euch!
Granddad |
St Clair beach |
Obligatory Robbie Burns |
Nana |
Brisbane Movieworld |
I love this photo |
Then it rained |
We've arrived in our new Melbourne Apartment!
These boxes look familiar from the last blog post? |
Toby settling in |
This was our bed for a month or so |