Friday, March 31, 2017

The Thursday with dragon boat dinner


Iced latte at Bond St Mojos - on purple shirt Thursday

After a day where I did manage to grab an iced latte with Saman and hear about his recent trip to the States, we had the dragon boat team dinner to celebrate our huge success.

We went to Arborist and had platter type food.  Pretty good it was too.

Mike was with Andrew and tramping types just down the road, so we co-ordinated our end time and we headed home together (although Andrew fled for the train before I confirmed I was done).

I heard from Mum too - they had crazy mini cyclones blow through her area and chaos seems to have reigned for a bit. I think they are all ok.  Sounds like schools are still closed over south east Queensland though.  Mad!

Toby is a bit better - hopefully he is ok to ride with me tomorrow (and I'll ask Sally too).  The lure of poached eggs at Seashore Caberet might just be enough.

Mike is off to Survival weekend.  Snort!

Last day of March.  Jeepers.

Have a lovely weekend.  See you Monday, Roz!


Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Wednesday with Toby home from school


I got a text from Mike late morning to say that Toby had pulled a muscle playing touch rugby on the wet grass at school.  Mike collected him, and I reshuffled meetings and when Mike came back through town in the car, I jumped in and took Toby home.

Toby is hobbling around and still at home today.  Poor kid.  But good on him for giving it all he has when he plays sport at school.

I went to collect Mike from work and stopped to buy some groceries.  Bumped into Yingjie and chatted for a bit.  Then Josh turned up and I drove everyone home.  It was good to catch up with everyone.

Sorted out tea and then relaxed before bed.  Caught the bus in this morning and feel so sleepy.  But I did run for 30 minutes yesterday for the first time since Christmas.  Hoping that my Achilles is good now - nothing hurt.  I'll take it easy for a while, ramping back up.  But fingers crossed.

Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, March 29, 2017

The Tuesday that from Wednesday it felt like a Thursday


My day hardly allowed me to take a breath - but I did get to Verve cafe to meet Mike and Becks for lunch.  And an iced coffee.  It was good - but they make theirs too sweet for me.

About to take a sip

Sip, mmmmmm

I texted Mike when I was due to leave work and said I'd be riding home and when was he going to collect the car from its airbag service.  He texted back that he'd forgotten about the car and if I could, could I go and collect it.

No worries.  I cycled up Willis and down Ghuznee and then up Taranaki, into Vivian and into the Toyota service department.  It wasn't too bad considering the busy traffic.  Picked up the car and negotiated traffic back to collect Mike on my way back through town.

Cooked tea (steaks and salad) and then the evening disappeared in a blur.  Although I did do some laundry.

I was asleep early - probably because of my dodgy sleep the night before.  And despite waking briefly around 4am, I had a good sleep.

Toby is cooking tea tonight.  Woot!  He is perfecting a pasta with basil pesto dish.  Yummy.

Have a brilliant day.


Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The Monday that felt like it was a whole week worth


Happy iced latte face at Mojos on Bond St

My day was hectic but I did catch up with Mary and grabbed an iced latte.  Woot!  And I see my calendar today isn't a lot better.

I did get to the gym after work which was kinda cool and then Mike collected me after that and we drove home.  I cooked tea - just for Toby.  Spag bol.  It wasn't one of my best - I must be out of practice.

I was pretty tired and sure I fell asleep while Mike was still working on his laptop in the bed. But I didn't feel well during the night and woke just after 2am and had a restless sleep until the alarm went off.

I feel ok now - probably not at my best - but not that bad either.  I drove the Corolla into town to get its airbag replaced on the worldwide recall.  Apparently they will wash it too.  That'll be a shock to its wee body.

Rode my bike from there to work and it wasn't too bad through Courtney Place and up Dixon.  And I didn't get too wet either.  Woot!

Have a great day!


Monday, March 27, 2017

The weekend in Wellington


Well, I took full advantage of our Wellington weekend with nothing much scheduled.  I read lots and tried to sleep in!  Woot!

