Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Monday with prototyping - I think we got to stage 4


Turns out Mike had driven into work yesterday which was a great opportunity to take home some personal stuff from work.  Far easier in the car than in my pannier.  However, I was able to take far fewer things due to my visit to the drycleaners.  For the "hot air balloons" Tuesday night at Cubs, I had read that drycleaning bags work well and we'd played with one yesterday morning to see if it had potential.  It did, so at 4pm I walked to the local drycleaners and asked if I could buy 35 bags.  They said no.  Oh.  But, they said they had a flawed batch they couldn't use and I could have that!

Great!  Bit of Sellotape and it'd be fine.  I ended up with a huge roll of about 1000 bags!  My arms are still sore from carrying it back to work.

So, home for dinner (yummy spag bol - ta Mike) and straight into the prototype mark 2.   In our kitchen, I tried to inflate a bag with just a blow dryer.  It would take off great and immediately plummet to the floor.  The hot air was dissipating faster than it should.  Mike then suggested flames would be the best bet to keep a constant heat source.

Back to google to search for some refinements.  Sure enough, a slight tweak to provide a cross bar from pipecleaners where a cotton ball soaked in meths could sit and be ignited looked like a good option.  Toby started to shift uncomfortably in his seat as he finished off his spag bol.  I made some pipecleaner cross bars, attached it to the bottom of the bag and Mike placed the soaked cotton ball on the precarious platform.  Mike also placed our fire extinguisher close at hand - just in case.

Mike lit the cotton ball and I held the top of the "hot air balloon" waiting for it to lift off.  But it turned out the pipecleaners were way more combustible than anyone could have foreseen.  The platform caught fire, the plastic bag started to melt away, the fiery cotton ball fell burning to the ground, I dropped the entire balloon, Toby instigated his fire evacuation plan and shot out to the letter box shouting "come on guys" and Mike decided to stamp out the fire with his shoe.  Needless to say, the ignited meths just spread to his shoe and he was stomping around trying to put his shoe out.

The excitement was just about to reach fever pitch when Mike finally waved at the flames with his hands and the wee fire went out.  The floor is hardly scorched, Mike's shoe was getting old anyway, and eyebrows and fringes grow back.  Just joking.  Although we are proud of Toby's fire evacuation plan.  He was the only one doing the right thing.

Toby started carrying around the fire extinguisher as we moved outside with prototype 4 by this stage.  I found some straws to construct the platform, and used tin foil to make a little tray to hold the cotton ball.  I stood outside holding the balloon while Mike added the ignited cotton ball.  Success!  The balloon started to inflate.  Mike decided it needed a second burning cotton ball and added that.

Hmmmmm.  Turns out two burning cotton balls is a little bit too much for drycleaning plastic to withstand.  As I held the top of the balloon, the bottom of it withered away into shrivelled plastic.  I dropped the burning mass to the bricks, Toby asked if he should use the extinguisher and Mike and I had uncontrollable laughter.

The stillness of the night and the bright stars were appealing as I wiped the tears from my eyes, so I suggested a walk.  We left the house with the all pervasive smell of burning plastic (It smells like a ski shop said Mike this morning) and went for a walk.  We dropped off a birthday present to Jack and had a quick catch up with his parents.  I think they might think we are quite mad as we explained the evening's shenanigans.

Back home to bed and into a pleasant slumber. 

Tonight we ask the Cubs to build their own balloons, and possibly try to launch one or two with burning cotton balls.  With the proviso that they don't try it at home.  We know this from experience.

Have a good day!

Monday, May 30, 2011

The weekend with t-shirt weather - and it's nearly June


What glorious weather we have been having - and it continues today.  Saturday we took Toby to swimming and I think he did quite well.  We went home via the supermarket and had lunch when we got in.  Then we tidied more stuff up and moved our beds into Toby's new bedroom.  Who knew that his new bedroom would be able to fit a single bed and a queen-sized double bed?  Well, we know now!

We watched some Time Team episodes and slept in Toby's new room for the first time.  I did wake at 4am wondering where I was for a minute.

