Thursday evening saw us meet Wally and Lesley in their new house. It was settlement day and they keys to the house were theirs. And we got a tour and everything. What a lovely, big house. I can see them making themselves very at-home there. Lesley's mum and her partner came too. And Chelsea came after her work was finished. Lovely evening chatting about the next steps.
Fish n chips in the new house! |
Made biscuits |
Friday saw me fairly chilled at home. Mike had multiple clashing meetings Friday morning. So he was a busy chap. I made biscuits though! And Mike enjoyed them - even before I finished icing them.
Moxley does eat this kibble |
Up Saturday morning to collect Janine and do park run at Waitangi Park in town. Bit misty - but that did burn off. I did under 35 mins! And it was my 8th park run altogether.
Park run start |
Smudge in the sun |
Model cat |
Prepping the dashboard bits to go back in |
will they fit? Will any bits be left over afterwards? |
We jumped in the car to go to the Hutt to get a few bits and pieces for the car too. So that was a nice excursion. Found the clicking wheel issue. A nail is embedded in the tyre. Need to sort that.
Then back home to get ready for a BBQ. Yeah - I was surprised too. But Elly and Tom came. Janine and her dog-sitting dog Freddie. Kara came - without Rasta. And Ange came! So good to see everyone.
BBQ out and ready |
Kara and Ange stayed for a bit longer. And chatted about all the things. Even got the Stuff quiz done. Hahah.
Off to bed quite late for me. Up for brekkie and a lazy day. Mike had real work to get done. Waaah. On A Sunday.
Sunday morning brekkie |
Derpy cat |
Mike had another BBQ - at a mate's house. Then he came collected me at 7.30pm and we dropped in to see our friend Grant. He has been very sick after surgery on his kidney. Infections. Not good. So we dropped off a present and chatted to him in his backyard - we kept our masks on. Do not want to pass any germs on. His mum has been looking after him - so we said hello to her too.
I hope he gets better soon. No need for this sort of delay from such scary surgery. Sending him all our good wishes.
Up for an online session with Quentin. Mike took the car in (to get the aircon finally sorted - I hope).
Monday morning sunrise |
Gym sesh in the garage |
I had leg day in the garage with Quentin watching from our phone. Squats. Lunges. Hip thrusts. Calf raises. Clam shells. All the things.
Big week at work. And Easter is coming. We're off to Dunedin Wed evening. And Toby is also coming down. Yay! We will work from home on Thursday. Having 4 days with Mike's mother should be a good break. We will do park run again. And some walks. And help Polly around the house.
Hope your week is a good one.