Saturday, June 4, 2022

Wellington is known for its wind, not its sun. What about wind energy?

I've been chatting with a friend who's looking at wind energy to add to his solar panels. It makes sense in Wellington right? We're not known for our long cloudless sunny days. Also you may have noticed that astronomical effect where at night, it gets dark. But the wind doesn't stop blowing! 

He's been looking at this unit, as an example, which makes some quite bold claims.

However there are lots of moving parts and high forces. That means maintenance is required, and parts failures inevitable. The height and noise also makes these turbines perhaps a not-so-good fit for a suburban environment - though height may be less of an issue on a sloping Wellington property.  

This video goes through the pros and cons quite well.

So yeah - potential here and it's quite likely that prices will come down and efficiency and reliability will go up. But turbines seem better suited to rural off-grid properties than a regular suburban home.

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