Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Wednesday with a walk home with Barb


Had a lunch with Mike at Press Hall and grabbed some groceries too. Good use of our break. We tried dumplings in Press Hall. Where Aroha used to be. They were okay - but they did not get many punters as we sat there to eat.

Walking home

Mike and I met Sally and Paul unexpectedly at Bin44 after work. That was super nice as a surprise. Good to see Paul and some pics from his fun in the UK with planes and trains.

Caught up with Barb after work to walk home. She took me a different way - we went all over. And now we have a goal. We want to go on every track on that hill. Yes!

Tried comet spotting

Got home and sorted the cats. Mike got home and we chatted to Lewis who is going to sort out the laundry. Woot!

Tried to spot the comet - but only half-heartedly from the deck. We can't see low enough to the western horizon.

Up for early morning ride in. PT session next. Yay!

I am going for a run after work with Mike. Then home. Bake bread. Prep another one. And bike ride Friday. Gym Saturday.


Enjoy your weekend lots.



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