Monday, May 20, 2024

The weekend in Australia


Our flight on Friday went so well. Love this 4pm flight time compared to the 6am one. Hahah. Even saw Jen from our old work there boarding the same flight. They were off to support the Warriors in Brisbane. With a lot of others!

Smudge struts

Moxley loafs

Wellington airport very civilised time

Janine was on a flight an hour behind ours. So we saw her briefly too. We got called up on the tannoy and it turns out our decision (ok, mine) to only use the flight app was wrong as they did not have our passport numbers at the gate. Given it was in the app and we came through customs, it was odd. But not surprising. IT systems.

Lesson - always get a paper ticket.

Lovely view of the top of the southern motu as we left. But before long we were flying into dusk and then sunset. And it was dark by the time we leanded at 1800 local time in Brisbane.

Hello to the Marlborough Sounds

Got our Avis car easily and ate some food at Coffee Culture at the airport before heading north to Peregian Springs. We got there about 2030 I guess. And it was so good to see my parents. My mother is so well. Standing upright. And so mobile. Made me so happy.

And... I was not long out of bed. Hahah. Slept well. Up really early Saturday to do parkrun behind Noosaville. They start at 7am here to avoid the heat. We got there at about 6.50am and started the beautiful park run track. It is all paved and in bush. And slightly undulating. I was exhausted and a bit slow. 36 mins. But Mike did a second lap and did okay.

Following a Woolworths delivery - we're in Aus now

Park run apprehension

Lovely morning - just super early at 7am!

Post parkrun haze of sweat

After brekkie at home we drove to Aussie World to meet two lots of people. Brent and his boys (Jack, 14, and Harry, 12) and Steph, Jason and their children. We ate at Banana Bender  with everyone. A bit chaotic and I hardly got to speak to Brent. But he caught up with Mike. I chatted to Stephanie and found out about her work. Some medical marketing job - seems perfect for her for now.

Brent headed back to Brisbane and Mike went off to do messages and Mum and I went to Aussie World with Steph, Jason and the kids. It was such fun.

Wee Riley and an evil kangaroo behind us - on a surfboard

Aussie World

Me and Riley have fun

Riley kept calling me "Grandma" which was a bit funny. I didn't realise for ages. And then I said I am actually Great Aunt Angela. Bit of a mouthful. Riley said: Okay, Grandma.

Mum and Peyton

Steph, Imogen and Lincoln behind us

This looked terrifying

Lincoln's cup of tea

Okay - this was the worst

Ice cream time - Lincoln




We explored a lot of the park.  I have only been here with Toby. Hahah. It was fun to see the kids so happy on all the rides.

Lincoln didn't like anything - the train the and teacup was about it. But he is only 3. And such a cutie - and so smart. Like - genius level. Teaching himself the Cyrillic alphabet. And how to count to 10 in different languages.

After the day, we all drove back to Peregian Springs and we fed them. But they wanted to get to their motel and left fairly quickly after that.

Sunday saw us sleep in a bit more. Mike is still on NZ time, really. We did a wee run together (I did 3k) before Mike did 13k. That's his prep for the half marathon done. Some taper runs with me to come, that's it.

Orchid for Mothers Day looks beautiful

Cinnabon for Toby

We went to Sunshine Plaza to get jeans for Mike. Just Jeans staff were very good at their customer service. They spent 20 minutes looking for jeans that fit Mike's weird body shape - his legs are longer than his waist is round. One shop assistant couldn't believe he was shaped like that until he actually put some jeans on. "Oh - you really are all legs aren't you" she said. 

Picked up Dad when he was done and back home for a quick tea and a visit from a baby magpie. Or maybe a butcher bird. Mum said it has hung around since it was born. 

Is this a baby magpie? Or a butcher bird?

Off to bed after watching Barbie - still not a great movie in my opinion but Mike weirdly likes it. 

And now up for work.

Home made iced latte

Disconcerting to see my pic as I work

Have a great day! Thank you for looking after the cats, Sally and Ange. Lovely weather here. Highs of 23C. Cold in Wellington I see. Mike has just asked Alexa to run the heatpump tonight for the cats.

Take care,



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