Monday, August 26, 2024

The weekend back in Wellington with Toby visiting


So much news to update you all with - and no time to do it just yet. Also - how come I have no pics of Toby in Wellington yet? What?

Waving at Blenheim on our flight home

Hockey finals

We flew home from our eventful ski week (I will post about that separately) and bumped into Mike and Karen at the airport. They were waiting for Rebecca to come home for mid semester break from CU too. So good to see them.

Mike and I grabbed all our gear and dropped Kara's ski bag off at her house and said a quick hello to Neil. Then picked up Toby from Emma's house (he had landed earlier in the day) and went over to visit the Sampsons. Jason's birthday is today (26th!) so we had a lovely dinner at their place. Wild goat curry. Delicious. First time Toby has seen their new house. I could tell Toby loved it - just like we do. Good choices.

Home to say hello to the cats and settle Toby in. And sleep. But Sunday saw Mike not feeling 100%. In fact, he got a migraine and was in bed by the time Sally and Andrew arrived for brunch. I made scrambled eggs and Mike got up again and ate some. His migraine was not as bad as usual.

An indication of how busy we all are is the fact that we only just gave Andrew's his birthday present when he visited. Almost 2 months late. Oh dear. He has a Jolly Gear shirt now. Hopefully he likes it and it does the job.

After Sally and Andrew headed away, I took Toby to Johnsonville mall for some jeans. The small Just Jeans shop staff were very good. We also got some stuff at the off-brand Woolworths (still a Countdown) there. Toby says it is a very odd shop.

Back home and Mike and Toby watched some You Tube and I went out to see Erin in her hockey season final. No games lost all season. But with a freezing wind at the National Hockey stadium, they found themselves down 2-1 with 1.30 to go. Oohhh. Tense. Then they made multiple incursions into their goal area. Erin did a great move on the edge of the circle and they got their equaliser.


And then, as penalty shootouts do, they lost 4-2 in that. So the other team won the final. But it could have been anyone's game. So close.

I got home and Mike and Toby had ordered Burger Wisconsin, so we ate that. And I got sourdough ready to bake Monday.

Off to bed. Mike was not well. But we both slept very soundly. Up for Monday morning and WFH. Mike feels better today. Yay!

Have a wonderful week ahead. Stay dry in the lower North Island. Seems as though there are surface floods and rockfalls around Wellington.



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