I rode home with sunglasses on - this weather is lovely. And this morning it is even better. A forecast high of 18C. That's summer temperatures. Nice. Shame it's going to end by tomorrow. Mike won't believe it for a second.
Mike gets in tonight - late! We're looking forward to that - but why do we always have to share him with a bunkroom of others every time he visits? Yes - we're off to Matiu/Somes tomorrow morning with a bunch of others (20 people all up I think). Bit more than this time last year when two families stayed the night.
Can you believe I have wielded face paint two Fridays in a row? Weird. Toby went to school today in Argentine colours and I painted a reasonable Argentine flag on his cheeks. He looked pretty good - from far away. Heheheheh. The lady on her way to the bus stop was impressed anyway.
Not too sure what we can squash into our Sunday after getting back from Matiu. Ice skating? Rugby (Go the All Blacks!)? But we'll try.
Have a great weekend.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Thursday, September 29, 2011
The Wednesday with karate
Another glorious evening in Wellington - more of the same, please. I rode home early to collect wee Toby and feed him Burger Wisconsin before karate kicked in (ohh, nice pun!). We sat in the wee green car outside the dojo while Toby munched his way through an adult sized burger with chicken schnitzel and bacon. Plus red onion (he picked out and then ate one anyway - just to try it and I think he was pleasantly surprised how nice it was - even by itself). Then he discovered mayo in it and screwed up his face. But in the end he ate it all.
The evening sun was getting low in the horizon as Toby's class kicked off. I was sitting at the back of the hall, clutching the laptop with fear as some starting activity boiled around me. I had visions of the
laptop getting knocked off my lap by flailing arms. Some version of "Get the Flag" I think. Anyway, Toby loved it. I could tell by the shine in his eyes.
Home to relax a little before bed. Phew. Glad Tuesday and Wednesday are over and done with. The weather is supposed to be nice through to the end of Friday. Great timing as the weekend is supposed to turn out a bit poorly. We're off to Matiu/Somes Island (the big island in the middle of Wellington Harbour) for Saturday night. Should be good fun. We had a good time there last year (around this time too I think).
Wellington is pumping this weekend with activities. An ice skating rink kicks off in town near Te Papa for a month. I think we need to try that out. There are eleven Naval vessels visiting for the 50th anniversary of Navy something or other so you can have tours on them and watch them going through the motions. Parades. Whatever else. We'll be isolated from a lot of it on the island. Hope I get to see some penguins at night this time.
Mike is still flat out in Sydney. I get to "chat" to him during the day from time to time. Send him funny Stuff articles showing how crazy the world is - even in his absence.
This morning is absolutely wonderful - possibly the best morning so far in this run of nice weather. Makes me want to drive for ages in the wee green car, singing loudly. When I suggested it to Toby this morning, he looked wistfully at me. Good to see he is learning right from wrong. Heheheheh.
Have a wonderful day!
Another glorious evening in Wellington - more of the same, please. I rode home early to collect wee Toby and feed him Burger Wisconsin before karate kicked in (ohh, nice pun!). We sat in the wee green car outside the dojo while Toby munched his way through an adult sized burger with chicken schnitzel and bacon. Plus red onion (he picked out and then ate one anyway - just to try it and I think he was pleasantly surprised how nice it was - even by itself). Then he discovered mayo in it and screwed up his face. But in the end he ate it all.
The evening sun was getting low in the horizon as Toby's class kicked off. I was sitting at the back of the hall, clutching the laptop with fear as some starting activity boiled around me. I had visions of the
laptop getting knocked off my lap by flailing arms. Some version of "Get the Flag" I think. Anyway, Toby loved it. I could tell by the shine in his eyes.
Home to relax a little before bed. Phew. Glad Tuesday and Wednesday are over and done with. The weather is supposed to be nice through to the end of Friday. Great timing as the weekend is supposed to turn out a bit poorly. We're off to Matiu/Somes Island (the big island in the middle of Wellington Harbour) for Saturday night. Should be good fun. We had a good time there last year (around this time too I think).
Wellington is pumping this weekend with activities. An ice skating rink kicks off in town near Te Papa for a month. I think we need to try that out. There are eleven Naval vessels visiting for the 50th anniversary of Navy something or other so you can have tours on them and watch them going through the motions. Parades. Whatever else. We'll be isolated from a lot of it on the island. Hope I get to see some penguins at night this time.
Mike is still flat out in Sydney. I get to "chat" to him during the day from time to time. Send him funny Stuff articles showing how crazy the world is - even in his absence.
This morning is absolutely wonderful - possibly the best morning so far in this run of nice weather. Makes me want to drive for ages in the wee green car, singing loudly. When I suggested it to Toby this morning, he looked wistfully at me. Good to see he is learning right from wrong. Heheheheh.
Have a wonderful day!
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
The Tuesday with Cubs and glorious weather
How about this wonderful spring weather, eh? I am loving it. I rode furiously down the hill this morning because the roads were bone dry (there is a little bit of wind out there too - keeping everything dry). I love it when I can pedal going downhill to try to go faster! Yeah!
Last night was Cubs night and we had the Cubs outside for a lot of it. We played "Red light, green light" outside to start off with (ta for the idea, Aidan) and then inside to learn about native plants. Then back outside to find ten leaves from those native plants. All the six packs got it right! Good on them!
Home afterwards to FaceTime with Mike and fall asleep early. Nice.
Tonight is karate night. Another exciting night. Woo hoo!
Have a great day!
How about this wonderful spring weather, eh? I am loving it. I rode furiously down the hill this morning because the roads were bone dry (there is a little bit of wind out there too - keeping everything dry). I love it when I can pedal going downhill to try to go faster! Yeah!
