Friday, February 14, 2020

The Thursday with a goal setting leadership session


Okay - so it might look like I only had iced lattes all day yesterday.  But pretty sure the afternoon ones are from the same visit.  Honest!

Morning hair iced latte

Afternoon hair - now dry - iced latte

Red letter day!  Amanda's first iced latte

I finally caught up with Amanda from work and introduced her to iced lattes at Machete.  She said it was delicious.  Yes, totally agree.

Went to a session after work at a Meetup.  Leadership one.  This was titled:  Why goal setting doesn't work.

Let it be said that I was totally catfished by Mike on this one (ok - not sure I am using that word correctly).  He asked me a month ago if I wanted to attend this.  I said no.  That is usually my default position on anything extra curricular.  My life is full enough, thanks.

But on Wednesday he said:  I have double booked myself and you need to attend this session and take notes.

Sigh.  So I did.  Dutiful wife and all that.

I had to talk to strangers before the session started.  Sigh.  Got through that.  Session started.  We got told to break into wee groups to discuss why goal setting doesn't work.  My group of 8 (yes - the session was really well attended) went through each person, one by one.  Varying degrees of goal setting done.  Smart people. 

My turn came.  I said:  I just focus on the end goal and plough through any obstacle in my way.  Otherwise you don't get there.

This was greeted in my wee circle with exclamations like:  that's a great approach.

Huh?  [My internal voice was saying that]  Because...  it didn't seem that novel an idea.

Anyway, the speaker spoke after listening to what the wee groups had discussed.  Took us through some ideas.  I took lots of notes.  All good stuff.  And then he pretty much summarised it all (the 1.5 hours) by saying:  keep your focus on the goal and smash through all the obstacles.


Well, there you go then.

Met Mike after he had finished his appointment and we went home.  So late. But I had the best sleep so far this week.  So - yay!

Weekend looms.  Trap line tramping.  Mt Holdsworth.  I can't wait.

Have an awesome weekend.


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