Sunday we drove out to Waikanae and stopped off at Toyworld in Paraparaumu where Mike and Toby eyed up the Nerf weaponry.  As they were deciding on the best gun, Josh walked in.  Sent to buy more ammo for the Nerf battle.  Very funny.  Mike purchased a fan-assisted gun (Barricade) and we went around to the Tabor residence. 

Mike and Toby kitted up (safety goggles are a must) and Mike got his new helmet-mounted video camera working (on his upper arm) to video the battle.  Aidan and I got Lulu and took off for the walk to the lookout on the hill above their house.  Lunches had been prepared (I think it was termed rations for the Nerf soldiers) and Lulu was very excited to be climbing the hill.  We saw loads of birds (tuis, piwakawakas) and Lulu made friends with some dogs (and possibly an enemy of another dog - he was a bit wolf-like and maybe a bit fierce).

The view from the top was well worth the walk and we ate lunch looking out over Kapiti Island and the top of the South Island.

Back down to the house and the boys had finished the war - the younger group had won 3-zip.  Mainly because of sheer numbers.  I think it was eight against two.  We lazed around losing track of time before heading off in a huge rush, but not until after Josh trimmed Lulu's nails and nicked the quick and had to mop up blood.  Exciting.

Back to Lower Hutt for dinner with the whanau at Sally and Andrew's place and a good catch up with people.  Toby fell asleep in the car on the way there so obviously he was tuckered out. 

Home to get into bed and I stayed up to give a top coat to some skirting boards and architraves.  More of the same tonight.

Last week at work.  How amazing!

Have a great week!  Mine is a short one (Toby and I are heading to Auckland to meet Mike and Vivienne and have a good long weekend is sunny Northland).  Looking forward to exploring a part of NZ we have never seen before.


Friday, May 27, 2011

The Thursday with user group night


The weather has eased slightly and I rode my bike in this morning.  The roads were quite dry and I enjoyed the ride in - the wind was a bit strong and blew me off course a little from time to time.  But that just made the ride in a little more exciting.  Perks you up for the day nice and quick.

We spoke to Ma last night - using her new landline number for the first time.  Toby wanted to ask her if she told me off when I was little when I ruined my rubbers (Toby was ruining his rubber and I told him off, saying Grandy used to tell me off too, so I know what he's going through - hence his wish to have verification of this).  It was nice to chat without losing signal (their new house must be in a signal-deprived area for cell phones).

We had the user group last night and it was a good one - the future of computing is in the cloud.  It's just a matter of moving things there and getting past people's walls. 

Not too long to go at work now.  Had a busy few days.

The weekend is frantic - I was under the impression we only had swimming, DIY and a war.  But turns out the DIY bit contains 48 hours of non-stop work all on its own.  Yikes!

Have a great weekend!  The next weekend we'll be in Northland for the first time ever!


Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Wednesday with no karate... again


Wee Toby is exhausted and passed on going to karate last night.  Probably a good thing given it is 90 minutes long now and takes a lot out of him.  We had an early night after Mike and I puttied the wee holes in architraves and scotias and skirting boards.  They are ready for a light sand and top coats now.  Exciting.  I know way too much about DIY now for me to be comfortable.

It is damp today.  Damp like a damp thing.  I wimped out and took the bus in.  The lashing rain did nothing for motivation to get on my bike.

Tonight is user group night.  So busy today.  I wonder if the boys will come in and eat Maccas?  Mike isn't feeling too well, and thinks perhaps Toby has a touch of his "whatever it is".  That might explain the lethargy.

Ok.  Time to get stuck in.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Tuesday with a bonfire night - make that a campfire night


Turns out the fire permit is a lot easier to get from the council/national fire brigade and local fire station if you say you're having a campfire.  Don't use the word "bonfire".  Gets them excited.  You have to answer things like "What is the exact measurement of your fire?".

Anyhow, we walked into the gully the Scouts own at the back of Karori and had a ball.  Toby got up and told a joke about twenty penguins and it went down well.  Good on him.

In the afternoon I had attended a lecture at Victoria University on Pre-departure Migrant Issues.  Although most of you are correctly noting that it is not my usual fare (I'd be more like to attend a lecture on archaeology), it was in fact a lecture by Aidan.  So I had a lot of fun sitting in a lecture hall once more and enjoying bright minds coming together.  Good fun.