Last night was Cubs night and we had the Cubs outside for a lot of it. We played "Red light, green light" outside to start off with (ta for the idea, Aidan) and then inside to learn about native plants. Then back outside to find ten leaves from those native plants. All the six packs got it right! Good on them!
Home afterwards to FaceTime with Mike and fall asleep early. Nice.
Tonight is karate night. Another exciting night. Woo hoo!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
The Monday with nothing on
Rode home to get Toby in the lovely sunshine. I like daylight savings! I almost contemplated wearing sunglasses home - that's how nice it was. Toby and I had a relaxing evening and we were in bed at 7:30pm! With the daylight savings time kicked in, I can convince Toby it is sleeping time by saying "It's always daylight at bedtime during daylight savings".
Anyhow, we were almost asleep by 8:15pm when Mike called. With the three hour difference at the moment it is tricky for Mike to catch us at a good time. He had a good day!
Got my haircut at lunchtime yesterday. Managed to see Josh briefly as well. Not too sure anyone can tell I had a haircut. Trim is more like it. But I noticed while washing and brushing my hair this morning that it is more manageable! Honest!
Tonight is Cubs night and I have the coming in activity to run. Thinking of Blindman's Bluff.
Made my lunch at the last minute today. Had a nice lunch out planned but plans are often thwarted! Still, my bread rolls are pretty good, and I can work through lunch to bank some time for later in the week.
Enjoy your day!
Rode home to get Toby in the lovely sunshine. I like daylight savings! I almost contemplated wearing sunglasses home - that's how nice it was. Toby and I had a relaxing evening and we were in bed at 7:30pm! With the daylight savings time kicked in, I can convince Toby it is sleeping time by saying "It's always daylight at bedtime during daylight savings".
Anyhow, we were almost asleep by 8:15pm when Mike called. With the three hour difference at the moment it is tricky for Mike to catch us at a good time. He had a good day!
Got my haircut at lunchtime yesterday. Managed to see Josh briefly as well. Not too sure anyone can tell I had a haircut. Trim is more like it. But I noticed while washing and brushing my hair this morning that it is more manageable! Honest!
Tonight is Cubs night and I have the coming in activity to run. Thinking of Blindman's Bluff.
Made my lunch at the last minute today. Had a nice lunch out planned but plans are often thwarted! Still, my bread rolls are pretty good, and I can work through lunch to bank some time for later in the week.
Enjoy your day!
Monday, September 26, 2011
The weekend like a holiday - but no Mike
After some face painting attempts (some ok, some not-so-much) we were off to the rugby on Friday evening. It was a beautiful Friday in Wellington and the stadium was pretty full for a match where not many locals had any interest. We watched Australia versus USA and I sang the Australian national anthem just for my Australian parts of my family! Heheheheh. We went with Josh and Aidan and their boys and they were pleased to cheer for their team when they got a try close to the start of the game. The rest of the match however was a foregone conclusion.
William, Toby and I stayed to watch the second half, but with the departure of Duncan and Emerson (and their iPods), Toby realised he was at a rugby match on a Friday night and moaned and complained. So we left 5 minutes before the end (I negotiated a reasonable time to watch it I guess).
Anyhow, next morning we were up for swimming. Toby managed half of the lesson before coming out. I think he was tired. Anyhow, we went to Waikanae and stayed for the night. I went shopping with Josh for bathroom trim and a cabinet while Aidan chatted to a friend about books. Josh even got the television working for the All Blacks v France match that night.
I got to sit ton the couch (my bed) and watch the game. Good fun! And Sunday morning (after a sleepless night when Toby came into my sleeping bag as well and there was no room) we went to the beach for a good walk. And had yummy breakfast as well.
Toby and I left Waikanae in brilliant sunshine and drove with the roof down over the hill to Lower Hutt. Only to get quite wet when the rain came lashing down. Lunch was good and then Toby and I relaxed at home.
Great weekend. Thanks everyone. Mike also had fun with the Kittos in Sydney! Lucky him, eh?
Have a great week.
After some face painting attempts (some ok, some not-so-much) we were off to the rugby on Friday evening. It was a beautiful Friday in Wellington and the stadium was pretty full for a match where not many locals had any interest. We watched Australia versus USA and I sang the Australian national anthem just for my Australian parts of my family! Heheheheh. We went with Josh and Aidan and their boys and they were pleased to cheer for their team when they got a try close to the start of the game. The rest of the match however was a foregone conclusion.
William, Toby and I stayed to watch the second half, but with the departure of Duncan and Emerson (and their iPods), Toby realised he was at a rugby match on a Friday night and moaned and complained. So we left 5 minutes before the end (I negotiated a reasonable time to watch it I guess).
Anyhow, next morning we were up for swimming. Toby managed half of the lesson before coming out. I think he was tired. Anyhow, we went to Waikanae and stayed for the night. I went shopping with Josh for bathroom trim and a cabinet while Aidan chatted to a friend about books. Josh even got the television working for the All Blacks v France match that night.
I got to sit ton the couch (my bed) and watch the game. Good fun! And Sunday morning (after a sleepless night when Toby came into my sleeping bag as well and there was no room) we went to the beach for a good walk. And had yummy breakfast as well.
Toby and I left Waikanae in brilliant sunshine and drove with the roof down over the hill to Lower Hutt. Only to get quite wet when the rain came lashing down. Lunch was good and then Toby and I relaxed at home.
Great weekend. Thanks everyone. Mike also had fun with the Kittos in Sydney! Lucky him, eh?
Have a great week.
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Thursday with nothing - and no Mike either
Toby and I got home and cooked tea and then the evening was all ours. We lounged around for the most part, although I did try to tidy up for the deluge this evening of 8 year old boys to our house before the rugby game tonight. Why, you may very well ask? Yes, perhaps I should have tidied tomorrow morning. After the activities - whatever they may be.
