What an exciting time for us. Mike and Toby left at about 5.30pm last night and were off on their adventure. Mike would be pitching tents and Toby would be playing with Sampson children for hours. Meanwhile, I went grocery shopping. Sally has prepared a menu and I have two things to produce for it. It did involve buying things I have never bought before.
I have now bought baby beetroot, watercress and various other herbs that while I had heard of, I am sure I have never bought before. My life has taken on new meaning. Anyhow, I read the recipe, rang Sally to confirm finer points (is this recipe a hot or cold dish?; is "hot smoked salmon" hot?) and started work. I think it turned out ok. I did leave the mushrooms roasting a bit too long I think. And possibly one batch of salmon might be darker than the others.
Anyhow, I finished wrapping presents and collapsed into bed. Had a good sleep then into the shower to get ready for the day.
When I was just finished, Mike turned up! What a lovely surprise. But he had been up at 2am tightening the tents down and just had word from Lesley that one of our tents had blown down and poles were splintered. Could be the death knell for our $35 tent.
Wally is rushing up to assess the situation. We might be having Christmas at home after all. We'll drive up after lunch and check it out.
I can't wait for the holiday. Really looking forward to it. I do hope it is in a tent camping, and not in the lounge room at home. Heheheheh.
Love you lots. Have a great Christmas and New Years.
Angela (and Mike and Toby).
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
The Wednesday with lots of packing
Well, the car is packed after a marathon effort last night. Toby got dropped off at lunchtime at Mum and Dad's place and we went around after we got home and had dinner and went back home to pack.
Phew! Eventually the car was ready. Mike will drive home today to collect Toby from Skids (it is a secret Santa day at Skids and Toby is quite excited) and they will head over the hill for camping. Mike will pitch tents and sleep there. Then Mike will leave Toby with the Sampsons there, and drive back for work tomorrow morning. Cool Gilbert logistics plan.
Meanwhile, I will sort out Christmas lunch stuff for Sally and Andrew's place and generally tidy up the remaining tasks at home.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Keep an eye on southern North Island weather over the next few weeks and see if we're having a good time or not. Heheheheh. We will have no cellphone reception where we are, but on Christmas Day we'll be back in Wellington for a few hours in the afternoon.
One more day of work then Mike and I head over to join Toby. Yay.
Have a great rest-of-the-week. Enjoy Christmas Day.
Well, the car is packed after a marathon effort last night. Toby got dropped off at lunchtime at Mum and Dad's place and we went around after we got home and had dinner and went back home to pack.
Phew! Eventually the car was ready. Mike will drive home today to collect Toby from Skids (it is a secret Santa day at Skids and Toby is quite excited) and they will head over the hill for camping. Mike will pitch tents and sleep there. Then Mike will leave Toby with the Sampsons there, and drive back for work tomorrow morning. Cool Gilbert logistics plan.
Meanwhile, I will sort out Christmas lunch stuff for Sally and Andrew's place and generally tidy up the remaining tasks at home.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Keep an eye on southern North Island weather over the next few weeks and see if we're having a good time or not. Heheheheh. We will have no cellphone reception where we are, but on Christmas Day we'll be back in Wellington for a few hours in the afternoon.
One more day of work then Mike and I head over to join Toby. Yay.
Have a great rest-of-the-week. Enjoy Christmas Day.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
The Tuesday with no Toby
I can't believe how slow this week is going. It should be Friday already. I keep having to check the day to make sure it really is Wednesday.
Toby was away all day yesterday and a sleepover with the Tabors up in Waikanae. I hope he had a lot of fun. He is letting his hair grow and I really need to post a photo of him. He is looking older than his 8 years. He is so funny at the moment - he has realised his hair moves when he tosses his head. So he'll flip his head violently back and forth and come up with a new hair-do. Very cute.
We'll be packing for our camping holiday tonight. Mike and Toby will head up there after work tomorrow and pitch the tents. Toby will stay with the Sampsons who will (mostly) be all up there at the same time tomorrow. Actually, I think they'll be arriving a little earlier in the day tomorrow than Toby and Mike.
Mike will come back into Wellington first thing on Friday morning for work. We'll re-pack the car with food and a bit more gear (and the Christmas tree!) and drive into work. When work finishes, we'll be off.
Last night Mike and I had a decadent evening watching movies and eating cheese and baguette, strawberries and cherries for dinner. Yummo!
Today is a sad day for me at work. One of my bestest work colleagues is leaving work today. Work won't be quite the same. Time for me to harden up, eh? ;-)
Have a great day.
I can't believe how slow this week is going. It should be Friday already. I keep having to check the day to make sure it really is Wednesday.
Toby was away all day yesterday and a sleepover with the Tabors up in Waikanae. I hope he had a lot of fun. He is letting his hair grow and I really need to post a photo of him. He is looking older than his 8 years. He is so funny at the moment - he has realised his hair moves when he tosses his head. So he'll flip his head violently back and forth and come up with a new hair-do. Very cute.