Busy today and tomorrow at work.  Phew!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Monday with the start of painting


We have started painting in our new bedroom.  It's just undercoat at this stage, but it's a start.  It did mean Toby had a late night as for some reason he couldn't sleep well with me painting in the room using a spotlight.  Who'd have guessed.

The plasterer finally turned up and had a good look around.  Hopefully we hear back from him but it'll be a wee while before he can start.  Then we'll be painting top coat everywhere.  It seems never-ending at this point.

Cubs tonight and we're walking in to light that bonfire we built on Sunday afternoon.  Rain or shine.  Well, it won't be sunny as the sun has well and truly set by the time we set off.  It is quite windy though.


Monday, May 23, 2011

The weekend that went fast but had lots packed in


The weekend started, as always, on Friday evening.  We count down till then and Toby looks forward to a relaxing Friday night in front of a television.  Tonight was no exception.  Mike stayed late at work for a beer tasting event and then followed it up by enjoying a live band at some local establishment.

Toby and I watched hour of America's Funniest Home Videos with Toby giggling his way through them - to the point he can no longer breathe properly.  Then to bed.  I had to get an early night as I was planning on getting up at 4am to do some planet gazing.

1:30am I got a drink of water from upsatirs and found Mike up there surfing the internet.  What?  Anyhow - he came to bed.  I got up at 4am and showered and dressed and then wandered up to the car.  The wee green car has a flat bettery when it isn't used often, and this morning was no exception.  I had to go and wake Mike and ask him to push the car out of the garage at 4:30am!  I wasn't quite sure he was even awake for it.

But he got me out and I crash started the car going down the steep part of Norwich St.  Drove off to Waikanae and gave the car a good charge in the process.  I was a bit later than the anticpated 5am, but Josh was up and met me at the gate with a coffee in his hand.  I got a cup of tea and then we were off with Lulu to Te Horo beach to see the planets low towards the eastern horizon.  The high, sparse cloud parted for a good twenty minute viewing and we then walked with Lulu along the still-dark beach, lit by a 75% waning Gibbous moon.

Home to Waikanae where I was treated to cups of tea, tours of new forts in the backyard and a fantastic Josh McMuffin (way better than the McDonalds version).  The morning disappeared and then we were cheering on Duncan and Emerson at Paraparaumu while they played hockey against some competitive local school team.  It was a bit of a whipping.  But it looked like fun to me!

Over Paekakariki Hill in the wee green car to "End of the world" lunch at Sally and Andrew's house with Mike and Toby.  Nothing rapture-like there except for the usual rapturous food we always get there.

Off home to get Toby ready for a sleepover at Alex's house.  Dropped him off and then got stuck into sorting out the study (our old bedroom) and our new bedroom (the old TV room).  Piles to books and bookcases to move upstairs.  Worked on that for about 3 hours flat out and finally started to get somewhere with it.

I know Vivienne and Ramble had some success with their Rally O finals.  I was hoping to get to see some of it, but I'll have to wait till next time.  It was getting difficult to squash it in with all the afternoon activity.

Then off at 5:15 to dinner at Duck Creek with Sally and Andrew.  This is the new restaurant at Rushes in Pauatahanui.  It was scrumptious.  Everyone enjoyed their meals.  We'll be back.

Back to Sally and Andrew's house to watch Meet the Feebles.  I think Andrew stayed awake for the entire movie.  I surely didn't.

Home to bed and then up for more DIY stuff before Toby arrived.  Off to Yum Cha for 13 of us.  Great fun.  Then home to go out and build the bonfire for Cubs on Tuesday night.  Jack came with us and stayed at our place for a wee while playing with Toby.

Mike went out to get groceries and we ate tea and I went to bed exhausted.

Have a marvellous week!

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Thursday with nothing much for me and Toby


Mike on the other hand had the tramping club sub-committee coming over for a website discussion.  Apparently it went well.  Toby and I were watching television downstairs - although Mike said they could hear Toby chortling loudly over episodes of America's Funniest Home Videos.