Saturday we got away by 1pm and met Sally and Ange at the Dowse.  Only to find they were closed (under new management).  Gee - I hope the next owners are just as good.

We went to the cafe at the library in Lower Hutt and it was ok.  But I would have preferred the Dowse.

Went on our ride and did 20km up the river and back.  Sweet!

Riding the Hutt River trail

Photo bomb to get my cream

The iced coffee at the library cafe wasn't too bad.  Maybe a solid 6.

Sunday we had nothing on until family dinner at 6pm.  It was lovely to catch up with everyone - including Benjamin.  And he has a new job - fulltime - at The Green Man.  Woot!

Dainty morsel

And a lovely cup of tea - I went for Pure Ceylon

And I leave a few pics of our birthday high tea from Friday afternoon.  Mmmmm.  Sally, Andrew, Aidan, Janne and me and Mike.  Lovely.

Have a brilliant week ahead!


Friday, March 24, 2017

The Thursday with not a lot although Toby was sick


It was a frantically busy day at work - but I reckon that is the new normal.  I might need to re-train as a paramedic or something similar for a less busy job.  Although I know my work is not life or death, some people seem to view it in a different light.  I must keep those hoots of laughter more tightly under wraps.  Hahahah!

It has been chilling to watch the London attack on the news during the past day.  For it to happen somewhere Mike and I know so well is slightly worse to hearing about atrocities elsewhere in the world.  Stupid nutters in the world.

At least it is Friday.  And we're having high tea with Sally and Andrew this afternoon.  A birthday celebration.  Woot!

We'll be in Wellington over the weekend.  We need to get loads done around the house.

Hope you have fun whatever you get up to!


Thursday, March 23, 2017

The Wednesday with user group


Oh - after prepping for presenting, the colleague before me went over his fifteen minutes of material to a 45 minute version and I had no time for my own.  As I dislike speaking in public, I had mixed feelings about that.  He talked well, but now it means I have to do it next month!  Hahah.  Like delicious anticipation - but the exact opposite!


Anyway, I Ubered home with Mike and we sorted out wee Toby.  He's all fine - he chatted to Grandy on the phone and convinced her that he was ok.  Perhaps I should have checked my blog post to ensure it made doubly sure Toby was fine!

And it was Sally's birthday yesterday - and I forgot to say on the post yesterday.  But I did remember and I hope she had a great day.  I heard they went out for a birthday date night to a lovely restaurant.

Toby is coming to see me after school today.  We need to look at gaming headsets.  Hmmm.  Maybe some market research is needed.

Have a wonderful day!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

The Tuesday with nothing much


I seem to have missed a day.  Crazy.  Anyway, Tuesday was good - things went fast and it was the end of the day before I knew it.

Below is Monday night's dinner.  We did take a photo of Tuesday's dinner but only on Mike's phone.

Chicken noodly thing

We had pulled lamb on roasted kumara with a spinach salad on top and I quite enjoyed it.  Mint was chopped through the lamb.  Mmmmm.

On Monday evening we tried the neighbours car in our garage to see if an Outlander was an option.  Fitted easily.

Tuesday I caught the bus home and texted Mike what one I was on so he could jump on.  He timed it perfectly as I was saving my seat next to him.  But his snapper was empty and he had to stop to pay the driver and the last woman on before him sat in the seat next to me.  If only he had money on his snapper!

Anyway, we'd only been chatting across her for a few minutes before she gave up and stood up so Mike could sit next to me.  That was nice of her.  Or she was sick of hearing about our day and the evening plans.

Toby got hit by a car on his way to school yesterday.  He has a big bruise graze thing on his left knee.  I am still not sure of the details, but the driver ran a red light (according to Toby), Toby was knocked down, the driver stopped, Toby was fine so everyone went about their day.

I am still a little in shock about it all.  And I wasn't even there,  Imagine if I'd been there.  Ok.  Let's not imagine anything.

