Mike was up and on a flight to Sydney before Toby and I were awake. Chatting to him last night with Face Time showed how tiring that early flight is before a hard day at work. Mike was shattered. Hope he slept well last night.
I rode my new bike in and home yesterday. In the rain and gale force winds. The extra gears (my old bike had 21 gears I think and the new one has 27) were amazing riding back up the hill. The granny gear felt like I could climb a wall! The riding position is quite different and I am still getting used to it. From knowing exactly what gear I needed at every moment on my commute, I now am playing a guessing game. Fun!
Pushing my bike to school with Toby, Toby declared my new bike "our bike". It suits him very well. I just have to take the seat down a bit and he can ride it. My son is really getting quite tall (compared to me).
Monday night Toby and I relaxed. Toby practised his speech (it is due this Wednesday) while I cooked dinner and we were in bed early. So early I woke at 5.15am this morning quite refreshed! Heheheheh.
Cubs tonight - and it is a bike riding night. Should be a good night.
Have a wonderful day.
Hehe, I was shattered after work! So what did I do? Headed into town and had Apfelstrudel and Kirschetorte with Liz Hale, of course!