Mike cooked up a great dinner for us when we got home.  We must have that more often.  Toby scoffed it down too.  It was the jar of sauce called "Chicken Tonight" - creamy lemon.  With big chunks of chicken and broccoli.  Yum.  And rice.  Because rice is nice.

Friday.  Yay.  Swimming tomorrow.  Painting.  Moving books.  Yum cha on Sunday.  Toby has a sleepover on Saturday with Alex.

Think that's it!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Wednesday with no karate


Well, I dislike it when the office person at Wadestown School rings me up and her first sentence is "Toby has had an accident".  My mind momentarily clouded with panic.  But it turns out he had stomach cramps and was unable to walk comfortably due to "pressing concerns".  So nothing too alarming.  I took a taxi to school then took him home and he showered and was a bit more comfortable.  He's off to school today.

What else has been happening?  We didn't go to karate due to Toby's discomfort so I cooked tea and we ate yummy stir fry.  We moved our bed down to our bedroom.  We no longer sleep in the lounge!  Hooray!  I'd like to say it is all done - but it isn't.  But there is space for our bed and Toby's bed down in our new bedroom.  So we've moved in.

The painter has started painting the garages.  That's a good thing too.  And the weather is superb so he should make lots of progress.

Have a marvellous day!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Tuesday with Cubs


What a beautiful evening.  We bought pizzas and had tea at the Sampson house before Cubs.  Then the coming in activity at Cubs was spotlight outside - that's how nice the weather was last night.  The main activity was an obstacle course and it was great fun.  I helped all night with the stilt walking - no one could do it.  Some Cubs were getting close by the end.

Went home and I fell asleep pretty quickly.  Woke in the night when the rain started but easily fell back to sleep again.

Tonight is karate - Toby is in Dragons.  Toby's composite year 4/5 class is less than composite for the next month.  The year 5s are off to camp this week and it sounds like they intend to keep them together for a while.  Toby is in Mr Laing's class for a month.  At least - I hope so.  I dropped him off at room 14 this morning.  I wonder what is actually happening.  Maybe I have missed a notice from school.

Anyhow, Toby has choir today too.  But his choir sheet music is MIA.  I suspect it is inside his messy desk in room 8.  We had a tour around his room a month back and his desk is so messy.  He opened the lid and it was chaos.  He could be consumed by the contents and no one would see him ever again.   And he was sitting next to a girl and her desk was so tidy.  Everything was just so in her desk.  Lined up neatly.  Heheheh.  We may not see the choir music for a wee while.

Time to get stuck in.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Monday with nice weather - despite the forecast


What weather bomb?  How come Wellington sat in the middle of a big blob of sunshine yesterday while all the news said was how awful the weather was over NZ?  Weird.  I had dry roads to ride in on, and ride home.  The northerly was quite strong on the way home, but we've had way worse than that.  Nope - nothing to write home about.  And my ride in this morning was fine too.  Very nice.

My back tyre is soft again though this morning.  I can't understand it.  Three tubes now and counting.  I took the tyre off completely on Sunday and inspected it closely for anything stuck anywhere.  Nothing.  I'm going to have to take drastic action.  Just not too sure what drastic action that should be at this stage.  But I plan drastic action.  At the weekend.  When I get some time.  Meanwhile I'll see if I can find the foot pump and use my hand pump to keep riding.

Mum and Dad seem to be settling in ok after their harrowing shift.  Well, "harrowing" at times - I don't think Hawaii was all that harrowing.  Apart from tsunamis I guess.  Heheheheh.  They have internet now and a landline phone soon.  Hooray!

What else?  Cubs tonight.  Busy at work.  Need to buy some work clothes for my new job.  Oh well. 

Have a simply marvellous day!

Monday, May 16, 2011

The weekend with the weather bomb


What a good weekend.  We went out for dinner on Friday night with Sally and Andrew to the Lone Star.  It was ok - mountains of food.  Toby wanted to stay home and vege out but he came around to the idea and I drove in with him and met the others.

Saturday morning was swimming and Toby swam well.  His instructor has left unexpectedly and he has an older man teaching him.  First time he hasn't had a woman - and this man takes no prisoners.  Toby might learn super fast this term.