Ok.  Everything is better with tea.  I'll do that.

Have a brilliant day!


Monday, March 20, 2017

The weekend that wiped me out of energy


Wow a full on weekend.  I don't think I have the energy reserves to handle weekends that are that draining.  Or maybe it is that weekend after weekend have that level of excitement?  maybe.  Hahahah.

Let's see what I can remember.  Friday night I went home with Mike (pretty sure).  We had a fairly early night because Saturday was fairly busy.

The boys had a haircut at 10.15 and we all went to that.  I went grocery shopping while they got their haircut.  Two birds, with one car trip!

Back home briefly to unload the groceries then Mike and I were off to Red Baron to pick up the DRZ and take it home.  Except, we decided to visit Sally for a cup of tea.  And that I had to ride it because Mike left his boots at home.  But as I took off, it cut in and and out and generally played up.  Stalling as I changed down to come under the bridge and up onto it.  As I let the clutch out, the back wheel gripped to road and slid around as it turned the engine over.  It caught and I rode happily up the ramp onto the bridge.  But it died again around the corner from Sally's house (on the main road still).  Mike joined me and we couldn't start it.  So he pushed it back the 2.5 km to Red Baron while I drove there.

Mike managed to bump start it down the bridge ramp and rode it around a bit.  It ran fine warm.  Red Baron were great and looked at it.  There may have been gunk in the fuel lines, but we now suspect the main issue is a huge reserve!  Keep it topped up with petrol and it runs ok!

We did get a cup of tea with Sally, and then home.  Sorted out Toby and then headed to Matt and Leanne's house for a BBQ!  Great fun!  I really enjoyed myself.  And I got a wee rainbow and flowers tattoo from Celia's youngest.  She gave them to nearly everyone there!  A huge highlight.

After being there for a few hours, I managed to drag Mike away (big surprise!) and to the next BBQ.  Gemma and Henrik were having a combined 40th party.  An 80th!  Oossshhh!  Among friends again - and Celia came to this one too.  Caught up with Ange.  Yep - a great party.  Appreciated that invitation a lot!

Got Mike home at a decent hour because we were up very early for a Sunday for our refresher motorcycling course with Two Bald Bikers out at Wainuiomata.  Big day!  And well worth it.

Outside Maccas together

Mike and I rode to McDonalds in Wainuiomata for brekkie before the course started.  From there, we got to the venue and enjoyed a small group (only 4 students) of instruction on a PC before the practical kicked in.  Around 10.15 we got on the bikes.  They used a radio headset on everyone's helmets which made it much easier.  No navigation headaches and instant feedback on anything you were doing.  It was a really good course.

I am now completely exhausted.  Constant concentration and manhandling the bike all day means by the time it was done (practising emergency braking) I was wiped out.  Mike and I rode home from Upper Hutt and reflected in what we'd learned.  Lots!

My certificate

Back home and we ate and watched Creed with Toby (a Rocky movie - it was quite good).

Fell into bed and not sure I am completely back to normal levels of energy yet.  But the working week looms large.  Best get it tackled!

Have a great week!


Friday, March 17, 2017

The Thursday with a work party


After a crazy day at work (where I did get an iced coffee date in - thanks Sreejith!) we had an after work function.  I saw so many friends there from their previous working lives here.  Including Mike of course!  Hahahah.

Iced latte at Mojos

Mike gave me the car keys and said he'd stay for a little while.  I drove home and didn't see him again.  Unless you count my sleepy stumble to the front door to let him in at goodness knows what hour.

I cooked tea for Toby (I ate at the party) and we had a relaxing evening.  I tried to tidy up but all I really did was move things around.  Not exactly what I was hoping to achieve.  But at least it makes it easier tomorrow morning to tidy.

The weekend beckons.  We have two BBQs tomorrow - guess we'll manage that somehow.  The boys have a haircut.  Mike and I have the motorcycle refresher course on Sunday.  It's going to be busy!

