Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Monday working from the Chc office


Mike and I had a day working at the Chc office. We drove the RAV4 there and had brekkie with Martyn to start our day.

Brekkie Monday at Strange Bandit

Flight home

Toby and Tessa came for lunch where we did a rinse and repeat - but with Callan instead of Martyn. Hahah.

Then after work when the rain had finally hit, we packed up, said goodbye to people and dropped Callan ta the airport. We met Toby and Tessa at the chinese place in the Spitfire plaza. Had a great meal. Their salt and pepper tofu is delicious.

Then Tessa drove her car home and Toby took us to the airport  and dropped us off. We met Callan once we got through to the gate. And had an uneventful flight home. Nice and fast. Grabbed our car from the parking garage. Got home. Fed the cats. Watered my poor dried up tomatoes. And off to bed for a great sleep.

Up for a PT session with Quentin in the garage gym. 40kg bench. 3 reps x 5 sets. And then shoulder and arm work. Tough.

Have a great day, wherever you are. My parents are in Japan and loving it! Good on them.



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