Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Wednesday with Master Kong dinner to say goodbye to Amy


Yesterday was busy. At lunch I went to hot yoga with Barb and Juliet. And it was hard work. How and sweaty. But nice and stretchy.

After work, Mike drove in and met me behind work to head to Master Kong to see Amy before her big move to France next month. We are buying her wee futon single bed to replace my old bed in the office. Good to hear all about her plans. She is moving to Grenoble next month. She'll be looking for work as she settles in with an old flame she has rekindled the spark with.

After dinner, we put my bike on the car and I drove us home. Mike packed for his weekend tramp to Dundas Hut.

Good sleep. Up to get ready for PT session. Left the garage as it started to rain. And then it bucketed down cats and dogs. Within 800m I was absolutely drenched.

Got to work and had to towel off. Fortunately I keep spare socks etc at work. Changed into them and really only had wet shorts for my PT session.

Did bench. 40kg 4 reps x 5 sets. And finished with 25kg inclined bench. 10 reps x 3 sets. So good. 

Grabbed some Lewis Road iced coffee on my way to work from the gym. Took the selfie.

Thursday iced coffee at work

Next year is set

Saw that the Spring Challenge for 2025 is set now. Glenorchy. Which is a lovely part of the motu. Wow. I am keen. Let's see if Nicola or Iona is as keen,

Got lunch with Sally M from my last work today. Yay! It has been a while since I saw her. She is one of my cat content lovers. Hahah.

Mike catches the train from town at 4.15pm today. Andrew will collect him and then Janine and they are going in to a few huts in a big weekend. Hope the weather is kind.

Have a good weekend.



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