Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Wednesday with lunch with Jo and Sophie and an unexpected catch up with Sally


Well, I took no pics yesterday. I know. Iced lattes were in short supply. I met a woman at work (Zoey - from Glasgow) at the work cafe - and there was no ice. OMG.

Then I met up with Jo and Sophie at The Long Bar and caught up with all their news. I only drank water there. And I was so engaged in the conversation I forgot to take a photo.

Both of them are the same as usual. And we all work close by. So I reckon we do a monthly lunch date.

After work, I was going to walk home while Mike attended various forums and meetings. But Sally said she was heading to Bin44. So I joined her. Then some of her team arrived too. I left there at 1830. oops. A bit late. So I bussed home.

Fed the cats. Made dough. Waited for Mike. Went to bed. Up early for a ride in and gym.

Have a great day! We'll be down in Chc this weekend. 



Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Tuesday with a walk home with Barb


Big day at work with restructures announced. Mike and I seem to have survived so far. Yay. Time to process and support people.

Work Iced latte from French Kiss cart

It was good to walk home with Barb. We went a very cool path through the bush. At the same time, Mike was running 10k and got his 100k for Feb done. Good work, Mike.

Walk home with Barb

I just had toast when I got home. And Mike wasn't too far behind me.  We enjoyed a nice bath before bed.

Up to bus in because.... well, just because. And I had brekkie with Nicole who has her last day next week here at work. She will smash it at her next job. Good on her.

Brekkie with Nicole

I then had issues with my keyboard at work. Changed batteries. Still nothing. And then Myra chatted to me. I got a hug. And then I asked for DX support. And... she turned on my keyboard. Turns out there are two buttons. The one I use every day. And a mysterious second software button that turns off bluetooth. OMG.  Ta Myra.

I am quite sore from the gym and running in recent days. The walk home with Barb was hard for me. But I hope to walk home again tonight. Mike has an architect forum meetup thing. So I will wander home and feed the cats and myself.

My parents are off on their cruising adventure today. Japan this time I think. It'll be cold. But so good. I can't wait to see some pics.

Have a great day.


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Monday working from home


Mike worked from home as well - despite having a migraine in the morning. He was even in meetings. But I think he caught it early and took meds and slept. And felt ok.

Moxley helps Mike with his work


I can see quite a few

But all green

I checked my tomatoes. They are all very green still. But I have about 25 of them growing. Some big - most small.

After work, Mike and I did a run up through Northland tunnel and down Otari Wilton bush.  6.5km. Then a hydrate at home and Mike did the loop again. He now has 10 km to go for his Feb 100 km goal. Good on him - especially with a migraine that morning.

Anyway, we had a late tea. And went to bed. But I was a bit too excited about work (there was a late pilot for our project at a couple of sites) and kept wondering how they got on. Hahah.

Up for a bike ride in. But it was quite windy. So switched to a bus ride in for gym. The gym was heaving with people. We had to wait for a bench to come free so Quentin said I could do knee push ups as I waited. I looked at the hard rubber floor and then my knees. And Quentin said:  Oh yeah, you have soft knees!  Hahahah.  Yep. My knees are soft.  But I did bench with Quentin once one came free. 40kg.  4 reps x 2 sets, then 3 reps x 2 sets. And a heap of accessories. My arms! They feel like my gluts now.

I might see what it is like after work and try to walk home.

Take care. Enjoy your day.



Monday, February 24, 2025

The weekend with so much on


What a huge weekend. I made bread on Thursday during the afternoon. And headed into town to meet Sally and Andrew for tea. Mike came too and he went to his leadership meeting instead of dinner with us. We went to Nolita again. And yes, nice food. But odd service - even Sally and Andrew commented.


Dinner out before the Fold event

We left Nolita and had an ice cream at Cafe Eis on Courtney Place before meeting Mike and grabbing a quick bite at The Tasting Room ahead of the event at Hannah Playhouse.

The fold... unfolds

We attended a live broadcast of an episode of The Fold with Duncan Grieve. He had Bernard Hickey and Lucy Blakiston as guests and it was all around the media in Aotearoa and how they have both made their way in that space. Very good insights and commentary.