We'll be packing for our camping holiday tonight. Mike and Toby will head up there after work tomorrow and pitch the tents. Toby will stay with the Sampsons who will (mostly) be all up there at the same time tomorrow. Actually, I think they'll be arriving a little earlier in the day tomorrow than Toby and Mike.
Mike will come back into Wellington first thing on Friday morning for work. We'll re-pack the car with food and a bit more gear (and the Christmas tree!) and drive into work. When work finishes, we'll be off.
Last night Mike and I had a decadent evening watching movies and eating cheese and baguette, strawberries and cherries for dinner. Yummo!
Today is a sad day for me at work. One of my bestest work colleagues is leaving work today. Work won't be quite the same. Time for me to harden up, eh? ;-)
Have a great day.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
The Monday with more rain
And the rain continues - but it is still warm. The wind has got up a bit though. So long as it clears for Christmas.
Toby has a sleepover tonight up in Waikanae. He was collected this morning and Aidan will take the boys to enjoy some indoor activities. Scootering is on the agenda I believe.
We got a ride into work in Moby so I didn't ride in. Soft, I know.
I have had clothes on the clothes line since Saturday afternoon. They are very well rinsed now. Not a trace of soap anywhere near them.
Busy at work again.
Have a marvellous day.
And the rain continues - but it is still warm. The wind has got up a bit though. So long as it clears for Christmas.
Toby has a sleepover tonight up in Waikanae. He was collected this morning and Aidan will take the boys to enjoy some indoor activities. Scootering is on the agenda I believe.
We got a ride into work in Moby so I didn't ride in. Soft, I know.
I have had clothes on the clothes line since Saturday afternoon. They are very well rinsed now. Not a trace of soap anywhere near them.
Busy at work again.
Have a marvellous day.
Monday, December 20, 2010
The social weekend before Christmas
What a weekend of social activity. And what is it with this constant dribbling rain and steamy conditions? If you're going to have bread sit out for more than a day, check for mould. This is a thriving environment for mouldy bread.
Friday night saw Toby sleeping over at Grandy and Gramps' house as we attended our departmental Christmas party. Mike stayed on for the long haul, but I got home at a reasonable time.
Saturday was the quieter day of the weekend. We collected Toby after a bit of shopping and went home to relax for a bit. Mike had another party to attend that evening.
Sunday was full on! We went to a church play in the morning (Toby was very keen and excited) then lunch at the library afterwards. Then off to Jack's house for a big social gathering of Jack's parents' friends. Toby played with quite a few 7 year olds.
Then off to Kara's for a BBQ. Toby played with some kids there until they left and then he found Kara's PC and was entertained doing that for a while.
Then home to collapse into bed.
Busy week ahead at work.
Have a great week.
What a weekend of social activity. And what is it with this constant dribbling rain and steamy conditions? If you're going to have bread sit out for more than a day, check for mould. This is a thriving environment for mouldy bread.
Friday night saw Toby sleeping over at Grandy and Gramps' house as we attended our departmental Christmas party. Mike stayed on for the long haul, but I got home at a reasonable time.
Saturday was the quieter day of the weekend. We collected Toby after a bit of shopping and went home to relax for a bit. Mike had another party to attend that evening.
Sunday was full on! We went to a church play in the morning (Toby was very keen and excited) then lunch at the library afterwards. Then off to Jack's house for a big social gathering of Jack's parents' friends. Toby played with quite a few 7 year olds.
Then off to Kara's for a BBQ. Toby played with some kids there until they left and then he found Kara's PC and was entertained doing that for a while.
Then home to collapse into bed.
Busy week ahead at work.
Have a great week.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The Thursday with the last day of school
Toby was so excited at the last day of school he could hardly sleep the night before. I remember those days. When I collected him (after a hot, humid ride up the hill with a light misty rain trying to fall from the sky) he was bouncy and tired all at once. He didn't want to do very much so our trip to Queensgate was postponed and we just had tea and watched a movie.
We all slept in the same bed, with a sheet and the window open. It was a warm, humid night. The light rain got slightly heavier and fell gently all through the night. I slept like a log. I hope Mum and Dad loved it. They have sold their house (I'm not sure if it is unconditional yet) and will move back to Australia where the weather will be hot and humid far more often! Toby is sad to be losing Grandy and Gramps. He doesn't realise the half of it!
Anyhow, Toby has a day with Grandy today. I think they'll take it easy. I hope they have loads of fun together. Mike and I dropped him off early this morning and drove in. We have our IT Christmas party today. For some reason this year I am over all these celebrations.
Better get stuck in.
Have a marvellous day.
Toby was so excited at the last day of school he could hardly sleep the night before. I remember those days. When I collected him (after a hot, humid ride up the hill with a light misty rain trying to fall from the sky) he was bouncy and tired all at once. He didn't want to do very much so our trip to Queensgate was postponed and we just had tea and watched a movie.
We all slept in the same bed, with a sheet and the window open. It was a warm, humid night. The light rain got slightly heavier and fell gently all through the night. I slept like a log. I hope Mum and Dad loved it. They have sold their house (I'm not sure if it is unconditional yet) and will move back to Australia where the weather will be hot and humid far more often! Toby is sad to be losing Grandy and Gramps. He doesn't realise the half of it!