I drove in because I am attending a funeral for one of our Cubs' fathers who died this week from melanoma. Get your skin checked regularly. I will head off at 12:30 to the church in Karori and should be back in good time. Perhaps a slightly longer lunch than usual.
Have a great weekend.
Toby and I got home and cooked tea and then the evening was all ours. We lounged around for the most part, although I did try to tidy up for the deluge this evening of 8 year old boys to our house before the rugby game tonight. Why, you may very well ask? Yes, perhaps I should have tidied tomorrow morning. After the activities - whatever they may be.
I drove in because I am attending a funeral for one of our Cubs' fathers who died this week from melanoma. Get your skin checked regularly. I will head off at 12:30 to the church in Karori and should be back in good time. Perhaps a slightly longer lunch than usual.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
The Wednesday with karate
Toby and I had a good time at karate. Christine collected him from Skids with Tom and fed him Burger Wisconsin. I think Toby was pretty pleased with this outcome. I chatted with Christine, so I also was pretty pleased with the outcome. I am sure I don't see enough of Christine and can easily bump up my quota! But she's busy and I am busy and that is the way of the world.
Toby had cramp in his hip (and blamed his constant snowploughing at the weekend!) and sat out some of karate last night. But the sensei was pleased to see Toby back and came and chatted to us. We also videoed two exercises for Toby to practise at the weekend. We might be onto something. The sensei says Toby can have a grading signed off next week!
I worked on documentation while Toby was at karate. Laptop on knee. Worked ok. Got some done. Enough to send off today to the customer.
Tonight is relaxing enough. Toby and I can chill out. His homework was completed on Monday night (and we did a bit of a narrative last night and emailed it in) so we can just read or watch television. Nice. Looking forward to it.
Have a great day!
Toby and I had a good time at karate. Christine collected him from Skids with Tom and fed him Burger Wisconsin. I think Toby was pretty pleased with this outcome. I chatted with Christine, so I also was pretty pleased with the outcome. I am sure I don't see enough of Christine and can easily bump up my quota! But she's busy and I am busy and that is the way of the world.
Toby had cramp in his hip (and blamed his constant snowploughing at the weekend!) and sat out some of karate last night. But the sensei was pleased to see Toby back and came and chatted to us. We also videoed two exercises for Toby to practise at the weekend. We might be onto something. The sensei says Toby can have a grading signed off next week!
I worked on documentation while Toby was at karate. Laptop on knee. Worked ok. Got some done. Enough to send off today to the customer.
Tonight is relaxing enough. Toby and I can chill out. His homework was completed on Monday night (and we did a bit of a narrative last night and emailed it in) so we can just read or watch television. Nice. Looking forward to it.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
The Tuesday with Cubs
Can all Cubs nights be this easy, please? It was pool night and I think 11 swimming badges may have been achieved by the Cubs - including Chelsea's first badge! Yay! The cubs had a water safety session, time in the spa and time on the hydroslide. I think they all loved it.
Tonight is karate and I will ride home furiously to get Toby a cheese toasted sandwich and ready on time.
We spoke with Mike briefly last night - I love FaceTime. He is quite busy until mid November by the looks of recent email correspondence. We shall see.
The roads were bone dry this morning and I enjoyed the ride down the hill. I like it when I can go fast!
We also bumped into Vivienne last night at Woolworths in Crofton Downs. She had just finished dog training and we had finished Cubs. Toby wandered around with her looking for something yummy for his lunchbox and as we left he told me how much he loves his Aunty Vivienne. Chance meetings always seem sweeter somehow, don't they? It was nice to see her. I'd make Tuesday nights my shopping nights if I thought I'd get company. Heheheheh.
An exciting weekend is looming. We have tickets to the RWC match between USA and Australia for Friday night. Then swimming Saturday and a Waikanae excursion for the rest of Saturday. And I am watching the weather forecast to see if Sunday looks good for a day trip to the snow. Yes!!! Come on!
Have a great day!
Can all Cubs nights be this easy, please? It was pool night and I think 11 swimming badges may have been achieved by the Cubs - including Chelsea's first badge! Yay! The cubs had a water safety session, time in the spa and time on the hydroslide. I think they all loved it.
Tonight is karate and I will ride home furiously to get Toby a cheese toasted sandwich and ready on time.
We spoke with Mike briefly last night - I love FaceTime. He is quite busy until mid November by the looks of recent email correspondence. We shall see.
The roads were bone dry this morning and I enjoyed the ride down the hill. I like it when I can go fast!
We also bumped into Vivienne last night at Woolworths in Crofton Downs. She had just finished dog training and we had finished Cubs. Toby wandered around with her looking for something yummy for his lunchbox and as we left he told me how much he loves his Aunty Vivienne. Chance meetings always seem sweeter somehow, don't they? It was nice to see her. I'd make Tuesday nights my shopping nights if I thought I'd get company. Heheheheh.
An exciting weekend is looming. We have tickets to the RWC match between USA and Australia for Friday night. Then swimming Saturday and a Waikanae excursion for the rest of Saturday. And I am watching the weather forecast to see if Sunday looks good for a day trip to the snow. Yes!!! Come on!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
The Monday with no Mike
I rode home and collected Toby with a mountain of messages to get through, including supermarket shopping for the week's lunches. But it was raining cats and dogs and Toby and I looked at each other after dinner and retired to bed to watch some TV and read. Toby promised he would eat the slightly stale bread with a cheese slice in it and the remnants of a cookie Aidan bought him last week that was only half eaten. I'm sure it won't kill him! It'll make him appreciate the nice lunch I make tomorrow, after we pop to the supermarket after Cubs tonight!
Cubs is an away night to the local pool. Should be lots of fun!
Ok - time for a cup of tea. Have a great day!