Enjoy your weekend!  And happy St Patricks Day!


Thursday, March 16, 2017

The Wednesday that felt like Friday


My days are really blending crazily into each other.  How can it possibly only be Thursday today?  Anyway, Wednesday passed by in its usual blur of activity.

I was so busy I missed my gym session, which made me slightly grumpy.  The ride home did a lot to make me more mellow though.  I cooked tea (and forgot a photo) and Toby and I enjoyed it.  Honey soy chicken on rice with satay sauce.  There was a lot leftover, so I popped it in the fridge for Mike.

He was out carousing with Andrew and Josh and I was dead to the world when he got home.  I think I woke in the middle of the night and found him in bed and snuggled up.  When I got up (after another snuggle) I discovered he must have eaten his tea when he got home because my idea of sending it with him to work for his lunch was now dead in the water.  He will have to buy his lunch today.  Poor chap.

My foot is looking a lovely colour from the hammering it got on Saturday.  I took a photo for you all.

Bruising coming out nicely
Gosh, it is a great looking foot, despite the harsh treatment it received during race day.  :-)  I do need a feet pampering session soon though.  I'll book that in shortly.

Right.  Time for tea.  Got a work function after work tonight - one that Mike and Ange are invited to (as ex workers) but hope to get home to cook tea with Toby.  He has a big test today for maths.  Good luck wee boy.

Have a great day!  Lovely to get a sunny morning here today!


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Tuesday with a tough ride home


I left work later than anticipated and negotiated heavy traffic through the middle of town.  I didn't know it then, but there had been road closures due to a bomb threat at the central police station.  As I turned into Lambton from Willis, I thought I heard my named shouted out.  I looked at the footpath and spotted Mike walking to his Meetup meeting.  How nice to see him on my way home.

I cooked tea for us - turkey mince pasta bolognese.  I liked it.  And I think Mike liked it when he ate some when he got home.  But Toby didn't eat much of it.  I managed to get a bath in before Mike got home.  Sat with him while he ate tea but it was quite late by then and I went to bed soon after.

I had a restless sleep and woke early.  Who knows what did that to me.

Toby is good - for some reason he is going to school today dressed up in some costume from the $2 shop.  I hope that is ok.

I need a cup of tea.  Have a lovely day.  Stay dry if you're in Wellington - my ride in was a little damp.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Monday with cold weather


Mike cooked tea on Sunday night and used zucchini in the salad instead of cucumber.  I asked him if he knew the difference between zucchini and cucumber and he said no.  I got one of each out of the fridge and he swore there was no difference between them.

I am dreading the taste of roast cucumber one day later this week when the recipe calls for it to be roasted.  Zucchini in a salad is passable - but cucumber could be really horrible substituted for it.

What is the difference?

Yummy tea - beef and roast veges

I managed to get to the gym on the way home and enjoyed that.  It did mean my ride up the hill was slow as I contemplated my poor levels of fitness.

I was so happy to have Mike open the door when I got home - what a lovely surprise.  He caught the bus after his last meeting and we started tea together.  I even convinced him to join me in the bath later on.  So it was a lovely relaxing evening.

Hope your Tuesday is lots of fun!


Monday, March 13, 2017

The weekend with the race day!


Wow - what a weekend of excitement.  Friday saw me driving Mike to the ferry terminal at 5pm and getting him away for the weekend up to Ruapehu.  I drove back home and relaxed with Toby.  The Friday night was so hot - possibly the hottest evening so far in Wellington this summer.  I slept with the window wide open and only a sheet.

Iced latte - at Mojos in Bond St

Up super early on Saturday and I was away on the 7.15am bus and at our team tent for the big race day by 7.45am.  Our first race was 9am and a practise one.  We came first in that by a whisker.

Selfie in the team tent

Paddles and feet

We had a few more races - 10.40, 12.40 and 1.40 before finding out we had qualified in 3rd place in the grand final.  Oosssshhh!