Some shenanigans in the afternoon where my agenda (having lunch with Aidan and Josh in town) clashed with Mike's agenda (slightly more important shopping for bits of spouting and drainage gravel) and I only saw Aidan and Josh briefly as they popped in to collect Toby for swimming.  Toby however had a ball with them and got his Cubs badge for swimming - stage one and stage two.  Cool!

Mike, in the meantime, put up spouting like it was something easy.  My job was to stay close by in case of emergencies.  Not that I was needed for such things.  Toby was dropped off and he was starving so we ate tea and Mike decided he would finish the spouting tomorrow morning.  Then he checked the forecast.  Apparently a weather bomb was due to drop onto us on Sunday morning.  So Mike said he'd finish the spouting after tea.  And after 90 minutes of America's Funniest Home Videos (groan).

So, in the dark, Mike was attaching bits of plastic to the house, scampering back and forth over the scaffolding.  Around 9:15pm, it was my turn.  I was the gopher for a while, climbing up and down to get things.  Then we attached the spouting and Mike realised there was a little bit more work to do.  He put that little task off till Sunday.

Sunday was an amazing start to the day.  The rain was coming down like a fire hose was switched on.  The spouting stayed on (good on you Mike) and funneled water all over the place.  Mike was leading a family day walk and Toby and I wimped out.  But after lunch the weather came right - lovely and sunny.  Wally came around with the kids to use our washing machine (they are up to their eyeballs in renovations too and have no washing machine at the moment).

Mike got home and finished the spouting in lovely sunshine.  Then we were off to Benjamin's birthday party celebrations at Los Pan des Meurtos (The bread of the dead - if I can spell any Spanish at all).  It was a very good night indeed, even if I did miss out on Sweet Mother's Kitchen again (that was where Aidan and Josh had lunch the day before, and I was consoling myself with the knowledge I had another invitation there).  The Mexican restaurant was good anyway.

Bring on the week!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

A daywalk in the Wellington Botanic Gardens

The wind it blew, the rain it fell
The weather bomb had hit
Did this put us off our walk?
No!  (Well, maybe a bit.)

No epic voyage did we plan
Our spines were less than hardened
With our kids our journey took us
To the botanic gardens.

With the gales blowing, the sleet a’lashing
A lot of people piked
But right on time, the storm clouds cleared
And the sun came shining bright

‘Neath the watery sun we headed in
To where the hot plants grow
To see the ferns and poke the cactus
And the fish that chew on your toes!

But caffeine poor we all did feel
So it was time for tea
And coffee, biscuits, chocolate cake
Gluten free – just for All-y.

The café was warm, but we couldn’t stay
We needed to be fleet
So off we headed up the hill
For sculptures of concrete.

The wall of bright and shiny stone
Meant we had to try
A careful balance standing thing
That made you seem to fly!

We found a place where we could chat
While kids played on the grass
Chasing, shouting, laughing too
When Dom fell on his – face.

Wandering further up we found
The Meteorological Service
So no surprise the rain stopped on time
Back when we thought it’d beat us

The track was steep, the children found
The grade too hard to bear
Until I pulled my usual trick
Of jellybeans to share

At last we made the summit high
With views that went so far
Across the town and hills behind
And look – the cable car!

The cable car made cries of glee
As kids piled on and then
To Lambton Quay and straight back up
(Why did we walk again?)

But Dom and Si were drawn
To the cable car museum
To see the cars of old and yore
Nothing rhymes with Museum!

But me and Beth and others too
Thought the view too good to miss
So we sat around and talked a while
Of stuff, and that, and this.

Eventually we’d had our fill
Of views and history and riding
So down again we ran and ran
To the playground so exciding

The slide was steep and fast and great
With chains of children popping out
The flying fox was long and fast
and loud with screams and shouts.

And that was where our trip did finish
Not the staunchest in this book
But if you want a day with fresh air and play
The gardens, they’re worth a look

So watch for family trips like this
And easy daywalks too
You won’t be bagging mighty peaks
But a good time will ensue!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

The Wednesday with karate


Missed out on any new choral arrangements that Toby may have been exposed to during choir practise.  I think he started to sing something, but I missed most of it.  I hope he keeps up the choir - it makes me very happy.