Anyhow, Toby has a day with Grandy today. I think they'll take it easy. I hope they have loads of fun together. Mike and I dropped him off early this morning and drove in. We have our IT Christmas party today. For some reason this year I am over all these celebrations.
Better get stuck in.
Have a marvellous day.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Toby's best day ever
Toby has been talking about yesterday a lot, and saying it's been his best day ever in his life.
There's a troublemaker at his school who was, well, making trouble - waving a branch around and biting a girl who went in to stop him. So Toby and his two friends went in and subdued him. Toby disarmed him and threw his weapon away in the bushes, and then together they kept him under control until the teachers came. The troublemaker had to go and see Mrs Williams, The Strictest Teacher In The School. Toby thought that no good could come of that, oh no. He is very, very chuffed at how well it all went.
Benjamin's babysitting went very well indeed last night. When we came home all was quiet, Toby's door was shut, and Benjamin said that Toby was asleep. But, when I went in to check - the cheeky boy was reading and looking at me with a slightly guilty look on his face! But all good. Thanks, Benjamin! We'll get you back.
This morning Toby slept in the longest ever - ten to eight was when he got up! Which should have been a complete disaster. But he got ready quick-smart (with a bit of prodding from me) and we actually got away on time. Very good. My mornings are proof of The Theory of Relativity - time indeed flows at different rates. How else could Toby be ready on time when he gets up at 7:50, and late when he gets up at 7:00??
There's a troublemaker at his school who was, well, making trouble - waving a branch around and biting a girl who went in to stop him. So Toby and his two friends went in and subdued him. Toby disarmed him and threw his weapon away in the bushes, and then together they kept him under control until the teachers came. The troublemaker had to go and see Mrs Williams, The Strictest Teacher In The School. Toby thought that no good could come of that, oh no. He is very, very chuffed at how well it all went.
Benjamin's babysitting went very well indeed last night. When we came home all was quiet, Toby's door was shut, and Benjamin said that Toby was asleep. But, when I went in to check - the cheeky boy was reading and looking at me with a slightly guilty look on his face! But all good. Thanks, Benjamin! We'll get you back.
This morning Toby slept in the longest ever - ten to eight was when he got up! Which should have been a complete disaster. But he got ready quick-smart (with a bit of prodding from me) and we actually got away on time. Very good. My mornings are proof of The Theory of Relativity - time indeed flows at different rates. How else could Toby be ready on time when he gets up at 7:50, and late when he gets up at 7:00??
The Wednesday with karate water fights and triva night
What a lovely evening. Mum baked some yoyos for Toby's class afternoon tea and went around to see Toby there. Ta Ma. I know how much Toby loves having someone there. Mum then came into town to meet me after work and Mike left work to meet Toby. Complicated but it seemed to work.
Mike took Toby to the final karate class for the year and it was water fight time. Mike had filled many water bombs for Toby that morning so along with his super soaker, Toby was well armed.
Mike got to us at the trivia night while the last question was being read out. Oh well. We could have done with him during the evening. But we came a solid middle of the table. Not too bad. Lots of fun. Ta for coming with us to support my work colleague raise money for African bicycles.
Benjamin looked after Toby and I think Toby was very pleased with that arrangement. They read a story about Perseus and the dragon. Sounded awfully exciting.
Today is relatively normal. A quiet day for Toby's last day at school in Year 3. He is very excited about the summer holiday break.
Have a great day!
What a lovely evening. Mum baked some yoyos for Toby's class afternoon tea and went around to see Toby there. Ta Ma. I know how much Toby loves having someone there. Mum then came into town to meet me after work and Mike left work to meet Toby. Complicated but it seemed to work.
Mike took Toby to the final karate class for the year and it was water fight time. Mike had filled many water bombs for Toby that morning so along with his super soaker, Toby was well armed.
Mike got to us at the trivia night while the last question was being read out. Oh well. We could have done with him during the evening. But we came a solid middle of the table. Not too bad. Lots of fun. Ta for coming with us to support my work colleague raise money for African bicycles.
Benjamin looked after Toby and I think Toby was very pleased with that arrangement. They read a story about Perseus and the dragon. Sounded awfully exciting.
Today is relatively normal. A quiet day for Toby's last day at school in Year 3. He is very excited about the summer holiday break.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
The Tuesday with work and party and no Christmas carols
Weird weather at the moment. It's not cold, but the cloud has settled in at ground level and you walk through a fine mist of water everywhere you go. Odd.
Took the bus in this morning because we had a work function that went late last night. I'm never quite as awake at my desk after taking the bus in. The bike ride is a great way to wake you up.
Mike and Toby were going to go to the local park for Christmas carols. Perhaps lethargy crept in because I got a text saying Toby wasn't keen and they had a night in. Next year!
