Thursday, December 10, 2009

Good morning on Thurs, Dec 10


I took the bus in this morning because it's our big work Christmas party this afternoon.  The logistics of coming and going from the venue to get my bike and gear is too much compared to stepping out of the hotel and walking onto a bus.  But Ma will collect Toby anyway, just in case.  I hate relying on public transport to collect Toby and we have to pay money if we're late.

We are booked into a house in St Arnaud for New Years.  Dec 30, 31 and Jan 1.  We can probably stay a little longer too as the next people aren't in until Jan 7 or something.  So now we need to book the ferry crossing (fingers crossed there).  We can do a tramp into Lakehead Hut with Tyler and Karen while we're there instead of the tramp tp Paua Hut.  Lakehead is lovely and it is supposed to be 3 hours there (although Toby managed to make it much longer on the way in when we did it with him - but he only took about 3.5 back, so who knows).  I have no idea about this house and its condition.  There is only one way to find out.  It does sound like a normal house though.  We shall see.  I am getting a guest brochure mailed out to me so that might prove somewhat illuminating.

We baked cakes last night to make Toby's birthday cake for Saturday.  Tonight is where we ice it.  Gulp!  I can't help thinking of the times Karen and I made Toby's and Tyler's cakes for various birthdays in Australia.  They were usually long, giggly affairs where the final outcome was barely recognisable compared to the picture in the infamous Women's Weekly Kids Birthday Cakes book!

Karate was funny last night.  Toby was in one of those moods - along with most of the children.  Next week is the last one for the year and they have a traditional water fight.  So, towel and water pistols are required for next week.  Dad is digging out the water pistols at his house today.  Heheheheh.

What else?  I am sure there is something else, but I can't recall it right now.  Toby is booked into his new swimming class next year (Penguins, and at the same time of 10.30).  When I told him about Tyler's acting lessons next year he decided he wanted to do it too.  Although he wants to do it with Tyler in Sydney.  Oh dear.  So I might be investigating that drama class for children here in Upper Hutt yet.

I'm going to call it quits now.  The plan of typing my flow of consciousness in the hope that niggling forgotten item will surface is only resulting in a blethering blog about waffle.  Bit like a conversation with me in person, really.

Have a great day!

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