Tuesday, September 10, 1996

Glasgow exploring

Oops, slept in. You get that. Got up at 8am, showered and had breakfast. Cereal, croissants, bacon and scrambled eggs, and a bit of black pudding.

Hooned into town and left Mike to wander down to the train station and head to Edinburgh to visit Vivienne. Miss him already.

Then we drove up to Everade Quadrant. There was no answer at no. 28 where Mum grew up, but the women across the road, Alice and Lily (mother and daughter), remembered Mum. We had a cup of tea with them. They were lovely old ladies. Their house was a replica of Mum's.

We talked there for a good wee while, then Mum noticed the lady in no. 28. We walked over and Ma looked through no. 28.

Then we went down the road and met the Pattersons. Mrs Patterson and her son Norman.

We visited Mum's school, Colston school, but it had been pulled down and turned into a lab for water testing.

Next stop was to visit Jackie & Nellie Allan in Barmulloch. They were lovely. We arrived at 2pm and didn't leave until about 6pm.

Mum chatted away like mad. Nellie filled Mum in on a lot of the details about Granddad's family. Nellie and Jackie had 10 children. One had died 4 years previous, but the rest were still around. They ranged in age from about 52 down to 34. Patsy was there, and she is the second youngest.

We were treated really well. It was great to see all these faces and places. The youngest son turned up - Frankie, and he took us to see Hazlitt Street, where Mum's family lived when she was a baby. It had all beeen cleared, wasteland now. Probably awaiting redevelopment in a few years' time. Opposite Ruchill hospital, it was rough or what?!! Phew!

I'm amazed at the close communities people live in here. Everyone knows everyone else and what they're all up to. Considering the timer frame. I couldn't believe all the people that had remaind in Everard Quadrant. Jackie and Nellie have been in their house for 44 years.

Returning from Hazlitt St we dropped off at a pub for a few pints with Frank. He's nice. Works as a psych nurse but is studying at present.

When we wandered back to Dalrymple, he and Karen went out for a beer and I went back with Mum and Robert. I'm sitting writing this watching the dryer spin all our clothes.

Mike will be having a great time. I wish I was there to see him and Vivienne & John with wee Benjamin. Hope they enjoy themselves there. It should be good fun.

Tomorrow looks like a day for a spot of shopping. Then at about 3pm we're off to Loch Lomond. Lochgoilhead to see Aunt Nancy. Great weather again today.

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