I rode home and collected Toby with a mountain of messages to get through, including supermarket shopping for the week's lunches. But it was raining cats and dogs and Toby and I looked at each other after dinner and retired to bed to watch some TV and read. Toby promised he would eat the slightly stale bread with a cheese slice in it and the remnants of a cookie Aidan bought him last week that was only half eaten. I'm sure it won't kill him! It'll make him appreciate the nice lunch I make tomorrow, after we pop to the supermarket after Cubs tonight!
Cubs is an away night to the local pool. Should be lots of fun!
Ok - time for a cup of tea. Have a great day!
Monday, September 19, 2011
The weekend with fabulous skiing - and Mike!
Wow - what a great weekend. It was so nice to have Mike home, but we were busy immediately after work and I never saw Mike until midnight up at Ruapehu.
Here's how it looked from my eyes. I caught a lift with Rex and his family up to Ruapehu. We made good time and got lots of yummy things to eat along the way. I recommend long road trips with their family! We caught up with Aidan and Josh and their family at Bulls and drove together to Ohakune where we collected the food for the weekend and the week (other people moved in after we moved out).
The road was clear all the way to the carpark, where Rex had to put chains on to get into the spare carpark right beside the track to the lodge. Shame, eh? Anyhow, after fighting the chains for 30 minutes to get the first one on, the second one went on in 5 minutes!
Then we emptied the car and ferried it all up the track to the lodge. I made four trips up and down, including one with two cartons of food on my back! Phew! Good fun! Mike was about 90 minutes behind us. But I only saw him briefly because he got the news that Andrew's car had slipped off into the gutter on the way up the hill. Between us arriving and Mike, it had started snowing heavily and the road became treacherous.
I walked down to see if I could help, but Mike had it in hand and I wandered back up the lodge to wait and see what happened. Eventually they left the car where it was and it was midnight by the time the last of us made it into the lodge.
Next morning it was snowing and a wee bit windy. But some of us braved the conditions and wandered out. I had a fantastic time. Some young people took me down Broken Leg Gully and it was fabulous. I ungracefully flopped over a wee cliff at the start of the run and had a ball. It became a firm favourite when I introduced Andrew to it later in the day!
My messages to the lodge sank in to some people and Andrew and Josh joined me and I had a wonderful afternoon skiing on great snow with good visibility. Josh's children had their first lesson and loved skiing. Hooray! I am hoping they will be good skiing companions for Toby in future seasons.
Dinner was great - so yummy. I am amazed at how people can conjure up scrumptious food from ingredients someone else has selected. Charm and Aidan seemed to be well in control of kitchen things. We were in safe hands.
I slept well that night. Sunday it was snowing early on and although it did brighten up in the afternoon, it wasn't quite as good as Saturday afternoon. I took Rex up the the top of the mountain during a whiteout and I think it made him a bit more apprehensive. Oops. But he assures me that it was good for him and made him better on the easier slopes. Perhaps he has forgiven me? Mike took him down Rockgarden in good visibility and he loved it.
I had a few good runs with Mike and Andrew - exploring more of the mountain.
Then home with Rex and his family again. And I slept well again last night!
Mike has now gone to Sydney again though. We see him in about ten days.
Wow - what a great weekend. It was so nice to have Mike home, but we were busy immediately after work and I never saw Mike until midnight up at Ruapehu.
Here's how it looked from my eyes. I caught a lift with Rex and his family up to Ruapehu. We made good time and got lots of yummy things to eat along the way. I recommend long road trips with their family! We caught up with Aidan and Josh and their family at Bulls and drove together to Ohakune where we collected the food for the weekend and the week (other people moved in after we moved out).
The road was clear all the way to the carpark, where Rex had to put chains on to get into the spare carpark right beside the track to the lodge. Shame, eh? Anyhow, after fighting the chains for 30 minutes to get the first one on, the second one went on in 5 minutes!
Then we emptied the car and ferried it all up the track to the lodge. I made four trips up and down, including one with two cartons of food on my back! Phew! Good fun! Mike was about 90 minutes behind us. But I only saw him briefly because he got the news that Andrew's car had slipped off into the gutter on the way up the hill. Between us arriving and Mike, it had started snowing heavily and the road became treacherous.
I walked down to see if I could help, but Mike had it in hand and I wandered back up the lodge to wait and see what happened. Eventually they left the car where it was and it was midnight by the time the last of us made it into the lodge.
Next morning it was snowing and a wee bit windy. But some of us braved the conditions and wandered out. I had a fantastic time. Some young people took me down Broken Leg Gully and it was fabulous. I ungracefully flopped over a wee cliff at the start of the run and had a ball. It became a firm favourite when I introduced Andrew to it later in the day!
My messages to the lodge sank in to some people and Andrew and Josh joined me and I had a wonderful afternoon skiing on great snow with good visibility. Josh's children had their first lesson and loved skiing. Hooray! I am hoping they will be good skiing companions for Toby in future seasons.
Dinner was great - so yummy. I am amazed at how people can conjure up scrumptious food from ingredients someone else has selected. Charm and Aidan seemed to be well in control of kitchen things. We were in safe hands.
I slept well that night. Sunday it was snowing early on and although it did brighten up in the afternoon, it wasn't quite as good as Saturday afternoon. I took Rex up the the top of the mountain during a whiteout and I think it made him a bit more apprehensive. Oops. But he assures me that it was good for him and made him better on the easier slopes. Perhaps he has forgiven me? Mike took him down Rockgarden in good visibility and he loved it.
I had a few good runs with Mike and Andrew - exploring more of the mountain.
Then home with Rex and his family again. And I slept well again last night!
Mike has now gone to Sydney again though. We see him in about ten days.
Friday, September 16, 2011
The Thursday with Mike's return
Toby and I went out shopping last night for some items for the weekend's ski trip and Toby got to eat McDonalds so he was happy. We collapsed into bed when we got home, excited at the prospect of Mike coming back at midnight.
