Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Wednesday that signaled three weeks in rahui


Yes, we're into the 4th week now.  Wow.  I am quite used to it.  Going to work will be something weird after this.  I think level 3 will see us still at home.  But I only hope we have done enough to eliminate it in NZ.  It's heartbreaking to see the older people here in NZ dying and their family suffering as it has got into some rest homes.  They have little reserves to fight off such an awful attack on their bodies.

And we have people relaxing and calling for a cease of the lockdown because it hasn't run rampant through NZ.  Is it just me, or is it obvious why that hasn't happened?  Dorks.

Mike put Cheeky Monkey in the car
 Mike went supermarket shopping last night around 1830.  Had no queues at all and the only thing he couldn't get from our list was Worcestershire sauce.  And a parmesan cheese grater.  Pretty sure no one has been panic buying cheese graters.  Because I can't fathom a reason for that.  Mind you, I couldn't fathom the panic buying, fullstop.

After my run - iced latte goodness
 Mike got me out of bed for my run this morning.  I did better.  Strava said I was trending faster.  But pretty sure that was based on 2 or 3 datasets.  Still, it was such a good morning for it.  Mike got up and did a walk with me.  We must have seen 5 couples out walking.  And quite a few other runners.

It is a stunning morning.

So chuffed that our neighbour Brendan found someone's teddy bear.  It was even on my Twitter feed - the story of it being lost in Wadestown on a family walk.  And a sad wee 8 year old.  But yay for Brendon and his 5am walks with their dog. 

PT session

Good work, Mike!

Snow angel
Mike nailed his PT session this morning.  Oosshh!

And the day looks lovely.  At work with my iced latte.  Tackling the day like a boss.

Have a wonderful day.


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