Took Sally and Andrew home and then back home to fall asleep. Up for a bike ride with Andrew after some much-needed bike maintenance.

Covered in invisible zinc - which is not invisible

Riding with Andrew

We went up to the sub station and up to the Skyline through the horse paddock. Then along to the top of Mt Kau Kau. Andrew was on his gravel bike - so the steep sections were quite the workout for his legs.

Got to the top of Mt Kau Kau

There we go

I had such fun. I made it up the top new windy bit without stopping on the hairpin turns. I had to touch down at the cattle stop at the top. I was chuffed. When I did it with Maureen there was quite a bit of toeing around the tight turns.

We rode down the pylon track behind Jo and Rex's house and then stopped at Chillax for a quick lunch before we got home and Andrew took off back home.

Back home and off to bed. Up early for our fantastic trip out to Mana Island. We were super early and enjoyed the quiet as the marina slowly came to live. We got to the car park on Marine View road at about 7:40am and it was nearly full by then. Perfect conditions for all sorts of boat owners.

Mana marina

Getting off at Mana Island

We got all 34 punters (one person was a no show) on board and we were away across the harbour to Mana Island by 8:50am. Such a calm day. After the slow chug out of the harbour, it was only about 10 mins over the open water to the island.

Love the rocks here

Dave gave us a great talk at the Woolshed about the island. And then we were off to explore. I had to queue to use the toilet and that took a while. But then Dave had sent most people around the island anti clockwise. So I said to Mike to go clockwise - like I did with Toby back in May 2019.

3 takahe

It turned out to be a great idea. We saw 3 takahe in the distance on the grassland at the bottom. Then headed up basically on our own up to the tops.


A dead brown teal

Through the bush

Views are spectacular

Hey there Mike

We saw yellow crested parakeets, lots of piwakawaka, kareare, hawks, fernbirds.  Okay - a lot of birds. We met up with the others walking the opposite way along the tops where the muttonbird burrows are situated. And Mike and I had our lunch at the trip at the northern end.

Feet on the tops

I see Mike

Along the tops where the muttonbirds nest

Waving at Sally M and Andrew B - they are both in this pic

Striding along the path

I love the sign

Pointing out the landmarks

Trig at top

I saw a seat that Toby sat on back in May 2019Took a pic of Mike on it.

Toby on the seat in May 2019

The bush has grown up so much since then. How cool to see the proof of the success of the work.

Mike on the same seat in Feb 2025

Walking back down

I enjoy the beach while Mike runs the island course

I sat on the beach while Mike ran around the island. He did the 6 km in about 48 mins. Which is pretty good considering he had just walked it, only had tramping pants instead of shorts and it was steep and hot. Well done.


Caught up with Sally

After we got dropped back at Mana marina, we caught up with Sally at Kafe Oranje in Plimmerton. Good to get an iced latte.  Sally is good. She had a good summer. We popped into her place so Mike could see her lovely house.

We got home and changed before we walked over to visit Sarah, Hamish and Ryan. It was a late birthday dinner for Ryan. Pizza and a very cool spooky cake. Lots of fun. Good to catch up with them.

Dinner with the James family - and Ryan's birthday cake

More bread - sourdough

Sunday saw me make bread. Toby got a migraine and went home from work in Chc. Mike got the garage tidied and the laundry stuff all put away. Off to bed nice and early.

Monday morning cats

Mike woke with a migraine Monday morning. Sigh. I took his gym session with an online session with Quentin.
Gym session

Squats.  45kg. 5 reps x 4 sets.

And now the day stretches ahead of us. Big day for work. Pilot tonight for the big project going live soon.


Have a great week.



Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Wednesday with WFH but no plumber


Mike had gym in town and then a meeting in town yesterday morning. But I was here at home to meet the plumber at 8am. But that came and went.

Moxley likes when her main human works from home

Turns out when Mike was in the shower at the gym, the plumber rang to say they could not make it. But he missed that. And his phone is hopeless at notifications.

So Mike got home after his meetings. Settled into work. And decided to ring the plumbers to find out what was happening.

Okay - they are now coming today (Thursday). Yet there is no sign as I type this. But Mike and I had garage gym with Quentin online and it was great fun.