I was expecting Mike around 1am after clearing customs and the like but he came in the door at 12:15am. His flight was early! So I got up and we chatted for a while before we went to bed. Toby woke up and was cuddling Mike a lot!
Anyhow, we got up after too short a sleep to sort out our lives. I left early so I hope Mike and Toby got on ok.
Skiing this weekend. Should be great fun!
Toby and I went out shopping last night for some items for the weekend's ski trip and Toby got to eat McDonalds so he was happy. We collapsed into bed when we got home, excited at the prospect of Mike coming back at midnight.
I was expecting Mike around 1am after clearing customs and the like but he came in the door at 12:15am. His flight was early! So I got up and we chatted for a while before we went to bed. Toby woke up and was cuddling Mike a lot!
Anyhow, we got up after too short a sleep to sort out our lives. I left early so I hope Mike and Toby got on ok.
Skiing this weekend. Should be great fun!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
The Wednesday with no karate and no Mike
When I got to Toby and he asked to skip karate, I was in no mood to argue. An evening relaxing seemed a much better idea than an evening starting with a hurried toasted sandwich for dinner and rushing around. So we had a nice pasta dinner and relaxed for the most part. Perhaps it was for the best as I had my best sleep in ages.
Busy again today at work. Mike is coming home tonight (arriving on the midnight flight - so not so sure it counts as coming home tonight) and Toby and I are quite excited about it.
Off skiing for the weekend after work tomorrow. Hope the weather improves from the forecast snow!
Have a great day!
When I got to Toby and he asked to skip karate, I was in no mood to argue. An evening relaxing seemed a much better idea than an evening starting with a hurried toasted sandwich for dinner and rushing around. So we had a nice pasta dinner and relaxed for the most part. Perhaps it was for the best as I had my best sleep in ages.
Busy again today at work. Mike is coming home tonight (arriving on the midnight flight - so not so sure it counts as coming home tonight) and Toby and I are quite excited about it.
Off skiing for the weekend after work tomorrow. Hope the weather improves from the forecast snow!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
The Tuesday with Cubs
Cubs went really well. It was RWC theme and Toby and I dressed in rugby jerseys like most of the Cubs. We had a rugby themed quiz and then each six got cupcakes to decorate in the theme of a RWC team with icing and the winner from each six went into the Grand Final. Needless to say, a simple St George Cross won the day. Icing and 9 year olds don't make for intricate patterns.
Toby and I went home and chatted to Mike with Face Time. Great fun. Then Toby and I collapsed into sleep.
This morning still has hail lying around from the storm that hit Wellington around 1pm yesterday. It is cold but sunny today. A gorgeous day!
Oh - and I rode home on Monday night without using granny gear. Second time in two weeks. Going to try and do it again this week. Up the ante!
Have a great day!
Cubs went really well. It was RWC theme and Toby and I dressed in rugby jerseys like most of the Cubs. We had a rugby themed quiz and then each six got cupcakes to decorate in the theme of a RWC team with icing and the winner from each six went into the Grand Final. Needless to say, a simple St George Cross won the day. Icing and 9 year olds don't make for intricate patterns.
Toby and I went home and chatted to Mike with Face Time. Great fun. Then Toby and I collapsed into sleep.
This morning still has hail lying around from the storm that hit Wellington around 1pm yesterday. It is cold but sunny today. A gorgeous day!
Oh - and I rode home on Monday night without using granny gear. Second time in two weeks. Going to try and do it again this week. Up the ante!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Where is Mike?
I'll write some words sometime, but in the meantime here are some photos instead.
A huge slab of yummy Tiramisu from a wonderful Italian place in Randwick. I did manage to finish it. |
![]() |
Hanging out with the smurfs at Castle Towers |
Max Brenner's take on hot chocolate. Lucious thick dark goodness! |
Buckets and buckets of chocolate! |
Hotel Addison in Kensington. Look at the wonderful gold curtains! |
The Monday with no Mike
Toby and I had a good Monday evening - well, I had to work a little, but it was ok. Tonight is Cubs night. We're having (surprise) a Rugby World Cup evening.
Busy at work. Mike is busy at his work.
Heheheh. Good fun.
Have a great day!
Toby and I had a good Monday evening - well, I had to work a little, but it was ok. Tonight is Cubs night. We're having (surprise) a Rugby World Cup evening.
Busy at work. Mike is busy at his work.
Heheheh. Good fun.
Have a great day!
Monday, September 12, 2011
The weekend with no Mike
Friday evening saw me and Toby collecting Sally and Andrew and heading to their place for tea and a sleepover. Toby was so keen to sleep inside on the floor. Heheheh. We woke early and sneaked around and left before we heard any movement from the bedroom. Hopefully we didn't wake anyone too early on a Saturday.
We drove home to swap cars and then had McDonalds for brekkie. Then off to Toby's new swimming lesson. I dropped him off at the pool early and drove back to Abtec for the stereo fitting. I walked back and forgot Toby's swimming bag when I was halfway. That meant I had to run back and run to the pool. Toby was 5 mins late. Oh dear. But when he got out of the pool at the end he said he doesn't want to quit swimming anymore. Hooray! He loved the new lesson.
Then we wandered around Queensgate for a while. We ate lunch and bought new shoes for Toby. Then we walked to get the car. I had to call Mike as they put the wrong stereo in. But we're happy with the one they put in. So Toby and I drove home to get ready for Toby's sleepover that night at William's house.
When Toby had left I worked on my work issues (and fixed the big one). Then I watched some rugby and fell asleep.
Sunday I got Toby and we got the car wash stuff and I washed the MX5. It looks great. Toby and I relaxed and then went for dinner to Jack's house. We always meeting interesting people at their dinner parties.
