Happy birthday to Tyler for yesterday. She's hit teenage years!
And happy anniversary to me and Mike today. Woot! Date night!
What a lovely weekend. Toby and I had a quiet Friday night while Mike had some drinks after work. When he got home, he was a bit sheepish because he was a little loud after having had nothing to eat and a few drinks. All gone to his head. And he's out of practise somewhat.
Anyway, he was soon fast asleep and snoring, so all good. Next morning we were up and packing for the camping trip to Kaitoke. Oddly we were packed and out of the house by 9.10am. Pretty good, considering.
Toby's knee was still sore, so the intention was for me to stay with him at the tent and Mike to lead his walk. We stopped off at Petone Maccas for brekkie before getting to Kaitoke.
The weather was lovely. Sunny. By the time we pitched the tents, it was baking hot. We pitched the new wee lightweight tent for Toby. Just the ground sheet and fly. We had our spacious tent for camping in style.
Toby and I nipped back into Upper Hutt to get provisions for the weekend from Countdown. They had chocolate milk and coffee milk. Mmmmm.
As I lounged around in the sun, reading, I fidgeted and in doing so, I leaned on my Kindle. I heard an ominous crackle. Opening it up, I discovered I had ruined it by breaking the screen. No Kindle. What a catastrophe. I had to use my phone to read on - and I had no way of charging that easily. Sigh. First world problems.
It was so hot I asked the boys to fashion a porch out of big branches. Toby and I found a couple of suitable ones and then I was in heaven - relaxing in the shade outside the tent.
Anyway, Toby's knee came right after he moved around on it a bit. It was probably just stiff. So we went for a walk. Did the hour swingbridge walk;. Bumped into Michelle - a friend of Andrew and Sally's.
Campsite |
Gathering firewood with Toby |
After getting back from the walk, we relaxed a bit more before cooking tea. Yummy chicken satay kebabs, steak, asparagus and mushrooms. It was good!
Kaitoke is beautiful |
The buttercups lured me like a siren |
Mike and Toby went down to the river with our firewood and cooked marshmallows and socialised while I dozed. Apparently someone was fire dancing - which fascinated Toby.
Slept really well. Woke up late and found Andrew chatting to the Meetup group. He'd been wandering around the Tararuas, doing epic tramps.
We struck the tents and headed home quite early. We dropped Mike off at work and then Toby and I found our tree. We got that put up and did some housework.
The tree goes up! |
I found the best stuff waiting in the letterbox - a Sky and Telescope issue - plus a National Geographic issue.
Best mail delivery ever! |
Have a brilliant week. I need a cup of tea,