Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Monday and Tuesday at noho marae


After the excitement of coming back from Aus, it was straight into a stay at the marae in Porirua. Maraeroa marae hosted about 20 of us from work to dive deep into the new framework we've got. And it worked well. I can totally tell someone about it if we meet in the elevator!

Monday work iced latte

With Alastair

Mike at noho marae

Tuesday morning wordle

Tuesday morning feet

It was such a lovely marae - the matua welcomed us with the usual manaakitanga - and impressed us with the history of this marae. Built for many different iwi and pasifika people in mind. It is so inclusive. The kai was delicious - thank you to everyone that made it all possible. Such a great opportunity to immerse in te ao Māori.

Tuesday night face

Dropped home by Diarne at 4.30pm to feed the cats and myself. Then bath and bed. Mike was at work and then meeting his workmates for after work discussion.

He got home and I woke up and then fell back asleep. Up for a ride into work. A quick brekkie with Dave. Then my mammogram. Oh yay.

Have a great day!



PS: Got my covid booster today. 

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