Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Monday with WFH


I worked from home yesterday. A benefit of this is you get cat content. Smudge was so cute. She came down to the office and climbed up over my keyboard and purred loudly. Then snuggled on top of my PC cover to sleep for a while. I think she was safe in the knowledge that Moxley was absolutely dead to the world on the couch upstairs.

Smudge joined me at my desk

She sprawled over my PC folder

Meanwhile, Moxley slept deeply on the couch

And I baked sourdough after work

After a busy day, I finished and baked my bread. I had also put the slow cooker on so I had a lovely stew to eat for tea. The sheets got washed and dried. So I had clean sheets to slip between. As I waited for Mike to get home from his day. 

Turns out he ran 6km. Then met up with a colleague from a previous workplace and went out for tea with them. Hahah.

Good sleep. But I did not want to get up at 5.30am this morning. Finally did. Made sandwiches for our lunch. And rode in. Met Quentin at the gym for my PT session. Squats. 60kg. 4 reps x 4 sets. Bench 35kg 6 reps x 4 sets. Leg press. 120kg. 8 reps x 3 sets. Then some torture on the leg extension for my hamstrings. Yeah, nah. Jason arrived at this point for his session and must have dreaded the thought of Quentin having him do this one day. Hahahah.

Work. Hopefully a run after work and a walk home with Barb. That is the plan.

Take care.



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