I know Mike had fun with the Kittos at the weekend. Lucky him! Mike told me last night how Karen always looks after him.
Work today. And flat out again. And a bit wet after the sodden ride on!
Have a great week!
Friday evening saw me and Toby collecting Sally and Andrew and heading to their place for tea and a sleepover. Toby was so keen to sleep inside on the floor. Heheheh. We woke early and sneaked around and left before we heard any movement from the bedroom. Hopefully we didn't wake anyone too early on a Saturday.
We drove home to swap cars and then had McDonalds for brekkie. Then off to Toby's new swimming lesson. I dropped him off at the pool early and drove back to Abtec for the stereo fitting. I walked back and forgot Toby's swimming bag when I was halfway. That meant I had to run back and run to the pool. Toby was 5 mins late. Oh dear. But when he got out of the pool at the end he said he doesn't want to quit swimming anymore. Hooray! He loved the new lesson.
Then we wandered around Queensgate for a while. We ate lunch and bought new shoes for Toby. Then we walked to get the car. I had to call Mike as they put the wrong stereo in. But we're happy with the one they put in. So Toby and I drove home to get ready for Toby's sleepover that night at William's house.
When Toby had left I worked on my work issues (and fixed the big one). Then I watched some rugby and fell asleep.
Sunday I got Toby and we got the car wash stuff and I washed the MX5. It looks great. Toby and I relaxed and then went for dinner to Jack's house. We always meeting interesting people at their dinner parties.
I know Mike had fun with the Kittos at the weekend. Lucky him! Mike told me last night how Karen always looks after him.
Work today. And flat out again. And a bit wet after the sodden ride on!
Have a great week!
Friday, September 9, 2011
The Thursday with user group fun
I think Toby likes user group sessions - he gets to eat pizza, drink fizzy and play XBox. Heheheh. It went well and I took Toby out for McDonalds afterwards. He didn't like the pizzas flavour offerings last night.
Home to chat to Mike for a while (he is having fun in Sydney) and then to sleep.
Tomorrow is swimming, and a new stereo in the wee green car. I need to buy Toby some shoes (his ones are falling apart - he has had them a while, eh Ma?) and then possibly take him to see Petone fair.
I have quite a bit of work to do so I hope I get it done today.
Enjoy the weekend. Lucky Mike is staying with my sister and her family.
I think Toby likes user group sessions - he gets to eat pizza, drink fizzy and play XBox. Heheheh. It went well and I took Toby out for McDonalds afterwards. He didn't like the pizzas flavour offerings last night.
Home to chat to Mike for a while (he is having fun in Sydney) and then to sleep.
Tomorrow is swimming, and a new stereo in the wee green car. I need to buy Toby some shoes (his ones are falling apart - he has had them a while, eh Ma?) and then possibly take him to see Petone fair.
I have quite a bit of work to do so I hope I get it done today.
Enjoy the weekend. Lucky Mike is staying with my sister and her family.
Thursday, September 8, 2011
The Wednesday with karate and no Mike
I cycled home early to collect Toby so we could eat and not be rushed for karate. Toby is dragging his feet about attending karate at the moment. I think the step up to Dragons has been hard as they are left to practise their own syllabus for quite a while and Toby doesn't know what to do. So he gets bored. Ironically the second sensei took him through Exercise 1 last night and he got good instruction. And he had fun - I could tell. At the start they jogged around the hall for 30 minutes. Toby was rosy-cheeked. The senseis had two big sticks and the students would need to jump and slide under them at random times.
Anyhow - we came home and missed Mike on Face Time. He was busy with presentations and drinks. Maybe tonight?
Tonight after work I will drive home (I parked behind the Beehive) and collect Toby and bring him back to the user group meeting. Hopefully he will be okay there. Then home for some relaxation before we chat to Mike. Hopefully.
Mike has a flight back! Yay. He arrives late next Thursday night. But leaves again early Monday. But that means he gets to come skiing with us. Hooray!
Have a great day!
I cycled home early to collect Toby so we could eat and not be rushed for karate. Toby is dragging his feet about attending karate at the moment. I think the step up to Dragons has been hard as they are left to practise their own syllabus for quite a while and Toby doesn't know what to do. So he gets bored. Ironically the second sensei took him through Exercise 1 last night and he got good instruction. And he had fun - I could tell. At the start they jogged around the hall for 30 minutes. Toby was rosy-cheeked. The senseis had two big sticks and the students would need to jump and slide under them at random times.
Anyhow - we came home and missed Mike on Face Time. He was busy with presentations and drinks. Maybe tonight?
Tonight after work I will drive home (I parked behind the Beehive) and collect Toby and bring him back to the user group meeting. Hopefully he will be okay there. Then home for some relaxation before we chat to Mike. Hopefully.
Mike has a flight back! Yay. He arrives late next Thursday night. But leaves again early Monday. But that means he gets to come skiing with us. Hooray!
Have a great day!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Tuesday with Cubs
What a great evening. I got home early from work to keep working but not have that rush to get to Cubs on time, and it seemed to work out ok. Toby got dinner, I got work done and we got to Cubs at a good time.
Cubs was great. We visited a farm out at Makara to go eel spotting. It was just past the Makara village and owned by Mr and Mrs Turner. We saw one huge eel to rival the Mt Bruce ones for size, and two smaller ones. They love bacon rind I have to say. And next time I need a spotlight torch - not an LED one. My headtorch could hardly penetrate the water. Which reminds me. Mike - do you want to buy me a replacement Maglite torch (in green) to replace mine that was destroyed by that dodgy batch of batteries in Melbourne? I liked that torch.
The time flew by and it was the end of Cubs before I knew it. Home to collapse into bed. Yay.
Karate night tonight and I think I will head home a little early to work there before the rush as well...
