Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Good morning on Wed, 5 Sep (archive)
Hi there,
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Good Morning on Tuesday 4 September (archive)
We missed a day! Who noticed? Karen certainly did, she was worried that Toby was sick or something. Well, nope, just that Angela is on a course this week and can't email. And that means that she can take Toby in in the mornings! She even sent a good morning by text message to me: "Toby and I have had a good morning. We caught the 8:12 bus and it was broken so crawled to Thorndon [where Toby's kindy is]. Off to my course now."
We caught up with my mum and dad for dinner last night, which was very pleasant. Toby had a great time playing games with them and telling them all about his day and all the things he'd been doing. He needs to see them much more often than a couple of days every six months! And now we have curtains in our bedroom, thanks to my mum. We put them up last night and it was so nice and dark. I didn't realise how light it was before.
Last night was very, very windy. Even for Wellington it was very very windy!! On the way home, the car was being blown about like a leaf - even stopped at the lights it was swaying and lifting up off its suspension. And because we are missing some window catches, we had lots of banging windows. We sorted it out in the end with a combination of towels draped in the windows, and pushing one window wide open so it jammed.
But, Toby got scared and came up to our bed at about 11pm. Fair enough. It was very windy and noisy!! 'Like a ghost,' said Toby in the morning. That meant that we had nice cuddles in the morning before we all got up.
I took Toby in this morning, because Angela had to go to work before her course. Shame for her. We had fun because Toby's fleece jacket was covered in lint, so I got out the lint remover thing. Toby loved it. It tickled! He even took it in the car with him, and he made sure my jumper was lint free (don't think it worked too well but we had a good time trying).
He was sad going down the hill, though, because his CD wasn't in the car. Angela has made a CD of all the music that he likes and we like. He loves it! But he went to sleep listening to it, and it's still in his CD player. I'll need to make another copy of it.
Toby had brought his light sabre in the car, so we played 'Luke puts bruises on Darth Vader's hands' in Thorndon school, and then we bumped into Sean and Paige and their dad walking to Kindy. So we walked with them, and their Dad broke into the kindy playground (we were a bit early) so we played there for a few minutes. It started to rain so the kids sheltered under their big fort, and we got wet.
I managed to get Toby's light sabre off him without too much fuss, and off I headed to work. Now I've got a yummy indian lunch to re-heat, courtesy of Angela's colleague Hasmita!
Mike xx