I did 80kg deads. 4 x 4. Mike did 110kg deads. Lots of reps. Then I went back to the house to get stuck into my day.

I am very hopeful the plumber comes soon. I need to do washing.

Tonight is dinner out with Sally and Andrew and then a Spin off event - listening some some political discourse. Sweet.

Have a great day.



Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The Tuesday with a walk home with Barb and Mike


After another busy day, Barb met me and Mike after work and we headed up the hill. Such a lovely walk. The rain had disappeared so it was rather pleasant.

Selfie on the way home

Modelling with the map

Barb forages for blackberries

The blackberries were ripe along our path. We went via the tunnel and quarry then up to the ridgeline track. 

Home to feed the cats. And ourselves (lovely Buddha bowl - ta Mike). Then get a little prepped for the plumber's visit.

Good sleep. Mike was up for gym with Quentin and a meeting in town. I am home for the plumber. We might be able to wash our clothes after today!

Have a wonderful day.



Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Monday with my birthday


Well, my birthday was grand! Caught up with Mike and Maire at work for a chat. We used to all work together many years ago at NZTE.

Catch up work iced latte

Iced latte at work

Mike and I got teriyaki tofu for lunch and ate looking over the harbour. Then after work, I got changed, grabbed Barb and headed to the Intercontinental to find Anne and Karin. They were down from AKL for work and keen to do birthday Shut Up and Dance.

We walked up. Got there at 1745 and found a spot in the back corner for me. We had such a good time. The instructor took us through musical film classic songs. And the theme was Grease, Saturday Night Fever and Dirty Dancing. "(I've had) the time of my life" was the feature song. Lots of cha, cha, cha moves.

Mike went for a run while we did that. Then we walked up to Nolita and met him there. And had dinner. But while I found the food good, the service was odd. The staff were really nice. But Barb never got her main. And our table was really slow getting any food.

In the end, we had all had our mains and finished and Barb was still waiting. And it was now 20:30! So she cancelled her food. But I reckon they just forgot.

We said goodbye to Anne and Karin and Barb and us Ubered home.

Fed the hungry cats and fell into bed.

Up for a bus ride in and gym with Quentin for me. Tried 45kg bench but failed even one rep. Went back to 40kg. 3 reps x 3 sets. Then accessories.

Now at work. Not my birthday anymore. But work made me feel so good. Thank you. And Mike looked after me all day. 

Have a great day!



Monday, February 17, 2025

The weekend with a new laundry and a run and swim up the coast


Busy weekend. My sourdough was a bit flat - but it was out a bit long and the Dutch oven did not get as hot. Interesting.

Slightly flat sourdough

Placemat for Helen

Met Maureen at Zelandia cafe and met her friend Maria. Had a lovely brekkie. Bought a placemat for Helen that was so lovely. I might have to go and get one.

Iced latte at Zealandia waiting for Maureen and Maria

Did some messages (taps for the laundry) and visited Sally and Andrew. Stayed there for fish n chips on the beach - well - the river. Mike trained out to meet us.

Fish n chips with Sally and Andrew

Friday evening at the river was so lovely


Saturday saw Lewis come for the laundry install. And wow - does it look amazing. He was there from 9 - 5pm. Big day. And it really does change how it all looks.

Moxley watching events

Lewis has it all in hand

Got the wedding anniversary gift up

And done - for now

Watching things

Sunday saw us do some messages in Lower Hutt and then head to Waikanae for a run and a swim. Mike did 12km on the river trail. I did 5km.

Post run feet

Mike and car - post his 12km run

Kapiti ice cream and Kapiti

Lick faster

There we go!

Back home to get ready for the week ahead.  Made bread dough, yoghurt, date loaf and porridge. The kitchen was a hive of activity for a bit.

Up to bus in. And Shane gave me a present with 4 (yes - 4!) iced lattes in it. He knows. Thank you.

Shane and team surprise me with iced lattes and chocolates

Shut Up and Dance tonight after work. Woot!  Anne and Karin are down and can join us. And Barb too. Then dinner.

I got Mozart balls from Mike - and an air fryer. Woot!

Birthday balls

Air fryer

Birthday iced latte

Enjoy your day!

