Monday, May 23, 2011

The weekend that went fast but had lots packed in


The weekend started, as always, on Friday evening.  We count down till then and Toby looks forward to a relaxing Friday night in front of a television.  Tonight was no exception.  Mike stayed late at work for a beer tasting event and then followed it up by enjoying a live band at some local establishment.

Toby and I watched hour of America's Funniest Home Videos with Toby giggling his way through them - to the point he can no longer breathe properly.  Then to bed.  I had to get an early night as I was planning on getting up at 4am to do some planet gazing.

1:30am I got a drink of water from upsatirs and found Mike up there surfing the internet.  What?  Anyhow - he came to bed.  I got up at 4am and showered and dressed and then wandered up to the car.  The wee green car has a flat bettery when it isn't used often, and this morning was no exception.  I had to go and wake Mike and ask him to push the car out of the garage at 4:30am!  I wasn't quite sure he was even awake for it.

But he got me out and I crash started the car going down the steep part of Norwich St.  Drove off to Waikanae and gave the car a good charge in the process.  I was a bit later than the anticpated 5am, but Josh was up and met me at the gate with a coffee in his hand.  I got a cup of tea and then we were off with Lulu to Te Horo beach to see the planets low towards the eastern horizon.  The high, sparse cloud parted for a good twenty minute viewing and we then walked with Lulu along the still-dark beach, lit by a 75% waning Gibbous moon.

Home to Waikanae where I was treated to cups of tea, tours of new forts in the backyard and a fantastic Josh McMuffin (way better than the McDonalds version).  The morning disappeared and then we were cheering on Duncan and Emerson at Paraparaumu while they played hockey against some competitive local school team.  It was a bit of a whipping.  But it looked like fun to me!

Over Paekakariki Hill in the wee green car to "End of the world" lunch at Sally and Andrew's house with Mike and Toby.  Nothing rapture-like there except for the usual rapturous food we always get there.

Off home to get Toby ready for a sleepover at Alex's house.  Dropped him off and then got stuck into sorting out the study (our old bedroom) and our new bedroom (the old TV room).  Piles to books and bookcases to move upstairs.  Worked on that for about 3 hours flat out and finally started to get somewhere with it.

I know Vivienne and Ramble had some success with their Rally O finals.  I was hoping to get to see some of it, but I'll have to wait till next time.  It was getting difficult to squash it in with all the afternoon activity.

Then off at 5:15 to dinner at Duck Creek with Sally and Andrew.  This is the new restaurant at Rushes in Pauatahanui.  It was scrumptious.  Everyone enjoyed their meals.  We'll be back.

Back to Sally and Andrew's house to watch Meet the Feebles.  I think Andrew stayed awake for the entire movie.  I surely didn't.

Home to bed and then up for more DIY stuff before Toby arrived.  Off to Yum Cha for 13 of us.  Great fun.  Then home to go out and build the bonfire for Cubs on Tuesday night.  Jack came with us and stayed at our place for a wee while playing with Toby.

Mike went out to get groceries and we ate tea and I went to bed exhausted.

Have a marvellous week!

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