Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Wednesday at home


Wild weather again in Wellington this morning (Thurs morning). But Wednesday was really quite lovely - and that was after some terrible wet weather. September has come early - that is usually the windy weather.

Wed morning garage gym

Yesterday I did an online session with Quentin. 35kg bench 6 reps x 4 sets. And this morning, while a gale blew rain all around, I did squats.  60kg 2 reps x 2 sets. Then down to 40kg. 6 reps x 3 sets. Followed by lat pulldowns and triceps extensions. And the 60 push ups!

So remote gym is going well as we try and avoid covid. Last night Toby went out, so Mike and I had some light tea, and we were not long out of bed. I got the dough ready for another loaf of sourdough.

Slept pretty well. Woke to the terrible wind and rain. Got the dough ready for rising. I should get it baked after work tonight happily.

Weekend beckons - for me. Friday with Toby tomorrow - yay. Then Father's Day this Sunday. Followed by sadness when Toby heads back to Chc on Monday. Waaaah.

Lewis Road iced coffee morning

Have a great weekend, whatever you get up to.



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

The Tuesday with working from home and Electric Six


We all pretty much stayed home yesterday. Seeing if we have dodged Mike's covid bullets. We got a grocery delivery from New World - 5 - 7pm slot. It arrived at 4.35pm. Hahah. Good.

Enrichment time with floating bottle tops

She liked it

I saw an Instagram post with an enrichment game for cats. Floating bottle tops with kibble in it. So we did it for Moxley and she really liked the challenge of it. Ate them all except for one that fell in the water and went soggy. We will do this again.

The boys went out at 7pm for their Electric Six concert and I got updates via Messenger through the evening. Seems like they had a fabulous time. 

Brother Sister, the support band.
They were good! Lots of synthwave.
Here is their music video so you don't have to google it 

Electric Six were just very, very, very good
Three guitars and drums. What could be better?

A groupie was proudly clutching the setlist, she let me take a photo of it

We didn't buy this t-shirt

I had a bath. Readers - it was cold. With washing, and 3 people, it seems like our hot water cylinder reduced heating cycle doesn't quite cope. I had used a bath bomb, so despite the very lukewarm temperature, I had to use it. I slipped in. Managed to stay for about 8 minutes before it got too cold. Hahah.

Good sleep in the single bed again. I took off the second duvet. No wonder I was boiling the night before. The cats all congregated on Toby's bed. I think they like having their actual owner human home.

Up for an online garage gym session with Quentin. 35kg bench. 6 reps x 5 sets. And push ups. 30. And arm raises side and front. And I tried some more pull ups. With limited success - but I have a plan!

Have a great Wednesday!



Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Monday with WFH and covid rearing its head


We were all working from home. That is typical for me. But Mike usually has gym with Quentin and works from the office in town. He wasn't feeling 100% Sunday evening so cancelled gym and worked with me in our home office. Said he felt better Monday morning - so yay!

It was good enough

I made sourdough. It turned out ok. Not my best effort so far. I think I didn't tuck it in enough as it was getting ready to rise. Or maybe just not long enough in the resting phase. But it still tasted good.

Moxley tucked up

Cats were happy we were all home. Hahah. Toby went off to Maggies to get his hair cut by Fiona - like old times. And he looks very handsome. Tessa will be happy.

After work, Mike tested for covid. And got an instant, strong result. I had no idea. Thought his cold was a continuation of his flu. This changes things for the week for us. He seems ok. So hopefully just a light touch for him.

Might not make it to Mean Doses quiz tonight just in case I do have covid too. Electric 6 concert is tonight too. Might be just Toby.

Have a good day!



Monday, August 26, 2024

The weekend back in Wellington with Toby visiting


So much news to update you all with - and no time to do it just yet. Also - how come I have no pics of Toby in Wellington yet? What?

Waving at Blenheim on our flight home

Hockey finals

We flew home from our eventful ski week (I will post about that separately) and bumped into Mike and Karen at the airport. They were waiting for Rebecca to come home for mid semester break from CU too. So good to see them.

Mike and I grabbed all our gear and dropped Kara's ski bag off at her house and said a quick hello to Neil. Then picked up Toby from Emma's house (he had landed earlier in the day) and went over to visit the Sampsons. Jason's birthday is today (26th!) so we had a lovely dinner at their place. Wild goat curry. Delicious. First time Toby has seen their new house. I could tell Toby loved it - just like we do. Good choices.