Tonight is quiz night. I am going to be exhausted this weekend after all this activity. Big group of us going to have some fun trying to answer questions about Africa, bicycles and anything else. Ok... Mike will be trying to sort out the logistics of collecting Toby, taking him to karate and dropping him home with Benjamin before coming to meet us. We're wondering if he'll see anything of the quiz.
Ok. Have a great day!
Weird weather at the moment. It's not cold, but the cloud has settled in at ground level and you walk through a fine mist of water everywhere you go. Odd.
Took the bus in this morning because we had a work function that went late last night. I'm never quite as awake at my desk after taking the bus in. The bike ride is a great way to wake you up.
Mike and Toby were going to go to the local park for Christmas carols. Perhaps lethargy crept in because I got a text saying Toby wasn't keen and they had a night in. Next year!
Tonight is quiz night. I am going to be exhausted this weekend after all this activity. Big group of us going to have some fun trying to answer questions about Africa, bicycles and anything else. Ok... Mike will be trying to sort out the logistics of collecting Toby, taking him to karate and dropping him home with Benjamin before coming to meet us. We're wondering if he'll see anything of the quiz.
Ok. Have a great day!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
The Monday with work.
I worked late last night - yawn. 11.30pm when I left work. Anyone that knows me knows my brain is not at its peak after 6pm and I enjoy my early nights to bed. So a late night like that is bound to reach a counter-productive point. Heheheheh. That might have been about 6.30pm.
Mike and Toby had a good evening last night eating yummy chicken kebabs and coming to get me prematurely at 7.30pm. Oh well. At least my bike got home. Ta Mike.
Tonight is party central for our project. So I'll be late home again. Mike will take Toby to Christmas carols at our local park. That should be great fun. Then we have a quiz tomorrow night for a good charity cause and Benjamin will babysit Toby for some Christmas moolah (his mother will be expecting a big present - heheheheh).
Phew. Have a great day. It is humid here - some might be unkind and say it is raining. I think the clouds are merely down to sea level.
I worked late last night - yawn. 11.30pm when I left work. Anyone that knows me knows my brain is not at its peak after 6pm and I enjoy my early nights to bed. So a late night like that is bound to reach a counter-productive point. Heheheheh. That might have been about 6.30pm.
Mike and Toby had a good evening last night eating yummy chicken kebabs and coming to get me prematurely at 7.30pm. Oh well. At least my bike got home. Ta Mike.
Tonight is party central for our project. So I'll be late home again. Mike will take Toby to Christmas carols at our local park. That should be great fun. Then we have a quiz tomorrow night for a good charity cause and Benjamin will babysit Toby for some Christmas moolah (his mother will be expecting a big present - heheheheh).
Phew. Have a great day. It is humid here - some might be unkind and say it is raining. I think the clouds are merely down to sea level.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The weekend whirlwind that was Toby's birthday
Phew - one of the busiest social weekends in the Gilbert calendar has ended for another year. Why did we have a child born so close to Christmas? Such poor planning. On top of work being so busy, I am under-prepared for everything that comes my way at the moment.
Let's see how the weekend panned out, eh?
Friday afternoon was our work Christmas party and the venue at the Boatshed was a good one. Mike stayed to kick on a bit and I caught the bus home to collect Toby. Toby and I had a good evening watching movies.
Mike got home quite early - we decided it must have been the earlier than usual start. We all slept well until swimming the next morning. Toby had a water safety session in the 3m deep end of the pool. He loved it. Afterwards he dived in like a pencil and I think he touched the bottom. He definitely got within a whisker.
Then off to Sally and Andrew's place for lunch. They are off walking around int he Wairarapa so we wouldn't see them on Toby's birthday. Toby got a yummy cake with candles and his first presents.
Home to prepare for the Kea sleepover/Toby birthday combination. Packing and gathering food/utensils. It went well until we realised we hadn't had dinner. A quick run to Burger Wisconsin (and additions for Jack and William who turned up without dinner) and then we were ready.
Off to the Scout Hall. It all went rather well for 16 children or however many it was... We didn't lose any. Well, only one, but that was intentional. Turns out wee Jonathan (Toby's birthday chum) hadn't had much in the way of sleepovers before. It was a bit daunting for his first one to be in the huge Scout Hall with 15 other kids. By 10.30pm it was obvious Mike would need to take him home. So we bundled him off into the car. poor wee chap. There isn't a lot you can do to comfort a child in a hall full of other sleeping kids.
Still, once the excitement levels dropped, we all had a good sleep. And Michael (new Kea leader) cooked up a storm on the BBQ in the morning. Bacon and eggs and toast. Scrumptious.
Home for Toby's presents from us. And we never saw him much for the rest of it. He got a Donkey Kong Wii game and loved it. Well done, Dad.
Preparation for the family dinner started and when Mum arrived Toby was excited to open more presents. Then dinner kicked off when Vivienne and John arrived with Benjamin. Dad got there too and Mum cooked the chicken schnitzels to perfection. It's Toby's favourite meal. His choice. The birthday cake was yummy (thanks, Mum) and it all went well.
Now we can relax and get ready for Christmas.
