Monday, August 12, 2024

The weekend down at Mt Hutt


What a mega weekend. We left Thursday afternoon from Wellington after driving to the airport in our car with our ski gear. We worked from home so it was easier to get away.

Gilberts wearing shades of grey hoodies

Picked up our RAV4 Avis rental car in Chc airport and went to Toby and Tessa's flat for a bit. Chilled there before going to Pomeroy's for tea. Khemry and Kyle arrived and we had a great dinner. As usual.

We said goodbye briefly to Toby and Tessa as they headed back home for their gear and a blow up bed. And I drove the rest of us to Methven.

We got to our wee house just after 8pm. 2 bedroom and pretty small. But very clean and tidy. Such a good wee house. We squeezed Toby and Tessa in when they arrived on their blow up bed in the lounge. Tessa got the fire going and they were toasty warm.

Next morning we were all up and ready. Ana arrived from Chc for the day. Fresh pow. But the road was closed until 11am! So we sat in the car in the car park for a while.

Then there was a delay getting the lifts running. But it was worth it. Flat light for a lot of the day. But soft snow. Mike reckons he skied his best run with Ana in 25 years!

Off to Mt Hutt

Snow through the clouds

Maybe it is clear?

Mike's best run. Look at that snow, top to bottom like this.


After a good half day of skiing we headed back down. Took the chains off in a muddy area and Mike was very dirty by the end of that. As was the car.

Washing off in the snow, after a messy chain removal



Mike in my goggles

Dinner out at Blue Pub. And then karaoke at Brown Pub where Mike and Toby wowed the crowd. Beastie Boys duet. Obscure fan-focussed Bruce Springsteen song. Hahah. It was brilliant.

Saturday I chilled with Toby and Tessa. We skimmed stones at Rakaia Gorge and then went to Primo Secundo for brunch.

Saturday with these two

Primo cafe

Rakaia feet

Enchanted forest walk



We also did the Enchanted Forest walk. So good. Lovely rural and mountain views. Almost 5k by the time we got back to the wee house.

Two of them

Water trough

Toby just waved at Mike skiing on Mt Hutt.
Mike has to swim across this canal next month!

Beautiful views

Nice seat

Cute wee lambs

Salt lick

Chicken waffles

Another Blue Pub dinner. And around 8pm we said goodbye to Toby and Tessa as they drove back home for Toby's work early Sunday morning.

Khemry and Kyle decided not to ski Sunday. Kyle was a bit sick and Khemry kept him company in the cafe. But I skied with Mike and had a great day! Snow still really good.

Sunday ski

Where are you, Mike?

There you are

On top of the world

Back to the car at 2.15pm and waited while a helicopter took some poor person away (he screamed in pain a fair bit) because we were parked very close to the landing pad.

Back to Chc airport and dropped the car off. We didn't have time to see Toby and Tessa properly but they drove through the drop off zone and we gave them our leftover food.

Khemry met her friend that lives in Chc as we had some tea. Then through security for our flight home. Them on Jetstar and us in Air NZ. Only 5 mins apart, waving to each other since we were parked on adjacent gates. It all worked well.

Filthy car

Wonderful sunset

Back to Wellington and into our car via the Z carwash because the car was covered in salt. And home to feed the cats and put a wash on and to bed. I slept so well. 9 hours I reckon. First time I have done that for a while.

Up for work. Busy.

Have a great week.



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