Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Wednesday with a comet sighting after a spontaneous dinner out with Sally


Big day yesterday. Lunch time weights session with Juliet was great fun. Deads. Good to get out of the workplace for a bit.

Then a spontaneous meet up with Sally at Otto (old Honey Badger) for a lovely dinner. Then I rode home and met Mike. We chilled out before the sunset and we headed to Princess Bay to look for the comet.

Sunset at Princess Bay

There we are

Quite a few punters were there out comet spotting. The evening was so lovely. Warm, no wind, no swell. 

We despaired a bit because there was cloud right over Marlborough. I reckon too much watering of the vines, myself. Evaporation caused a cloud. Hahah.

But at about 10pm I spotted the comet. And you could see it with the naked eye with averted vision as a white hazy smudge. It was higher in the sky than I thought it would be.

Forgive the crooked horizon, but.... there is the comet! Atlas.

And the ferry in the foreground

Happy to see it

I was so happy we got to see it. Thanks for coming out two nights in a row, Mike. I feel like our lack of sleep was worth it.

Back home and off to bed. Up for gym at home for me and Mike went into town.

The weekend is looming. Just a lot of meetings between me and the weekend.

Have a great weekend.



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