The weather was drizzly most of the day and I made good use of my warm, dry clothes during the breaks.  We also spent a bit of time in the underground market where it was warm.  Around 4.30pm was the grand final and we got to the start line with a fair bit of tension in our boat.  But, we competed well once the race started.  With 5m to go, apparently we were in front, but the two teams beside us had an awesome power surge over the line and beat us by a nose.  2/100ths of a second between us and first place.  Bronze medallists!

I was so pleased with the team effort.  Wow!  More again next summer, please!

Bronze medallists!

Anyway, I got home on the bus and sorted out tea for Toby before falling asleep in a tired coma.  My feet are so sore from running around on concrete in bare feet all day.

Sunday was hosing down and we even got a thunder storm around 8am.  During the thick of the rain, we collected a drumkit for Toby.

In action!

He's in a band and now I have my sights set on being taken to the Grammys one day (hahahah - right, Karen?).

Mike got home around 1900 and I collected him from the ferry terminal and went grocery shopping before he cooked tea for us.  Fish.  Mmmmm.

More rain through the night but I stayed dry riding into work this morning.  Yay!

Have a wonderful week ahead.


Friday, March 10, 2017

The Thursday that really should be a Saturday or something


This is officially the longest working week in the history of working weeks.  I am sure it has been twice as long as a normal working week.

Iced latte at Mojos - purple shirt Thursday

It was the last dragon boat training session for the season last night.  I took my bike down there and we had an unusual session as our usual drummer was sick.  The stroke pace was fast and furious.  Good fun, in a way.

Now it just comes down to the day on Saturday.  The forecast is a bit pants.  Heavy rain.  And a southerly.  I am going to bring lots of warm clothes.

Mike and Toby came to get me and we went home and Mike finished cooking a yummy tea (lamb and couscous).  Then Mike and I went grocery shopping and got a lot of stuff for Mike's weekend away to Ruapehu (they hop to climb to the summit - but the weather looks less than ideal for them too).

Back home to tidy up a bit and then off to bed.  I had a restless sleep.  I think I might have been dragon boat racing in my dreams.

Big race day tomorrow.  Then Sunday I think I might try and relax quite a bit.  Although I do have some tasks to get through.

Have a wonderful weekend.


Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Wednesday with my first gym session in ages


Ok - so I got my haircut on Tuesday night and it is quite a bit shorter.  However, I would now call my hair "boofy" as it has a tendency to do its own thing at the moment.  I am sure the hairdresser would call it "full" or "voluminous" or other generous ways to describe boofy.  Mike says I need to start using product in my hair.  He may be right.  And the fact that I am considering fashion advice from Mike is worrying me a lot.  Hahahah!

Iced latte at Mojos on Bond St

I did get an iced coffee when Ed hauled me out for one.  He felt the need to vent a bit, and I got an iced latte.  So, win all around!  He has no need to vent - he does a great job.  But I guess we all get frustrated a bit from time to time.

That is why I was so keen to get to the gym.  I haven't been since my birthday week.  I enjoyed it and now I am hoping I can squeeze in three sessions a week.  Because work has moved, it is not as convenient, but I really like the staff at the gym there.  I will try for another month.  Especially with dragon boat training ending this week,

Yep - tonight is our last training session before the big race day on Saturday.  Here is our scheduled races on Saturday.  Come down and cheer for the yellow team:

Races :

9.00am – Lane 3
10.40am – Lane 3
12.40pm – Lane 4
1.40pm – Lane 3

The final will be between 3.30pm and 4.30pm.

Our tent is in Frank Kitts park and is closest to the car park end.  We should have a yellow sign out front to show you where we are - but if not, follow the yellow singlets.  We have been given space 4 - if that is any help.

Right.  Time to finish my excellent tea.  Enjoy your day!


Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Tuesday that feels like Thursday


Apart from it being Christine's birthday yesterday, I think Tuesday just sort of disappeared.  I am convinced it is Thursday and can't believe it is only Wednesday this morning.  Slowest week ever!

