Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Wednesday with work


Okay - so lacking in cat content. And iced latte content. I am letting you all down. There is only one pic from my gym session yesterday for your entertainment. And it is not even showing off. Just a random selfie.

PT session

Oh well.

The rest of the day was busy at work. Then a lovely ride home where I found tea was ready for me. Stir fry tofu. Thank you Mike.

Chilled in the evening. Went to bed. Had a great sleep. Up for garage gym with Quentin for me. Bench 35kg 8 reps x 4 sets. And 55 push ups.

Groan. My shoulders and pecs are feeling that.

Mike went into gym and work. My new bike is ready for collection. Woot! I might go get that tomorrow after brekkie with Dave and before my haircut.

Trap line weekend for us. That will be good.

Have a great weekend, whatever you get up to.



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