Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Tuesday with a missing Toby - sort of


The nanny called in sick today so we set a flurry of contingency into action.  Aidan said she'd happily be the backup plan instead of Mike leaving a meeting and taxiing home.  Great - only we needed to get a message to Toby to swap buses and go home with Duncan and Emerson.  Called the school and they said they would deliver the message to Toby.

Come 4.15pm and the school rings me in a slight panic and very apologetic.  They have forgotten to let Toby know and he will be on his normal bus by now.  Oops.  Time for me to dash home to prove to Toby he hasn't been abandoned.  I got changed and rode home furiously.  Beat my previous best time by 2 minutes!  Ooossshh!  Nothing like a mild panicky thought of your child wondering where everyone is to give you a bit of extra impetus.

I got home and found - no one.  Okay.  Weird.  Mike called and said I should drive back to the library to find him.  But as I got int he car, the school rang just wanting to check I found Toby okay.  Ummmmm.  I wondered if I should lie and say yes.  But I thought perhaps not.  So I said no, but not to worry, I was sure I'd find him.  Well, that horrified the woman and she was putting plans into action to find someone else who was on the bus to make sure Toby was there and all sorts.  Meanwhile I drove to the library and found Toby unconcerned, reading a book and munching some lollies.  He was perplexed that there was any excitement at all.

So, now we have a plan.  Toby has a charged cellphone at all times.  He goes home from his bus and has a snack and does homework, regardless of whether anyone is there or not.  Hopefully the nanny is there.  Otherwise I ride home super fast and likely he has only had thirty minutes at home by himself in the worst case scenario.

Phew!  Just a few hiccoughs in the journey to a new school routine.

This morning is beautiful.  We got up early and went for a run.  Mike doesn't run with me - he just runs the whole way.  I use the application that tells me when to run and when to walk.  It changes over 9 weeks so by the end of 9 weeks, I am running the whole time.  We were up so early and everyone had breakfast together that I think that running mornings might become my favourite mornings.

Have a lovely day!

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