Phew - one of the busiest social weekends in the Gilbert calendar has ended for another year. Why did we have a child born so close to Christmas? Such poor planning. On top of work being so busy, I am under-prepared for everything that comes my way at the moment.
Let's see how the weekend panned out, eh?
Friday afternoon was our work Christmas party and the venue at the Boatshed was a good one. Mike stayed to kick on a bit and I caught the bus home to collect Toby. Toby and I had a good evening watching movies.
Mike got home quite early - we decided it must have been the earlier than usual start. We all slept well until swimming the next morning. Toby had a water safety session in the 3m deep end of the pool. He loved it. Afterwards he dived in like a pencil and I think he touched the bottom. He definitely got within a whisker.
Then off to Sally and Andrew's place for lunch. They are off walking around int he Wairarapa so we wouldn't see them on Toby's birthday. Toby got a yummy cake with candles and his first presents.
Home to prepare for the Kea sleepover/Toby birthday combination. Packing and gathering food/utensils. It went well until we realised we hadn't had dinner. A quick run to Burger Wisconsin (and additions for Jack and William who turned up without dinner) and then we were ready.
Off to the Scout Hall. It all went rather well for 16 children or however many it was... We didn't lose any. Well, only one, but that was intentional. Turns out wee Jonathan (Toby's birthday chum) hadn't had much in the way of sleepovers before. It was a bit daunting for his first one to be in the huge Scout Hall with 15 other kids. By 10.30pm it was obvious Mike would need to take him home. So we bundled him off into the car. poor wee chap. There isn't a lot you can do to comfort a child in a hall full of other sleeping kids.
Still, once the excitement levels dropped, we all had a good sleep. And Michael (new Kea leader) cooked up a storm on the BBQ in the morning. Bacon and eggs and toast. Scrumptious.
Home for Toby's presents from us. And we never saw him much for the rest of it. He got a Donkey Kong Wii game and loved it. Well done, Dad.
Preparation for the family dinner started and when Mum arrived Toby was excited to open more presents. Then dinner kicked off when Vivienne and John arrived with Benjamin. Dad got there too and Mum cooked the chicken schnitzels to perfection. It's Toby's favourite meal. His choice. The birthday cake was yummy (thanks, Mum) and it all went well.
Now we can relax and get ready for Christmas.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Pokemon Advanced

Then Chimcha tripped and fell into a big hole. It took five minutes for him to get out. Five more minutes later all the other Pokemon arrived - at a place called Advanced. There was Dealga, and Shamen, and even a Pichu with a guitar. Then the Guaratena attacked Polkia. Polkia used Psybeam - but Guaratena dodged it. Pichu (with the guitar) used an attack called Sonic Boom. Then Dealga came into the battle, stopped time, and attacked Guaratena. Then PsyDuck - Misty's Pokemon - joined the fight. Psyduck is a small, unevolved Pokemon - so it just ended up with a big headache. It tried to use Psychic Attack on Dealga - but Dealga stopped time and did his attack. PsyDuck fainted!
Then all the other Pokemon ran away. Misty, Brock and Ash started looking for the Pokemon - and they ended up falling down the big hole! After they climbed out they saw all of their Pokemon so they started chasing them. Guaratena attacked them! Chimcha used Flame Wheel on Guaratena, and made him faint. So Ash used his MasterBall to capture Guaratena. (Believe it or not - it actually worked!).
Ash used his Pikachu and all the rest of the Pokemon attacked. Onyx used Rock Throw; Geodude used Rock Throw too; PineCone used Self Destruct; and PsyDuck just got a headache again. Stami and Staru used Water Gun and Maryl, who was following them, used Water Gun too.
Eventually, the battle swung Ash's way and all the other Legendary Pokemon fainted. Ash caught them all with more MasterBalls! It was a good day for Ash.
The Wednesday with tennis, karate, dinner and tramping club talks
We're very proud of Toby - he passed his karate grading with a lot of concentration. He made two mistakes while I was watching (I was too worried to watch all the time) but one I think he just lost count during the complex move and the other I think he copied the children around him.
Good on him!
Then we went home for a yummy tea from Ma and then we were off to the tramping club meeting. Mike made it with 5 minutes to spare. Were we worried? Nah. Not much. Heheheh.
Mike's talk went very well. We might get all sorts of people arriving on family tramps now. Toby loved having his Dad be the speaker and Toby contributed all through the session. Wish we had Club Houze here for Toby. He might be a natural performer.
Busy at work. And we met the architects this morning to chat to the builder. Let's see if we can't get some concrete (hahah - a building pun) quotes and make a selection, eh?
Have a great day!
We're very proud of Toby - he passed his karate grading with a lot of concentration. He made two mistakes while I was watching (I was too worried to watch all the time) but one I think he just lost count during the complex move and the other I think he copied the children around him.
Good on him!
Then we went home for a yummy tea from Ma and then we were off to the tramping club meeting. Mike made it with 5 minutes to spare. Were we worried? Nah. Not much. Heheheh.
Mike's talk went very well. We might get all sorts of people arriving on family tramps now. Toby loved having his Dad be the speaker and Toby contributed all through the session. Wish we had Club Houze here for Toby. He might be a natural performer.
