Wednesday, April 14, 2021

The Tuesday with not much for me


There were highlights to my day despite the slightly sad blog title today.  Mike and I did get to see Laura (from our old work) for a catch up.  And Cuckoo does do one of the best iced lattes I have tasted.  Go try it for yourself!

Laura is good - she is settling into a new job at Squiz (I think they do bespoke websites for companies that want a cheap alternative to some enterprise software).  Good on her for making a move from a job where she'd been for ages.

Cuckoo iced latte is a frontrunner

Good to see Laura

Had lunch with Mike and Barb.  Introduced them to the wonders of Tank salads.  They both ate theirs and agreed with me.

Ange was heading home after work in the car so I chucked in my Spin plans and went home with her.  But the rain that stonked down at 4pm was almost gone by 5pm.  Wow!  We drove home with blue skies.  

Mike went for a run but pulled a calf (quite badly) and limped to a pub and met his friends to commiserate.

He got home and played with the cats and rolled his calf and we went to bed. 

Cats get close to each other

 I woke with a start at 5am and thought it was waking up time and tried to leap out of bed.  It was a bit delicious to realise I still had an hour of sleep.  And sleep I did!

Mike had a session with Quentin and missed his bus and decided to drive in.  Which is okay as we have dinner with Becks tonight after work so it is handy to have the car here in town (if anyone wants to come out with us to say hi to Becks, let me know).  I made our lunch and my breakfast and jumped into the car with Mike.  Munched on my toast and then dropped Mike at the gym and went to park the car.

The only change in my routine was brushing my teeth at work instead of home.  And leaving a dirty toast plate in the car - like one of my most favouritest people in the world does on the regular - Celia.  And - in an amazing coincidence - I am hopefully seeing her tonight for tea with Becks.

My world is coming together nicely.


Right.  Time for the day to kick off.  Have a good one.



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