Karate started with a stutter as I thought Jack's Dad was going to collect Toby from Skids, but he was going to collect Toby from home.  Oh dear.  Still, John nipped away to pick up Toby and I met them at the karate and changed Toby into his Gi (karate uniform).  As Toby walked off across the hall I could see how uselessly I had dressed him.  Sure enough - his belt came off within 10 minutes of leaping around.  At least that gave me a chance to fix all the wrongs I had

A highlight last night was young Tom starting karate.  He was so enthusiastic!  He immediately asked Christine when he could come back!

Jack's Dad whisked Toby away after Tigers for dinner with his family and I whisked Mike away for dinner out at the Speights Pub on Tinakori Road.  Very nice.  Collected Toby and crashed into bed.  So handy to have it so close.  Heheheh.

My sister is organising us for mid June on the Gold Coast for Mike's birthday celebrations.  If you're not coming already - book now!

Have a great day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Tuesday with frantic Cub night


Mike's Cub night went down a real treat.  Mike was running the "Mad scientist" night and I don't think we put any potential scientists off their chosen profession.  I think the bubble bomb was the biggest success, although the crowd did go wild when Mike dropped Mentos into a bottle of Coke.  I ran the invisible ink experiment, and I thought after the excitement of "Fake Snot", "Bubble bomb" and "Silly putty", the Cubs would find it boring to write messages they couldn't see and then heat it.  And of course, being the geek I am, I also told them all about oxidation some common forms we know.  However, the Cubs were excited to see their messages appearing.

We had brought in a lamp to heat the paper, but it failed miserably.  Panic was about to take hold as I looked at another 45 minutes to go of taking group after group through a failed experiment.  Then I hit upon using the stove elements in the kitchen to heat the paper.  Worked great and the extra bits of burnt paper offerings were also well received by the Cubs.  I regaled the Cubs with stories of when I was trained to fight fires at Kilbirnie Fire Station to assure them I was in complete control of the smouldering messages.

Home to collapse after that effort.  Today is choir and karate.  I am on karate duty and will head home early to try and feed Toby something before his extended class.

Mike has a work session after work today followed by tramping club night.  He has a day walk this Sunday.

In other news...  I handed in my notice at work yesterday.  I finish on June 2nd here, have Mike's birthday celebrations on the Gold Coast and then come back to a new job in Wellington.  How exciting!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Monday with Cub prep


I collected Toby from school and Mike had beat us home so dinner was almost ready.  Very nice surprise.  Then we prepared for Cubs tonight.  It's just the two of us running it tonight so we have to get everything sorted.  Hope it goes well.

Toby has arranged a play date for Saturday afternoon with his friend Alex.  Alex is in Toby's class, but in Year 5 (Toby is in a composite Year 4/5 class).  Alex attends Skids after school, which is where Toby and Alex are firm friends.

Mike is leading a day walk this weekend (probably Sunday) through the botanic gardens.  Should be a pleasant diversion.

Enjoy your day!

Monday, May 9, 2011

The weekend with Mother's Day


What a weird weather weekend.  The mornings were dire, with lashing rain and gusts.  The afternoons were lovely, with sunshine.  I even sat at Waikanae Beach, eating an icecream, wearing a t-shirt, at 4pm!

Friday night Toby and I watched Tangled - and we both enjoyed it.  Then Saturday I took Toby swimming and he did quite well.  We then drove up to Waikanae and I went over Paekakariki Hill - for the first time in years.  So long in fact that I was sure I'd taken a wrong turn at one point.  Mike stayed and met the Carpet people to get Toby's new room measured up.

At Waikanae, it was so nice we went to the beach and the boys played for hours.  Lulu also enjoyed herself - she ran herself into a stupor and slept on my lap on the way home.  That could not have been comfortable -  her muzzle was propped up against the window.  We ate icecreams on the beach and I was just wearing a t-shirt at that point.  I spoke to Mum then too, as she had received the hamper we sent for Sunday!  Good timing.  So the weather really was lovely.  Nice sunset.

Aidan cooked a great tea - and we even lured Mike up.  But when he went to get into the wee green car, its battery was flat.  So he stayed home and ate soup.