Busy at work. And we met the architects this morning to chat to the builder. Let's see if we can't get some concrete (hahah - a building pun) quotes and make a selection, eh?
Have a great day!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
The Tuesday with me forgetting to go shopping for New World bargains
Toby and I had a relaxing evening practising for the grading today and doing some maths homework. Trouble is, I was going to go shopping for some bargains at New World for Christmas. Plum forgot. Oh well. Mike was having as much fun as he could muster by himself up in Auckland. He is due back 30 minutes before his talk at the tramping club. I have the slides to step in at the last moment if needs be. Toby thinks he's going to dance for them if Mike fails to arrive. "I'm the entertainment" he says. I hope Air NZ runs to schedule tonight.
My bike is running like a well-running thing. The service yesterday was superb. Capital City Cycles shop in Victoria St (next to R&R). My bike is so old and worn that services are hit and miss and I have to listen to people saying that my bike is not long for this world. But it is so old and worthless, I can't spend any money on fixing components. Two components would be worth more than the bike. So when I picked it up, the guy was apologetic. "Sorry we couldn't charge you very much, because there isn't a lot we can do". Perfect! And my ride home was great. The gears were crisp and seamless. Hasn't been like that for two years! I'm going to let them know.
Ok. Better get stuck in. Lots to do.
Toby and I had a relaxing evening practising for the grading today and doing some maths homework. Trouble is, I was going to go shopping for some bargains at New World for Christmas. Plum forgot. Oh well. Mike was having as much fun as he could muster by himself up in Auckland. He is due back 30 minutes before his talk at the tramping club. I have the slides to step in at the last moment if needs be. Toby thinks he's going to dance for them if Mike fails to arrive. "I'm the entertainment" he says. I hope Air NZ runs to schedule tonight.
My bike is running like a well-running thing. The service yesterday was superb. Capital City Cycles shop in Victoria St (next to R&R). My bike is so old and worn that services are hit and miss and I have to listen to people saying that my bike is not long for this world. But it is so old and worthless, I can't spend any money on fixing components. Two components would be worth more than the bike. So when I picked it up, the guy was apologetic. "Sorry we couldn't charge you very much, because there isn't a lot we can do". Perfect! And my ride home was great. The gears were crisp and seamless. Hasn't been like that for two years! I'm going to let them know.
Ok. Better get stuck in. Lots to do.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
The Monday with the last day of Keas
We had the last day of Keas for the year last night and had a great BBQ. The parents really contributed well to the success of it and it bodes well for supporting Michael next year as he continues to lead the Keas. I am moving to Cubs to be a leader there. I might be needed on the odd day for a while to run keas.
Mike is in Auckland today and it leaves me quite busy at work with Toby drop-off and pick-up duties. We had a good morning. Toby was up with Mike at 5.30am and he thought it was normal time. But I convinced him to come into bed with me when Mike left and Toby slept for another 1.5 hours. Phew!
Busy tonight practising for the grading tomorrow. And other general tasks around the house.
Have a great day!
We had the last day of Keas for the year last night and had a great BBQ. The parents really contributed well to the success of it and it bodes well for supporting Michael next year as he continues to lead the Keas. I am moving to Cubs to be a leader there. I might be needed on the odd day for a while to run keas.
Mike is in Auckland today and it leaves me quite busy at work with Toby drop-off and pick-up duties. We had a good morning. Toby was up with Mike at 5.30am and he thought it was normal time. But I convinced him to come into bed with me when Mike left and Toby slept for another 1.5 hours. Phew!
Busy tonight practising for the grading tomorrow. And other general tasks around the house.
Have a great day!
Monday, December 6, 2010
Sergeant Pepper's WHAT?
Here is the hard question of the morning:
What is “Sergeant Pepper's lonely hearts club band” ?
Seems that if you know the answer to that – you’re old.
I was pretty appalled this morning because on the dopey radio station we listen to in the mornings – because of where we are, we can’t get any station but this dopey station – it turned out that one of the announcers had never heard of Sgt Pepper before. Ever. Didn’t recognise it when they played it.
So I did a survey this morning, of one person – a work colleague who I have coffee with most mornings and is a young wee thing of 28 – and she had no idea what I was talking about either.
How about that then. The most influential album of the 60’s and 70’s, and nobody under thirty knows a thing about it. Oh, the youth of today. And that makes me feel very, very old. Especially since the album is 43 years old now. Ancient history…
The weekend with swimming, sleeping and Tyler's birthday!
Wee Tyler is now seven years old! Hooray! I hear she had a good day. We texted to let her know that Wellington on Saturday was the most glorious day - quite possibly the best so far this summer. Of course, my worry is that it was the nicest day this summer. Heheheh. But we won't dwell on that.
Friday night was movie night at home for me and Toby. We watched "Honey I shrunk the kids" and Toby has declared it a favourite of his. Mike was home reasonably early from his "meeting" and we all slept for something like 10.5 hours in a coma.