Tomorrow - ditto. The community user group is on (second Thurs in the month - come and watch if you're around) so I need to be there at 5:30pm. I think I might drive in tomorrow and nip up to collect Toby at 5pm. Should fit in I think. And Toby has attended the user group before.
Mike is getting along well in Sydney. We missed him last night but hopefully we can Face Time with him at 8pm tonight too.
Have a great day!
What a great evening. I got home early from work to keep working but not have that rush to get to Cubs on time, and it seemed to work out ok. Toby got dinner, I got work done and we got to Cubs at a good time.
Cubs was great. We visited a farm out at Makara to go eel spotting. It was just past the Makara village and owned by Mr and Mrs Turner. We saw one huge eel to rival the Mt Bruce ones for size, and two smaller ones. They love bacon rind I have to say. And next time I need a spotlight torch - not an LED one. My headtorch could hardly penetrate the water. Which reminds me. Mike - do you want to buy me a replacement Maglite torch (in green) to replace mine that was destroyed by that dodgy batch of batteries in Melbourne? I liked that torch.
The time flew by and it was the end of Cubs before I knew it. Home to collapse into bed. Yay.
Karate night tonight and I think I will head home a little early to work there before the rush as well...
Tomorrow - ditto. The community user group is on (second Thurs in the month - come and watch if you're around) so I need to be there at 5:30pm. I think I might drive in tomorrow and nip up to collect Toby at 5pm. Should fit in I think. And Toby has attended the user group before.
Mike is getting along well in Sydney. We missed him last night but hopefully we can Face Time with him at 8pm tonight too.
Have a great day!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
The Monday with no Mike
Toby and I had quality Face Time with Mike last night at 8pm. It's an iPhone app and we can chat to each other for free and see each other. Toby loved it. We got to see Mike's apartment and Toby took Dad under the bed covers with him. Very funny.
We also had dinner at Christine and John's house. Scrumptious chicken and rice. Yummo!
That was about it, really. Single parenting is going okay for the first day!
Tonight is Cubs night and should be good fun! We're going to a farm in Makara to go eel spotting.
Have a great day!
Toby and I had quality Face Time with Mike last night at 8pm. It's an iPhone app and we can chat to each other for free and see each other. Toby loved it. We got to see Mike's apartment and Toby took Dad under the bed covers with him. Very funny.
We also had dinner at Christine and John's house. Scrumptious chicken and rice. Yummo!
That was about it, really. Single parenting is going okay for the first day!
Tonight is Cubs night and should be good fun! We're going to a farm in Makara to go eel spotting.
Have a great day!
Monday, September 5, 2011
The weekend full of activities
Well, Mike has gone to Sydney now. He can't be far off landing as I type. He was up at 3:30am and away by 4:15am to the airport. Nasty flight. Toby and I are on our own. At least Mike is there (sort of) for Abby's birthday! Happy birthday wee Abby! Have a great day.
The weekend was fun. Friday night relaxing with Toby was pleasant. It's always a great way to unwind after the week.
Saturday morning we were up for haircuts, shopping and visiting the car stereo people. The MX-5 is booked in to get its radio replaced next Saturday morning. Should be good!
Then swimming - which went well. Then Mike and I split up and I took Toby to Waikanae for lunch and then a day walk at Nga Manu reserve. The lunch was superb - ta Aidan and Josh!
Josh led the trip and an ex- work colleague turned up with her son. That was good to catch up. Heard a bit of gossip from the old workplace. Jack came along too (Mike collected him from his gymnastics and brought him and his cousin (who is 23 years old) out to the walk too). Rex and his family came along too.
At Nga Manu there are reserved wetlands and aviaries with Kea, Kaka, Kiwi and Tuatara. The kids liked the eel feeding too. It is a lovely wee area. The walk was rather short though - especially for a tramping trip.
We went back to Aidan and Josh's house for a cup of tea. The Gilberts outstayed their welcome as usual and even had dinner there. Then it was time to zap back into Wellington as Jack and his cousin James had a family birthday party at 8:30pm.
We got invited to that too! Nice. It was quite late by the time we got home though.
Up early on Sunday to make a nice breakfast for Mike (pancakes, bacon, sliced banana, maple syrup and icing sugar dusting - oh - and coffee!). We were going to watch What Now being filmed at a classmate's house of Toby's but he was content to people-spot on the TV. Oh well.
We checked on Mike's parent's place in the afternoon, had a cup of tea with Sally and Andrew and headed home for a nice meal and Mike to pack.
Phew! Great fun!
Have a marvellous week.
Well, Mike has gone to Sydney now. He can't be far off landing as I type. He was up at 3:30am and away by 4:15am to the airport. Nasty flight. Toby and I are on our own. At least Mike is there (sort of) for Abby's birthday! Happy birthday wee Abby! Have a great day.
The weekend was fun. Friday night relaxing with Toby was pleasant. It's always a great way to unwind after the week.
Saturday morning we were up for haircuts, shopping and visiting the car stereo people. The MX-5 is booked in to get its radio replaced next Saturday morning. Should be good!
Then swimming - which went well. Then Mike and I split up and I took Toby to Waikanae for lunch and then a day walk at Nga Manu reserve. The lunch was superb - ta Aidan and Josh!
Josh led the trip and an ex- work colleague turned up with her son. That was good to catch up. Heard a bit of gossip from the old workplace. Jack came along too (Mike collected him from his gymnastics and brought him and his cousin (who is 23 years old) out to the walk too). Rex and his family came along too.
At Nga Manu there are reserved wetlands and aviaries with Kea, Kaka, Kiwi and Tuatara. The kids liked the eel feeding too. It is a lovely wee area. The walk was rather short though - especially for a tramping trip.
We went back to Aidan and Josh's house for a cup of tea. The Gilberts outstayed their welcome as usual and even had dinner there. Then it was time to zap back into Wellington as Jack and his cousin James had a family birthday party at 8:30pm.
