Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Wednesday with a long day at work


My day was a busy one at work.  Made better by enjoying some time outs with my colleagues.  Especially Theresa - she hardly ever comes into work.  So seeing her was a big treat.

Next time I know she is coming in, I will totally shampoo my hair beforehand.  (Inside joke.  But there you go).

Eating my way through Wednesday


Caught an Uber home with Barb after the demo session.  Got home around 9pm and found Mike happily singing away to some Meatloaf and contemplating singing lessons.

I know what to buy him for Christmas now.

Hahahah.  He didn't stop once we went to bed either.  I had to endure things like covers of Meatloaf songs by the likes of Dolly Parton.  Loudly.  While I was in bed trying to read.

The things I have to endure.

Have a lovely Thursday.




  1. Dolly Parton?!! Not Dolly! Though she'd belt out a good meatloaf cover I'm sure.

  2. haha looking forward to seeing your soft locks tomorrow