Mojos Bond St iced latte

I did have a good catch up with Celia, so that was a highlight of the day.  And I got a decent haircut for the first time in years after work.  So things weren't so bad I guess.

I met Mike at the GP outside the place I got my haircut and he was having a beer with Ange and Joe.  I haven't caught up with Ange for ages, so it was good to chat to her.

Ubered home with Mike and Ange and ordered in pizza for our starving son (it was 7pm by the time we got home - but I noticed he ate Weetbix to tide himself over).

Slept the sleep of the dead, but it is still not enough.  I think I might try and sleep lots this weekend - after the dragon boat racing on Saturday!

Right.  Time for tea and to sort out stuff for the day.

Have a wonderful day.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Monday back at work


We have network issues this morning at work and it is messing with my normal routine.  I suspect I should just go and have a cup of tea and pretend everything is fine.  And soon enough, it will either be fixed, or my cup of tea will make everything seem better anyway.

Yesterday I got a text from Mike, from Toby's mate Zack, saying Toby was sick.  So I sorted out my afternoon at work and ran for the bus.  Got home, switched to the car and drove back to collect Toby.  He was sleepy and not feeling well, but as he relaxed at home, he seemed to come right.

I made tea - and forgot to take a photo of it.  Toby really wanted chicken schnitzels, but I said we were having the My Food Bag meal.  Turns out that was chicken schnitzel.  Toby thinks his mother is wonderful because she made what he asked for.  Hahahah.  I'll take that as a win.

Toby is back at school today so hopefully it was just a one off sick thing.  Mind you, I feel like I could do with a huge sleep too.  Maybe it is just a low level thing at the moment.  I caught the bus in with Mike this morning and could barely keep my eyes open.

Right.  Time for that tea!  Then everything will be ok.

Enjoy your day.  Happy birthday to Christine today.


Monday, March 6, 2017

The weekend with loads on


Happy birthday to Mike's mother for the weekend!

What a packed weekend.  I feel like I need to sleep for a week now.  Anyway, Friday night I got home and the boys were getting sorted.  We eventually left at 6.45pm or so and had an easy drive up the coast.  Mike got to Foxton before we swapped drivers.  From there it didn't seem long to Mangaweka and we found the campground in the dark (closely followed by a campervan of tourists also tryign to find it in the dark).

The campground where we stayed was rustic - the bathroom block was quite old.  But we pitched the tent in front of the car and Toby slept in the car while Mike and I enjoyed the tent.  In the morning we went for a wee walk and the rest of the campground looked amazing - right on the Rangitikei River.  We'd stay there again.

The office was just a wee unattended shed and told us the main office was back over the bridge.  So we took the cash lying on the counter and drove over to the main campground.  A lot newer and fancier.  We paid and Mike got a coffee.

Off to Taihape and brekkie at Brown Sugar cafe.  We went to the Memorial Park for Gumboot Day and enjoyed the sights.

We suck the marrow of gumboot day

Toby meets his hero

After wandering around for a while, Toby spotted the How To Dad chap and we stalked him for a bit before Toby got a photo with him.  Mike and Toby both seemed a little awestruck.  Hahah.

Mike and Toby watch gumboot throwing

This looks like weird fun!

That's a gumboot in the air!

But once they had met How To Dad man, they were keen to head away.  We then went to the $2 shop to check out the weird stuff before heading south to Feilding.  

Toby steals my chocolate fish

I took the boys to the Focal Point cafe in Feilding and we enjoyed lunch (and another iced coffee) there.

We got to Palmerston North early and tried to see Logan (new Wolverine movie) but it was R16 so that was not an option.  Went round to see Col and had a cup of tea.  Mike and Toby decided to head back home and I stayed for the night.  Col and I went to Lone Star to watch two rugby games.  I saw the Highlanders snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.  Yet again.