Home to say hello to the cats and settle Toby in. And sleep. But Sunday saw Mike not feeling 100%. In fact, he got a migraine and was in bed by the time Sally and Andrew arrived for brunch. I made scrambled eggs and Mike got up again and ate some. His migraine was not as bad as usual.

An indication of how busy we all are is the fact that we only just gave Andrew's his birthday present when he visited. Almost 2 months late. Oh dear. He has a Jolly Gear shirt now. Hopefully he likes it and it does the job.

After Sally and Andrew headed away, I took Toby to Johnsonville mall for some jeans. The small Just Jeans shop staff were very good. We also got some stuff at the off-brand Woolworths (still a Countdown) there. Toby says it is a very odd shop.

Back home and Mike and Toby watched some You Tube and I went out to see Erin in her hockey season final. No games lost all season. But with a freezing wind at the National Hockey stadium, they found themselves down 2-1 with 1.30 to go. Oohhh. Tense. Then they made multiple incursions into their goal area. Erin did a great move on the edge of the circle and they got their equaliser.


And then, as penalty shootouts do, they lost 4-2 in that. So the other team won the final. But it could have been anyone's game. So close.

I got home and Mike and Toby had ordered Burger Wisconsin, so we ate that. And I got sourdough ready to bake Monday.

Off to bed. Mike was not well. But we both slept very soundly. Up for Monday morning and WFH. Mike feels better today. Yay!

Have a wonderful week ahead. Stay dry in the lower North Island. Seems as though there are surface floods and rockfalls around Wellington.



Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Wednesday with a run for me and Mike and ADHD meetings for Mike


Mike and I managed to squeeze in a wee run before his meeting in Wellington for ADHD people. He did 5k and I did my 3k route.

Smudge loves the real chicken

I rode home and fed the cats. Smudge is loving the real chicken. Scoffs a whole bowl. If we keep Moxley away while she eats.

I got the sourdough ready to rise. And by the time that was all done, Mike was home to tell me all about the meeting.

Off to bed and sleep. Up for garage gym this morning. Squats. 30kg. 5 x 5. And 30 push ups. Then bus in. I am walking home with Barb so no need for my bike.

Have a great day!



Wednesday, August 14, 2024

The Tuesday with a ride home for me and some ski chat for Mike


Ok - took no pics at all yesterday. What is going on? I did take a screenshot because it was on #womenzsports socials - and featured a photo that included me, Maureen and Elly. And Elly is talking to Alice! Hahah. Awesome.

Screenshot of us attending the Black Ferns watch party

Busy day at work. Mike had his ski/board chat at Foxglove after work. I headed home to feed the cats and myself. Often the theme to my life, I think. I* made mushroom soup with my second last slice of sourdough.

Mike got home and also had some tea - the leftover soup. And no sourdough. But I had made some chicken for him and Smudge. And Smudge absolutely tucked into it. She must have had so much chicken. In her bowl to start with. Then as I was shredding it for the fridge for both of them to use through the week, she got a lot of accidental dropped chicken.

Maureen says she is a princess. No more Fancy Feast for her. Real chicken, please. Yep. She rules us.

Off to bed to watch some fave YouTubers. And then fell into a sleep. Up at 6am to ride in. Loving my bike with its brakes that actually stop you when you apply them. Bonus.

Deads with Quentin. 75kg. 4 reps x 4 sets. While Mike ran 4k on the treadmill. It is a really makariri day today. My fingers in my light gloves were a little sore with the cold as I rode in. Quentin is taking time off for a few weeks. Hopefully we will see him back in the gym soon enbough.

Have a wonderful day.



Tuesday, August 13, 2024

The Monday with The Library dessert burger


Yeah, nah. That was my thoughts on The Library dessert burger. Jelly tip chocolate fingers inside a donut bun.


Busy day at work. But someone made brownies with matcha. Green, they were green! And quite delicious.

Work meetings

Good views from NTT building

Matcha brownies from Hanna

Iced latte

Mike picked me up after work and we went to The Library. Janine, Andrew and Khemry arrived. We had some nibbles and then the WOAP dessert burger.