We got invited to that too! Nice. It was quite late by the time we got home though.
Up early on Sunday to make a nice breakfast for Mike (pancakes, bacon, sliced banana, maple syrup and icing sugar dusting - oh - and coffee!). We were going to watch What Now being filmed at a classmate's house of Toby's but he was content to people-spot on the TV. Oh well.
We checked on Mike's parent's place in the afternoon, had a cup of tea with Sally and Andrew and headed home for a nice meal and Mike to pack.
Phew! Great fun!
Have a marvellous week.
Friday, September 2, 2011
The Thursday with nothing on
I rode home to collect Toby from school after work and achieved a new first! I never used granny gear the whole way up the hill. I think having my new work closer to the bottom of the hill means I am not as tired by the time I get to the hill, and I can maintain a higher speed up the hill. It must be better for me!
Mike worked late so Toby and I had tea before he got home. Toby relaxed watching a bit of TV and I read before we fell asleep.
Today is Friday! And my nephew Cam's birthday! Wow - I think he might be 18 or something. Jamie I can remember easily as he was born a few months before we got married - so he is as old as our marriage! But trying to remember the exact age of everyone else is hard! And good luck to Vince today too. He knows what for.
The weekend looks like fun. Haircuts for the boys tomorrow morning. Some car stereo check (the MX5 has no working stereo). Swimming. Lunch in Waikanae followed by an afternoon walk with the WTMC. Josh is leading it! Good on Josh! Rex and his family are coming up for it too. Looking forward to it.
Sunday is Sept 4th and I rather fancy having a nice home cooked roast meal on Sunday night to celebrate the day like old times. And Abby's birthday is the next day - and Mike's last day in Wellington for a while. All good reasons. Sunday morning the national Sunday morning kids TV show is filming in a house of a kid in Toby's class. So the neighbourhood is invited around for fun. We'll go to that too. And I must record it, just in case we see Toby. And he'll recognise kids on it anyway.
Sounds like fun. Next week I'll be a single mother. And it is unsure how long that will be for too. Could be ages. Oh well. I should manage just fine. Toby's a good kid.
Have a great weekend.
I rode home to collect Toby from school after work and achieved a new first! I never used granny gear the whole way up the hill. I think having my new work closer to the bottom of the hill means I am not as tired by the time I get to the hill, and I can maintain a higher speed up the hill. It must be better for me!
Mike worked late so Toby and I had tea before he got home. Toby relaxed watching a bit of TV and I read before we fell asleep.
Today is Friday! And my nephew Cam's birthday! Wow - I think he might be 18 or something. Jamie I can remember easily as he was born a few months before we got married - so he is as old as our marriage! But trying to remember the exact age of everyone else is hard! And good luck to Vince today too. He knows what for.
The weekend looks like fun. Haircuts for the boys tomorrow morning. Some car stereo check (the MX5 has no working stereo). Swimming. Lunch in Waikanae followed by an afternoon walk with the WTMC. Josh is leading it! Good on Josh! Rex and his family are coming up for it too. Looking forward to it.
Sunday is Sept 4th and I rather fancy having a nice home cooked roast meal on Sunday night to celebrate the day like old times. And Abby's birthday is the next day - and Mike's last day in Wellington for a while. All good reasons. Sunday morning the national Sunday morning kids TV show is filming in a house of a kid in Toby's class. So the neighbourhood is invited around for fun. We'll go to that too. And I must record it, just in case we see Toby. And he'll recognise kids on it anyway.
Sounds like fun. Next week I'll be a single mother. And it is unsure how long that will be for too. Could be ages. Oh well. I should manage just fine. Toby's a good kid.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
The Wednesday with karate
Happy birthday today and tomorrow to Jamie and Cam. I can't keep up with all their ages anymore - phew! Toby misses Jamie a lot.
Yesterday I rode to karate and managed to have a quick catch up with Christine. Nice surprise. And I stayed to watch karate while Mike went home to sort out a few things. He came a collected us when karate was done and we went home and ate yummy venison stew (shot by a work colleague, Brett, at NZTE).
Toby woke during the night with a sore stomach. It must have been pretty bad as he asked to see a doctor this morning if it was still sore. Ouch. Mike took him upstairs for some medicine and he fell asleep after that. But I hope he is ok today.
Toby's choir was probably the last for the year as the teacher is not receiving funding for choir anymore. Oh, that's a shame. Toby likes the choir (and I like it too). Hmmmm.
We're busy at work. Mike is off to Sydney for a week (I hope it is just a week, it is currently a one-way ticket!!) on Monday so I'll be busy at work and at home. Should be fun for a while.
Hope you all have a great day. Looks lovely here in Wellington. I loved the ride in this morning!
Happy birthday today and tomorrow to Jamie and Cam. I can't keep up with all their ages anymore - phew! Toby misses Jamie a lot.
Yesterday I rode to karate and managed to have a quick catch up with Christine. Nice surprise. And I stayed to watch karate while Mike went home to sort out a few things. He came a collected us when karate was done and we went home and ate yummy venison stew (shot by a work colleague, Brett, at NZTE).
Toby woke during the night with a sore stomach. It must have been pretty bad as he asked to see a doctor this morning if it was still sore. Ouch. Mike took him upstairs for some medicine and he fell asleep after that. But I hope he is ok today.
Toby's choir was probably the last for the year as the teacher is not receiving funding for choir anymore. Oh, that's a shame. Toby likes the choir (and I like it too). Hmmmm.
We're busy at work. Mike is off to Sydney for a week (I hope it is just a week, it is currently a one-way ticket!!) on Monday so I'll be busy at work and at home. Should be fun for a while.
Hope you all have a great day. Looks lovely here in Wellington. I loved the ride in this morning!
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