Popped in to see Col's sister on the way home and then managed to stay awake to see Iona home from work.  Just!  Up to have brekkie with Iona and Col and then left around 10.30am on the bike.  It was a little windy on the way home, but not too bad.  I hunkered down behind the fairing on the urban motorway coming into Wellington.  And I couldn't find neutral along the Mana esplanade at one point - bit embarrassing.

Lots of bikes!

Our garage now has a lot of bikes in it.  We tried to start the DRZ, but its battery is not working.  We need to take it in for a service, a WoF and register it.  This week!

Another one at Mojos Bond St

And another - Brown Sugar cafe in Taihape

Lots of iced coffees - first one at Mojos Bond St

I did consume a lot of coffee over the weekend.  Two on Fri and two on Saturday.  And maybe a Lewis Road iced coffee on Sunday.  Or two.

Mmmmmm.  A lot of coffee for a non coffee drinker.

Hope your weekend was half as much fun - because that would mean it was still a lot of fun!


Friday, March 3, 2017

The Thursday with dragon boat training


I had a follow up visit to the podiatrist and now I have orthotics in my shoe.  Let's see what that does.  No more appointments and a plan in my hand on how to get back into running.  Here's hoping it won;t be too much longer.  The plan is 8 weeks long.

Other than that, we had training last night after work.  The weather wasn't quite as stunning as Tuesday night, but it was still really calm.  In fact, we've had nothing but calm seas for every training session.  If race day is fierce, a lot of people new to this will be taken by surprise.

Drove home with Mike (he had the car in town) and I packed for our weekend away.  Yay!  Apparently we're off the Gumboot Day in Taihape, mainly to see some minor celebrity from You Tube.  Don't ask me - it's all the boys' doing.  Why I am following them remains to be seen.  And why, if that is the case, am I the only one packed at this point?

I may be doing something wrong.

Anyhow, Toby had athletics day with school yesterday and made every final he was entered in.  What a wonderful effort.  I think he may have placed in an event - but my attention was divided during the story and now I can't remember what event it was.  But it was the Under 16 division of something.  To me that sounds pretty good as surely 15 year old boys are way bigger than him.

Yes, I am a proud parent right now.  Good on him!  Glad he doesn't have his wrist in a cast around about now.

Enjoy the coming weekend.  As I said, we're in Taihape.  And I do have the R6 to ride back from Palmerston North on Sunday.  I must book into a refresher course for riding.

Lots of love,

Thursday, March 2, 2017

The Wednesday with summer Shakespeare


Toby came around to my work about 4pm and we wandered around to meet the architect and sort some stuff out.  Then we ate at Mama Browns and shared some ribs.

After being super early for the play in Civic Square, we sat in the library and read comics until Mike got there from his flight back from Auckland.  It was time to head into the venue to see All's well that ends well.  A comedy wrapped in a bit of a drama.  Not sure why Helena loved Bertram - he seemed like a bit of a twit.  But, anyway - she was smarter than him and he had no chance of outwitting her.

Headed home and stupidly read too late.  Hahahah.  Up early on the 6.45am bus with Toby for his athletic day with school.  Hope he goes well.

Hope your day is great too.


Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Tuesday with dragon boat training


I can't believe it is the first day of March already.  Wow.  The time has flown by and my birthday month has now ended.  I have to wait another whole year.

We had the best evening in Wellington yesterday - not a breath of wind.  And it was dragon boat training night so I got to paddle around in the still, calm harbour.  If I could have been sure of getting back in the boat without tipping everyone out, I would have jumped it.  It was lovely.

I met Mike after it and we bussed home together.  Mike went to get burgers and before I knew it, it was bed time.  Mike was up early to head to Auckland for work today.  Shame he can't collect Toby's wallet while he is there!

Had a nice bus ride in with Toby this morning.  And we're off to see Shakespeare in the park (well, in Civic Square) after work tonight.  And I must see the architect to progress house plans.

Hope your day is loads of fun.
