Friday, October 30, 2009

Good morning on Fri, Oct 30


Wow - next time we chat it'll be November. Amazing. The weather is still a bit cold today and the wind is still a bit strong. but my ride in was fun. I saw 50 km/h on my bike computer coming down the hill as I tucked in behind the handlebars (it was a southerly I was flying down the hill into).

I think the Kittos return from Fiji today. They'll be very relaxed after their break and I hope I hear all about it.

Toby and I have started a new Thursday evening routine where we go to the Wadestown Library. Hopefully we can catch up with wee Tom and Christine regularly then too. That'd be nice. Christine has a new horse called Victor and he is lovely to ride (unlike Georgia who was very skittery - apparently). Perhaps Toby and I might try one day. Or, just feed him carrots!

The weekend is looming (although not fast enough despite the 4 day week) and we have all sorts of plans. Swimming, walking, computer-building, parties, sleepovers, Halloween and National Kea Birthday on Sunday. Phew. I'll need Monday to recover. I must fit in a big grocery shop too as we're plum out of everything! I had to do an emergency dash to Woolies last night to get bread and milk.

We're all good - Toby slept well and only woke when I went to kiss him goodbye this morning. He did shout out during the night but I am not sure why.

Tennis club night tonight. Toby and I will put in an appearance (and maybe grab a sausage from the sausage sizzle).


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