Well, I took no pics yesterday. I know. Iced lattes were in short supply. I met a woman at work (Zoey - from Glasgow) at the work cafe - and there was no ice. OMG.
Then I met up with Jo and Sophie at The Long Bar and caught up with all their news. I only drank water there. And I was so engaged in the conversation I forgot to take a photo.
Both of them are the same as usual. And we all work close by. So I reckon we do a monthly lunch date.
After work, I was going to walk home while Mike attended various forums and meetings. But Sally said she was heading to Bin44. So I joined her. Then some of her team arrived too. I left there at 1830. oops. A bit late. So I bussed home.
Fed the cats. Made dough. Waited for Mike. Went to bed. Up early for a ride in and gym.
Have a great day! We'll be down in Chc this weekend.
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