Wednesday, May 1, 2024

The Tuesday with lots on


Did I forget to blog yesterday? Tuesday seems to have disappeared in a blur. But I did catch up with Debbie and Shoshana through the day. They are up visiting from down south.

Iced latte at work with Shoshana

Run with Debbie and Shoshana

We went for a run after work. Lovely slow jog with Debbie and Shoshana.

Happy we are done!

Moxley helping make the bed

My sole chilli this season seems to have yellowed up

Salad for tea - my fave

Bagel for lunch

Then off to Bin44 with Callan and Stacey and Juliet for Heaphy planning discussions. Sally and Andrew joined as did Debbie and Shoshana. And we had dinner there too.

Ubered home with Mike. Off to bed. Up for a bus in and cardio with Quentin. Busy day today.

Home made iced latte

Cardio session was hard

Work iced latte

Have a great Wed.



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