We had a Wellington weekend but it seemed to be absolutely packed with things to do - and get done. Some got done. Some... well, there is always next weekend.
Friday night was quiz night @ my work. And we came third. Oosshh. Thank you to my team-mates: Celia, James, Sally M, Dave and Jo. It was such fun - so thank you to the organisers - and amazing effort to get the quizmaster chap from Sprig and Fern.
Iced latte @ Machete with Andrew |
The fun didn't end there. Oh no. Off to karaoke with Celia, James, Mike, Jo and Joycie. And joined by Jase after his work ended and he trained into town. Cool!
Blurry karaoke |
And, even then, the fun didn't end. Off to Maccas for a bit of food, before parting ways with Celia and James. Then off to Ivy.
Jase and Jo @ Ivy |
Mike and I lasted 1.5 hours there - which I think it pretty amazing. We headed home at 12.30am. Yes, the am! I had driven in, so it was easy to pick up the car. I fell into bed, but couldn't sleep for ages. And stupidly woke at my usual 5.45am time. Aarrgghhh.
Smudge cuddles |
Saturday afternoon |
I picked up Jase from Jo's house in the morning, and collected Maccas for brekkie for everyone. Chatted to Jo via What's App and decided she needed brekkie too. Delivered that to her and then watched some TV there. Wynonna Earp. An update on the Buffy genre - and a bit of fun.
Toby had mates over for filming for drama and just hanging out. Mike and I were off to see Amy Shark at Hunter Lounge at Vic Uni. Mike knew nothing about her music so I played two or three songs of my favourites on the way. We were early and doors hadn't opened and with Mike just in a t-shirt we went to sit in the Hub area.
Eventually we went back, and found a huge queue. Hahahah. Still got a good spot in front of the stage about 4 people back. And listened to the support act - Neil McLeod - who was playing his guitar and had some nice, mellow music.
At 9.20pm Amy came on and to Mike's surprise, she busts out a far more rock sound live! He was slightly concerned that she might have been a bit too pop like for his tastes. But she rocked it. And she loved it - that was obvious. So, good on her - and what an awesome night.
Another late night. And I was so tired I slept through to 9am! Wow!
I dropped Jase off in town to meet Jo and I went grocery shopping. Back home to quickly change into gym gear and ask Toby to put the groceries away.
Toby's mates left at midday-ish and Mike and I went to his Personal Trainer's (Quentin) cardio session at the gym. OMG - it killed me. I am not really fit at all and I need more full body cardio stuff. Weights. I need more weights in my life.
Got home and showered and got ready for Sunday roast at the Bresolin. Met Jase and Jo there, and Momo, Janine and Ana all arrived too. Enjoyed some polenta and mushroom dish before sharing a dessert with Jase.
He looks amazing - Jo took him to the barber and then clothes shopping.
And - then home (after dropping people off). Fell into a coma-like sleep. Off to the gym Monday morning and the week looms.
Have a great day!