Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are - by Mike

Take no notice of Angela - Toby and I thought the movie was absolutely superb. Probably the best movie adaptation of a book ever. It's very rare to have such high expectations going into a movie - and then have all of them met and then some.

The whole feeling of the movie was exactly like the book only more so.

"But for me, the Wild Things aren't filled with human frailities. They just want to have fun and Max wants to have authority."

But the movie had to do something different to the book, otherwise there'd be no real point in making it. And if they just did their wild thing rumpus and then Max went home, it would only have been an hour long. Anyway, if you read between the lines of the book, what went on in the movie is probably what went on in the book (they just didn't show it).

But I'm not going to say what they did do, because that would be giving things away.

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