Friday, April 12, 2019

The Thursday with getting home with no pants


Let it be known that this was the day where Mike had 14 shots of coffee and wondered why he was crashing at about 3pm.  Weirdo.

I did catch him after the gym - he had forgotten his trousers so he was in his gym gear.  Andrew also popped in and we chatted away.

Me contributing to Mike's caffeine intake for the day

With Mike...

Later I got away with Joycie for more of the same.  Mmmmm.  I love those iced lattes there.  If I had turned up again though, the Machete staff would have staged an intervention.

Which is what Mike needed!

You ready, Joycie?


Caption this!

Anyway, I rushed to the bus only to remember we had driven in.  It was pouring with rain so I got soaked walking back up to Clifton Terrace car park.  By the time I got there, I had to peel off my wet trousers and sit in the car in my undies, under a blanket.  Mike got there and had managed to stay drier than me.

We got petrol on the way home and then we pulled up at our letterbox and I fled the car in my undies, boots, and my purple work shirt.  With a hastily thrown jacket over the top.

I hope no neighbours saw that.

The weather on my phone was accurate.  Rain in Wellington.

Mike parked the car and then we sorted out something to eat before chilling.  We watched numerous videos on the photo of the black hole in M87.  Amazing stuff.

And then Toby got home and ate pork buns before we all went to bed.

Right - it's Friday!  Woot!  And the weekend beckons.  I am off with Ange and Celia (and Gemma and Jen) to Waiterere Beach - which I have never been to before.  Hoping to read lots, eat junk and maybe fit in a run.  Or at least a walk on the beach.

Mike will stay at home and pine for me.  Toby has sleepover plans with his mates.

Enjoy your weekend!


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