Up for swimming and the day was superb. Tyler could have played Putt Putt all day in Wellington (I think that was her activity of choice in Sydney - and the weather co-operated by the sound of it). Toby swam well and we re-booked for next term. If he continues to improve like he is, I think he'll be in the next class sooner rather than later.
Then we were off to Clarks in the library in town for lunch. We picked up a few books from the library too. Then we spent the afternoon lazing around reading and watching DVDs. I'd like to say it was because it was so hot we couldn't move. But it was more like Mike's two late nights had caught up with him and he fell asleep and snored his way through DVDs of Suzy's World and I made it through at least one of Toby's borrowed books in that time.
Once Mike roused himself, we dropped Toby off at Grandy's place for a sleepover and Mike took me out for a lovely dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Vivo Wine Bar was great - we were the only ones there for ages. Enjoyed it a lot.
Then home to watch a movie and then I fell asleep. In my defense, I hadn't slept all afternoon! Heheheh.
Up to collect Toby and head to our work Kids Christmas party. Mike was Santa - again. This time his pants stayed up. Mike has vowed off being Santa next year. I think he plays it very well. He is only let down by the $5 Santa suit the social club owns. This year the hat was missing! And the elastic holding the beard up had perished and Mike kept losing it down his face. Funny! I heard one wee 7 year old girl whisper to the girl next to her "This Santa is so fake".
Toby had a ball running around Chipmunks being chased by everyone. He was so hot and sweaty!
At about 1pm we left for Waikanae to catch up with the Tabors - back from their month long vacation in the States. We got our Christmas presents (oooooo) we had ordered (we have to pay them, don't forget Mike)and enjoyed the afternoon with them. Mike found some books of Josh's and I think I am destined never to get any peace (or lots of it, if you look at it from a different perspective) until he has finished them. He read the first one till the wee hours and got up to have breakfast with me just so he could talk all about it.
Mike also prepared for the tramping club session this week. He is presenting! A bit more to do tonight and he should be good to go. Toby and I will attend so we can watch!
Mike is also off to Auckland Tues and Wed this week. Let's hope his flight gets back in time for the session!
Tonight is the last Kea night for the year - and for me and Toby forever. Toby goes up to Cubs next year - and I'll follow him to continue with the Scouts. Great!
Have a marvellous week.
Wee Tyler is now seven years old! Hooray! I hear she had a good day. We texted to let her know that Wellington on Saturday was the most glorious day - quite possibly the best so far this summer. Of course, my worry is that it was the nicest day this summer. Heheheh. But we won't dwell on that.
Friday night was movie night at home for me and Toby. We watched "Honey I shrunk the kids" and Toby has declared it a favourite of his. Mike was home reasonably early from his "meeting" and we all slept for something like 10.5 hours in a coma.
Up for swimming and the day was superb. Tyler could have played Putt Putt all day in Wellington (I think that was her activity of choice in Sydney - and the weather co-operated by the sound of it). Toby swam well and we re-booked for next term. If he continues to improve like he is, I think he'll be in the next class sooner rather than later.
Then we were off to Clarks in the library in town for lunch. We picked up a few books from the library too. Then we spent the afternoon lazing around reading and watching DVDs. I'd like to say it was because it was so hot we couldn't move. But it was more like Mike's two late nights had caught up with him and he fell asleep and snored his way through DVDs of Suzy's World and I made it through at least one of Toby's borrowed books in that time.
Once Mike roused himself, we dropped Toby off at Grandy's place for a sleepover and Mike took me out for a lovely dinner to celebrate our wedding anniversary. Vivo Wine Bar was great - we were the only ones there for ages. Enjoyed it a lot.
Then home to watch a movie and then I fell asleep. In my defense, I hadn't slept all afternoon! Heheheh.
Up to collect Toby and head to our work Kids Christmas party. Mike was Santa - again. This time his pants stayed up. Mike has vowed off being Santa next year. I think he plays it very well. He is only let down by the $5 Santa suit the social club owns. This year the hat was missing! And the elastic holding the beard up had perished and Mike kept losing it down his face. Funny! I heard one wee 7 year old girl whisper to the girl next to her "This Santa is so fake".
Toby had a ball running around Chipmunks being chased by everyone. He was so hot and sweaty!
At about 1pm we left for Waikanae to catch up with the Tabors - back from their month long vacation in the States. We got our Christmas presents (oooooo) we had ordered (we have to pay them, don't forget Mike)and enjoyed the afternoon with them. Mike found some books of Josh's and I think I am destined never to get any peace (or lots of it, if you look at it from a different perspective) until he has finished them. He read the first one till the wee hours and got up to have breakfast with me just so he could talk all about it.
Mike also prepared for the tramping club session this week. He is presenting! A bit more to do tonight and he should be good to go. Toby and I will attend so we can watch!
Mike is also off to Auckland Tues and Wed this week. Let's hope his flight gets back in time for the session!
Tonight is the last Kea night for the year - and for me and Toby forever. Toby goes up to Cubs next year - and I'll follow him to continue with the Scouts. Great!
