Tuesday, February 25, 2025

The Monday working from home


Mike worked from home as well - despite having a migraine in the morning. He was even in meetings. But I think he caught it early and took meds and slept. And felt ok.

Moxley helps Mike with his work


I can see quite a few

But all green

I checked my tomatoes. They are all very green still. But I have about 25 of them growing. Some big - most small.

After work, Mike and I did a run up through Northland tunnel and down Otari Wilton bush.  6.5km. Then a hydrate at home and Mike did the loop again. He now has 10 km to go for his Feb 100 km goal. Good on him - especially with a migraine that morning.

Anyway, we had a late tea. And went to bed. But I was a bit too excited about work (there was a late pilot for our project at a couple of sites) and kept wondering how they got on. Hahah.

Up for a bike ride in. But it was quite windy. So switched to a bus ride in for gym. The gym was heaving with people. We had to wait for a bench to come free so Quentin said I could do knee push ups as I waited. I looked at the hard rubber floor and then my knees. And Quentin said:  Oh yeah, you have soft knees!  Hahahah.  Yep. My knees are soft.  But I did bench with Quentin once one came free. 40kg.  4 reps x 2 sets, then 3 reps x 2 sets. And a heap of accessories. My arms! They feel like my gluts now.

I might see what it is like after work and try to walk home.

Take care. Enjoy your day.



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