Wednesday, February 12, 2025

The Tuesday with work


I worked from home yesterday and managed to get through the day. A wee silvereye must have flown into the glass deck walls because it is lying dead on the concrete outside the wee greenhouse. So sad. Poor wee thing. Glad the cats were not involved in that mishap.

Eggplant growing nicely

Rock melon also growing very well

When Mike got home on the #13 bus, we went straight down to Izard park for a run. My right calf has been tender since Sunday morning so a wee run on grass seemed like a good option. And while I could feel the tenderness, it was not sore at all.  So I think another run in the park is a good plan. See how it goes.

Run with Mike in the park

Back home to eat tea. Buddha bowls. Delicious. Then a relaxing evening before bed. I was asleep fast. Shame I did not stay asleep all night though.

Up for WFH again. Lewis Road iced coffees are back in stock. Thank goodness. Not that I have an addiction.

Morning iced latte - stocks are back!

Sunny day here in Wellington. The rest of the northern motu seem to have temperatures around the high 20s. And we have a forecast of exactly 20C. Weird. But not much wind and it looks lovely.

Have a great day!



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