Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Tuesday with my first run and a walk home with Barb


Beyond excited to get back to normal levels of exercise. At lunch time I went to buy trail running shoes - mainly for the Spring Challenge. Shoe Clinic were their usual good selves. And I wanted to basically get the same shoes as Mike because he loves his.

Asics - very nice

Janine came after work and we all went for a run. I did 3k - first run since the flu. And it was absolutely fine. yay!

Snow glinting in the sunset up on the Tararuas

Then I walked home with Barb to really try out the shoes on the steep tracks. They worked so well. I am very happy.

City views

Moon and... Venus?

Barb glowing

Barb took us up over the Te Ahumairangi hill, and we went towards Huntingdon St. But veered off the track, down some unmarked steps to the right - very close to the road end. And came out in a driveway up Monmouth Way. Wow! Cool.

Welcome back, Dave

And hello Sam

Home to prep my sourdough for another loaf. And have some quick tea. Mike got home after his dinner with Janine. And we had a bath to warm up and relax.

Then bed. No earthquake to rudely wake us up. Good sleep. Up for bus ride in and gym for me. 70kg deads. 4 reps x 4 sets. And some lat pull downs and rows.

Iced latte date with Dave - he has been working from home for a while. So good to see him. Sam joined us too.

Run after work again today. Callan will join us. I will do 3k again - nice and slow. Then home to pack for the weekend away.

Take care.



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