Have a marvellous week.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Thursday with Scout meetings and more yummy tea
Mike had a catch up drinks session with a friend last night and I had the Scout leaders meeting to discuss various movements of leaders and wee Scouts through the packs. Given I am the only one who has put up their hand for being a Cub Leader, I might be in with a shot! In our absence, Ma popped over to collect Toby from school and make tea for us. Yummy chicken schnitzels. And we got more because there were less of us eating. Hooray!
Mike got home very late - it might have been today already! I was hardly awake.
Today is another beautiful day. Are we using up all our summer weather now? I actually got hot riding into work this morning. I might have to strip off my fluoro jacket for a t-shirt if this carries on.
Weekend is approaching. Swimming. Something on Saturday night (sorry - I have completely forgotten what it is - all I know is Toby is sleeping over at Grandy and Gramps' house).
Toby has House Day today - he is in Tui house and they wear green. Yep - he looks like a leprechaun. And he has some homemade (ta - Ma) mallowpuffs to provide for their shared lunch (no nuts!).
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Mike had a catch up drinks session with a friend last night and I had the Scout leaders meeting to discuss various movements of leaders and wee Scouts through the packs. Given I am the only one who has put up their hand for being a Cub Leader, I might be in with a shot! In our absence, Ma popped over to collect Toby from school and make tea for us. Yummy chicken schnitzels. And we got more because there were less of us eating. Hooray!
Mike got home very late - it might have been today already! I was hardly awake.
Today is another beautiful day. Are we using up all our summer weather now? I actually got hot riding into work this morning. I might have to strip off my fluoro jacket for a t-shirt if this carries on.
Weekend is approaching. Swimming. Something on Saturday night (sorry - I have completely forgotten what it is - all I know is Toby is sleeping over at Grandy and Gramps' house).
Toby has House Day today - he is in Tui house and they wear green. Yep - he looks like a leprechaun. And he has some homemade (ta - Ma) mallowpuffs to provide for their shared lunch (no nuts!).
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
The Wednesday with tennis, karate and chicken schnitzels
What another beautiful day here in Wellington. The sun is shining and the ride down the hill was great. Yesterday went well with karate (Toby has a grading next week and he needs to practise - a lot!) and we ate a yummy meal afterwards (ta Ma). Tonight Mum will be back because Mike has a meeting after work (an excuse for some drinks) and I have the Scout leaders meeting later in the evening. So Mum will collect Toby and cook (schnitzels again - I think Toby has withdrawals and is overdosing on them) and stay when I head off to my meeting.
Toby was commended (twice) yesterday by the carer at the after school programme (SKIDS) - once when Gramps collected him and once when Mike went to collect him. Apparently Toby was kind to a boy who was upset. Fed him or something. I'm not quite sure of the details. But it must have meant something to Kevin (the carer) to mention it twice. Mike thought there was going to be trouble when he left after finding out Toby had been collected, and Kevin called him back with "Mike - I have something to tell you about Toby". Uh oh. But it was all good!
Better get stuck in now. Have a good day!
What another beautiful day here in Wellington. The sun is shining and the ride down the hill was great. Yesterday went well with karate (Toby has a grading next week and he needs to practise - a lot!) and we ate a yummy meal afterwards (ta Ma). Tonight Mum will be back because Mike has a meeting after work (an excuse for some drinks) and I have the Scout leaders meeting later in the evening. So Mum will collect Toby and cook (schnitzels again - I think Toby has withdrawals and is overdosing on them) and stay when I head off to my meeting.
Toby was commended (twice) yesterday by the carer at the after school programme (SKIDS) - once when Gramps collected him and once when Mike went to collect him. Apparently Toby was kind to a boy who was upset. Fed him or something. I'm not quite sure of the details. But it must have meant something to Kevin (the carer) to mention it twice. Mike thought there was going to be trouble when he left after finding out Toby had been collected, and Kevin called him back with "Mike - I have something to tell you about Toby". Uh oh. But it was all good!
Better get stuck in now. Have a good day!
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
The Tuesday with
Toby drop off duty this morning and we had a good time at home before school. There was rain this morning, but Wellington rain with no wind is pretty easy to overlook. The road wasn't even properly wet.
Toby and I made play dough last night after dinner. Mike commented that it is the colour of lint (you know, that really light purplely colour). I mixed blue and red food colouring into it. Toby has enjoyed playing with it.
Next Wednesday is a karate grading evening. Toby has to practise a lot if he's going to pass this - it is the top grading in his class and a bit tricky.
Anyhow - time to get stuck in.
Have a great day!
Toby drop off duty this morning and we had a good time at home before school. There was rain this morning, but Wellington rain with no wind is pretty easy to overlook. The road wasn't even properly wet.
Toby and I made play dough last night after dinner. Mike commented that it is the colour of lint (you know, that really light purplely colour). I mixed blue and red food colouring into it. Toby has enjoyed playing with it.
Next Wednesday is a karate grading evening. Toby has to practise a lot if he's going to pass this - it is the top grading in his class and a bit tricky.
Anyhow - time to get stuck in.
Have a great day!
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