Jelly Tip burger - yeah, nah

Khemry assembled hers into an actual burger

Not a fan. Ice cream covered in different flavoured chocolates. The donut bun was not super fresh. The idea was to play with your food and make a jenga tower. But with not enough jenga pieces. Hmmm.

Home to try my pannier on the newly fitted Aeroe rack. Looks great! So planned to ride in for the first time since I got sick.

New Aeroe bike rack

So happy with my pannier

Tried to see aurora from our house

Aurora went off but it was cloudy so I didn't bother driving anywhere. But I did try to capture it from our deck. No. Nothing. And that pic was the height of the kp 7 storm. Too much light pollution.

Sleep. Up for gym. Rode in and loved the pannier rack. it does not move at all. So good. 

Bench with Quentin. 37.5kg 4 reps x 5 sets.

Another big day at work.

Enjoy your day.



Monday, August 12, 2024

The weekend down at Mt Hutt


What a mega weekend. We left Thursday afternoon from Wellington after driving to the airport in our car with our ski gear. We worked from home so it was easier to get away.

Gilberts wearing shades of grey hoodies

Picked up our RAV4 Avis rental car in Chc airport and went to Toby and Tessa's flat for a bit. Chilled there before going to Pomeroy's for tea. Khemry and Kyle arrived and we had a great dinner. As usual.

We said goodbye briefly to Toby and Tessa as they headed back home for their gear and a blow up bed. And I drove the rest of us to Methven.

We got to our wee house just after 8pm. 2 bedroom and pretty small. But very clean and tidy. Such a good wee house. We squeezed Toby and Tessa in when they arrived on their blow up bed in the lounge. Tessa got the fire going and they were toasty warm.

Next morning we were all up and ready. Ana arrived from Chc for the day. Fresh pow. But the road was closed until 11am! So we sat in the car in the car park for a while.

Then there was a delay getting the lifts running. But it was worth it. Flat light for a lot of the day. But soft snow. Mike reckons he skied his best run with Ana in 25 years!

Off to Mt Hutt

Snow through the clouds

Maybe it is clear?

Mike's best run. Look at that snow, top to bottom like this.


After a good half day of skiing we headed back down. Took the chains off in a muddy area and Mike was very dirty by the end of that. As was the car.

Washing off in the snow, after a messy chain removal



Mike in my goggles

Dinner out at Blue Pub. And then karaoke at Brown Pub where Mike and Toby wowed the crowd. Beastie Boys duet. Obscure fan-focussed Bruce Springsteen song. Hahah. It was brilliant.

Saturday I chilled with Toby and Tessa. We skimmed stones at Rakaia Gorge and then went to Primo Secundo for brunch.

Saturday with these two

Primo cafe

Rakaia feet

Enchanted forest walk



We also did the Enchanted Forest walk. So good. Lovely rural and mountain views. Almost 5k by the time we got back to the wee house.

Two of them

Water trough

Toby just waved at Mike skiing on Mt Hutt.
Mike has to swim across this canal next month!

Beautiful views

Nice seat

Cute wee lambs

Salt lick

Chicken waffles

Another Blue Pub dinner. And around 8pm we said goodbye to Toby and Tessa as they drove back home for Toby's work early Sunday morning.

Khemry and Kyle decided not to ski Sunday. Kyle was a bit sick and Khemry kept him company in the cafe. But I skied with Mike and had a great day! Snow still really good.

Sunday ski

Where are you, Mike?

There you are

On top of the world

Back to the car at 2.15pm and waited while a helicopter took some poor person away (he screamed in pain a fair bit) because we were parked very close to the landing pad.

Back to Chc airport and dropped the car off. We didn't have time to see Toby and Tessa properly but they drove through the drop off zone and we gave them our leftover food.

Khemry met her friend that lives in Chc as we had some tea. Then through security for our flight home. Them on Jetstar and us in Air NZ. Only 5 mins apart, waving to each other since we were parked on adjacent gates. It all worked well.

Filthy car

Wonderful sunset

Back to Wellington and into our car via the Z carwash because the car was covered in salt. And home to feed the cats and put a wash on and to bed. I slept so well. 9 hours I reckon. First time I have done that for a while.

Up for work. Busy.

Have a great week.

