Thursday, July 22, 2010

Good morning on Thurs, Jul 22


Another drizzly morning - but no wind.  So not a lot of complaint from me.  I'm not sure how the boys managed it last night but we ended up eating McDonalds for dinner.  I feel slightly ill just recalling it.  Anyhow, I was working late so I asked Mike and Toby to come and collect me after karate.  They "convinced" me to take Toby to Maccas after dropping Mike off for a pre-tramping club meeting.  So, we dropped Mike off and drove to the McDonalds at the Basin.

While Toby and I were getting stuck into our "food" (Toby won a sundae by putting 20c into a bubbling container and having his coin land on a tiny pad inside - who knew), Mike walked in.  There was no one at his meeting and he had left his phone in the car and couldn't confirm the time or venue.  So he ordered Maccas and that was when I was wondering if this was some elaborate ploy to eat Maccas...

Anyhow, turns out Mike was 10 mins early for the meeting.  Heheheh.  That has never happened to him before so he left thinking he was completely wrong.  I enjoyed the joke.

Karate went well.  Toby was taught a speed block/punch contest.  Sounded like fun.

I am working late tonight and debating whether Ma and I will be well enough to play table tennis.  Ma has been diagnosed with the flu.  Not Swine - at least, we don't think so.

Have a good day!

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