Sunday was busy.  I got up early to put lunch on and went back to bed to get breakfast.  It was Mother's Day after all.  Toby made me a piece of honey toast and I was amazed that anyone could fit that much honey on a single slice of toast.  Mike left for his day walk - in the lashing rain.  But, as it did yesterday, the weather came right and he had a great day.

The family turned up for lunch and it went very well. It was nice to see everyone and catch up with news.  Andrew used his sabre saw and pulled down a pesky piece of wood for Mike.  Mike was very excited by that when he returned.

After lunch Toby and I went to Ryan's house for an Easter Egg hunt.   Toby did well and he was very happy.  I had to almost drag him out of the house (well, not really, but I could tell he was happy there).

Went home and Toby and I both relaxed before tea.  Very pleasant.  Mike was talkative when he got back and he had a wonderful time.

Phew!  Time for work.  My first 5 day week for ages.  Shocking.

Have a great week!

Friday, May 6, 2011

The Thursday with... nothing


When I got down to the basement at work to ride home, I found my back tyre flat as a tack once more.  Mike popped down and pumped it up for me to as full as I have ever had my tyre pumped.  I got home with it although it was already softening by then. 

We had a nice dinner and I am sure I was asleep by 8:30pm.  Something just happened to my eyelids.  The boys were watching some movie or other but I didn't hear a thing.

This morning Mike said he would fix my tyre so I could ride in.  But the spare tubes were in the garage roof space and covered with leaked chain lube when he did find them.  The pump was in the pit somewhere and the bus was coming in two minutes.

Needless to say, I caught the bus.  I must have looked odd in the bus in my fluoro jacket surrounded by Wellingtonians wearing sombre blacks and browns.  Let alone the bike shorts.  Never mind.

I now have a job to do this weekend - fix my tyre.  There must be something stuck in the tyre itself chewing great big holes in my tube.

Swimming tomorrow for Toby.  Then off to Waikanae to see the majority of Tabors for lunch.  Mike will sort out better sleeping accommodation for us downstairs (instead of the lounge) and meet the carpet people to get a quote.  Then I am hoping he will come up to cook tea in Waikanae.  Heheheheh.

Sunday is the family lunch at our place and also Mother's Day.  Mike might have time to make me breakfast before he heads off to lead a day walk at Mt Holdsworth.

Happy Mother's Day to those mothers I know.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

A 10/10 morning for Mike

Toby was actually stiff and sore this morning from Dragons karate!  He was hobbling around but still telling me how much he loved it.  A new experience for him, being stiff and sore the next morning.  (He should see what it's like when you're in your 30's.)  That's great, I think he'll need to do 'homework' karate to keep in shape for Wednesdays.

Speaking of stiff and sore, I rode my bike in for the first time in ages.  My body told me it was the first time in ages, all the way down the hill.  Time to get back into this, and/or find a plan B for when it's sleeting.  Running up and down the stairs at work again... or a brisk walk with 20kg of water in my backpack.  Ooooh, that all sounds too hard.  Time for a coffee.

I gave myself a 10/10 for morning organisation - because of bonus points for riding but I did lose points for being partly dressed again.  I don't have a belt.  Better pop down to the shop before my pants fall down.

The Wednesday with the new karate class


Toby had choir on Wednesday - I know this because I was treated to some singing as we went to sleep.  Toby is currently sleeping in a camp bed at the foot of our bed - in the lounge.

He also joined Jack for the first Dragon class.  This starts at 6pm and runs for 90 minutes and is a big step up.  The older children are huge (but only about 15 years old I learned - they just look massive compared to Toby) and the exercises are way harder (the black belts do push ups with claps!).  But Toby absolutely loved it.  I think Jack needs another term at least in Tigers to learn a bit more.  But Toby is so keen to stay in Dragons.

I rode in nice and early this morning - like I used to do.  Rode across the intersection at The Terrace and Bowen (when I come in later I need to use the pedestrian lights to get through).  And it was dry - well, the roads were wet but I stayed dry.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The Tuesday with Cubs


We had a good evening at Cubs last night.  The calm before the storm because next week it's just me and Mike running it (the other leaders are away).  Oh dear.  Anyhow, last night the Cubs made a bookmark for Mother's Day.  And the coming in activity was ice hockey, with newspaper sticks and frozen ice cube pucks.  It was a huge treat of a game.

