Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Good morning on Tues, Dec 22


I am very confused.  As I wrote down Dec 22, it said to me "Christmas is only 3 days away" but my brain isn't saying it is that close.  It seems to have snuck up on me.  It's all hurtling towards Christmas morning, gathering momentum.

However, despite all that, we got the first coat of paint on the stairwell last night.  We had dinner at Grandy and Gramps' house and then Toby asked to sleep the night.  That was perfect for us to get the painting done.  And another coat tonight might see it all finished.  After work today we'll ride home, collect our car (and some clothes for Toby if he wants to stay another night), collect a head of broccoli from the garden (they have come up mighty fine and they are ready to eat!), have dinner in Ngaio and then come home and finish the painting in the stairwell.  With or without Toby.

Of course, that will leave the painting in the hallway to do - Mike has decided it needs another coat, and to go a wee bit lighter.  So, still not finished up on the top story.  But pretty close.  Mike's mother laid some lino down in the downstairs toilet while she was here (our toilet leaked and ruined our already-unsightly cork tiles) and it looks pretty good.  That makes it quite habitable down there now too.

We had the sparky in last week, so we need to move the television downstairs and sort out the TV room, the green room and Toby's room.  Phew!  Lucky we have a holiday soon.

So, a busy week in store.  Work has a few things on so that is keeping me occupied during the day.

So, have a great day!

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