Tuesday, April 14, 2020

The weekend with Easter in a pandemic


Well, Easter in a pandemic, eh?  We managed to do quite a lot of things despite being stuck inside at home.  Yay!

Moxley chilling on her favourite blanket

Such a wee cutie

Friday night (Good Friday) saw us join a quiz for DoC that Elly was running. She did an amazing job.  There were online Google doc forms to complete and everything.  Good on her - I was impressed.

And despite the diabolical first few rounds (how did Mike know that "Dull", "Bland" and "Boring" were towns???) we actually managed to win.  Wow!

Mike powered through the firewood.  Brought it all up from the bush below (base camp) to high camp on Friday.

All the wood at high camp

Then on Sunday we all moved it from high camp to the neighbour's house.  Which is about 50m down the street.
Firewood all stacked at the neighbour's house

Mike stacks the last pieces
 Toby and I hatched a plan to move lots of it by using two long sticks and lay other sticks sideways.  Like a stretcher of wood.  But it was precarious.  And I did almost get a fit of giggles at one point.  Or two points.

We had one load and I was at the front, and Toby bringing up the rear of the load of wood.  But as we moved, the long sticks would slightly separate.  And we'd lose some.  Toby would say:  There goes a stick, but it's just a stick.  And I would dissolve into giggles and we'd lose more sticks.

Not efficient.  But a lot of fun.

Mike got a migraine in the wee hours of Saturday morning. It's a shame for him. He got the nastiest bits out of the way during the night, but he spent Saturday napping and not doing much.

He was much better on Sunday morning which was Easter Sunday and egg rolling day.  Way better on the street without buses to contend with.  :-)

Egg rolling.  I've been told that Toby looks like Harry Potter or Arthur Dent here.

Roll, you wee beauty!

I roll the golden egg

Toby is the winner!

Mike overruns his egg!

Great fun.  We had the road to ourselves.
The dodgy egg stash

Manic bed hair iced latte pic

Shiny Smudge

PT session - look at his calves!  He is a Greek godlet come to Earth to mesmerise us.

Iced latte on Tuesday morning.  Nailed it!

Mike powered through the Trello board and he knocked off a lot of jobs.  Yay for a productive staycation.

Hope your week is a good one.


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