Home late (luckily we had eaten earlier at home - home-made burgers!) and into bed.  Mike worked late but it didn't keep me and Toby up.

I rode in this morning for the first time in close to three weeks.  The rain eased just enough to convince me to ride and it didn't start raining until I was halfway down the hill!  Considerate of the rain gods.  I did get to work a wee bit damp but happy to be back on the bike.

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Monday with a day off


Not much to report as I blogged yesterday about yesterday.  My body is sore in slightly weird places and I blame the horse riding entirely.

I fixed my flat tyre last night and it only took 20 minutes.  Yay!

We found Toby had head lice last night so we all took showers and now smell slightly like we've been dipped in sheep dip or something.  Heheheheh.  He hasn't had it long but he knew something was up because he asked me to check yesterday afternoon.  Good on him.  We have contacted parents Toby has played with in the last few days - just in case he considerately passed them on.

Toby has another dental appointment this morning.  His gnashers will be well checked between our dentist and the school dental service.

Have a great day!

Monday, May 2, 2011

The weekend with Toby's return


I was very excited at the airport waiting for Toby's flight to touch down on Friday evening.  We arrived a few minutes before the flight and could watch the plane taxi up to the gate.  Then we saw Socs (Jack's dog)  being unloaded from the cargo hold.  Before I knew it, Toby was running up to us for hugs.

Jack's mother said Toby had been a wonderful companion for Jack for the past 4 days and that Toby could go on holiday with them again.  A ringing endorsement of Toby's good behaviour, I think.

We went home via the Thai takeaway and we all ate on our bed in the lounge.  Well, off the bed anyway.  Pad Thai, green curries, red curries, beef stir fry and prawn garlic yumminess were on the menu.

Saturday morning we tumbled from bed and Mike went and hired the trailer.  When the chap at the petrol station saw Mike in the queue, he reached down for the trailer hire book.  Seems like Mike is reaching infamy at the petrol stations at the weekends.  Mike then performed Herculean tasks by carting 600 kgs of waste to the tip.  I think 400 kgs was from our bottom floor up to street level and the rest from Vivienne's house up to street level.  Mike's body is a little tender today.

Toby went to Jack's birthday party and had a ball.  I collected him after popping in to see Sally and Andrew, then Mike's parents as well.

Sunday was going to be serenity and peace.  But it turned into revolving doors at our house.  One lot of guests would leave and another lot would arrive.  Anyhow, we had William, Alex, Duncan and Emerson for an Easter Egg hunt at 11am.  That went reasonably well.  Three of them found 7 eggs each.  Poor Alex (he has spent lots of time growing up in Beijing and Easter Egg hunts may have been a new idea to him) only got three.  Next year Alex might understand the cut-throat nature of finding eggs.  The other boys certainly did.

The Tabors left after their whirlwind visit (but very nice to see them anyway) and Alex was also picked up.  William stayed a bit longer, but as I finished up a cup of tea with his mother, Jack and his Dad arrived to take Toby swimming.

Phew!  Time to pause and change tack.  I spent the next 60 minutes batting the walls in our new bedroom and managed to get it all done.  Now it just needs brace gib put up this week some time and we'll be right to get the plasterer in very soon.  Our new bedroom looks great - and that is even without walls.

Off to Sally and Andrew's place for tea and a good catch up with everyone.

Toby and I have the day off today as it is a teacher-only day at Toby's school.  We had breakfast at Wadestown Kitchen with Christine and Tom, then I drove Christine's car to where she paddocks Victor,, her huge horse.  Tom had a ride (he is good already) and then it was Toby's turn.  I could tell he found it exciting and scary - bit like me.  I foolishly got on and for the first time in my life was told how to ride a horse.  It is jolly hard.  Stomach in, tailbone down, shoulders back, head up, heels down, knees out and feet wrapped around.  You have to be a contortionist.

But, guess what?  I trotted and got the up-down pattern right once in a while!  Yep.  I almost understood what to do.

Anyhow - time to go and get some groceries.  Have a good day!