The holiday break was full of good times and sad times. On Christmas Day around 3pm, Ron Bichan died, surrounded by his family. So sad to lose such a lovely person. But also worth remembering the impact he made on so many people and how he died the way he wanted. At home, peacefully.
RIP, Ron. We miss you.
Having a few days off ahead of Christmas Day was such a relief. Four days works well. Got all our grocery shopping done and presents done. Please let me get this mostly done in November this year!
We had good weather leading up to Christmas.
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Christmas Eve in Wellington |
Mike's mother came for Christmas Eve and our Christmas morning. On the Eve we watched Die Hard. She wasn't impressed with the swearing.
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Toby elf Christmas morning |
Toby was the Christmas elf and handed out presents.
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The presents! |
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Blurry Toby selfie! |
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The only Christmas jersey left to wear was the bacon one! |
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Moxley enjoys unwrapping her present |
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Christmas lunch salad |
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Lunch is almost ready |
At 2.45pm I went to collect Vanessa from the airport as her flight from Melbourne got in at 3pm. When we were away, Ron died. So it was sobering to get back to Sally and Andrew's place and hear the news.
We dropped Mike's mother home, and Toby and Vanessa back at our place and went to see Ron for the last time. We passed on our condolences to Helen and the family.
I spoke to my mother that evening to tell her. Upsetting as it was to tell her.
The Christmas/New Years tramping plan was still in progress as we all knew Ron would be grumpy if we changed too much because of him. Mike took Andrew's role over. Toby stayed back to represent us at the funeral.
The ultimate Gilbert plan started early Boxing Day. Up at 5am and away by 6am. Mike dropped me at the airport and continued to Bluebridge for his 8am sailing.
While I waited for the flight, at the airport, I wrote down my thoughts on Ron and the wonderful relationship we all had with him and sent that to Iona, hoping she would be able to read it out at the funeral. I got the 8.15am flight to Blenheim and landed by 8.35am. Col met me and I had a wonderful hug from her.
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Boxing Day with Col |
Janine met us not too long after that and we headed to brekkie. Had a great brekkie and iced coffee. Back to their house and Col had to leave to catch her ferry to Wellington for the funeral. Her best mate's mother had died this week too, so Col was facing a week of funerals. Lucky she is the rock for the people around her.
Mike got there just after midday from his ferry journey and Janine travelled with him in Iona and Col's Mazda. We headed to Nelson in convoy. Dropped the Mazda at JR and Anita's house and then squashed in a lunch at a pub in the main street before collecting Vanessa from Nelson airport.
We settled into the Subaru for the drive over the hill to Cobb Valley. Arrived late at Trilobite Hut and settled into the top bunks.
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Boxing Day at Trilobite Hut |
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I embrace the wilderness |
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Tramp starts Dec 27 |
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Meadows of buttercups |
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Up to Fenella Hut |
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Cold swim in tarn |
As we sat in the hut and ate our dehydrated food, we chatted to some people in the hut. One woman (Loreen) said she recognised Mike and asked if he worked at DoC. He said Z Energy, and previously was MBIE. But he caught the 14 and 22 bus if that helped. She said she catches the 14 bus and asked where he lived. Norwich St, he said. What number, she said? Turns out she lives on our street and they catch the bus from the same bus stop! What are the chances!
Vanessa had given Mike a riddle game for Christmas and in the evenings in the huts we played it. It got everyone involved! Great idea!
Same riddles were so lame. Some were so hard. But we got most of them over the next 5 nights of the tramp.
Next day we left Fenella and head to Cobb hut about 20 minutes back down the track. We left out packs there and headed away with one bottle of water and a few snacks for a 25 min side track to Lake Cobb. Which turned into a 3.5 hour side jaunt up to Round Lake. Possibly should have brought slightly more water and food.
Back to Cobb Hut and a very welcome lunch. Then the interminable walk back to Trilobite. Mike ran the last bit from Chaffey's Hut to Trilobite to secure bunks. But he and I slept in the tent again. Today was Ron's funeral, so Mike and Janine drank some whisky to remember him.
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Balloon Hut tramp starts Dec 29 |
Next morning we drove from Trilobite to Lake Peel car park and set off in gorgeous weather for Balloon Hut. The tramp started off at Myttons Hut which looked so cute in the sun. We promised to come back if we had time the next day. The track went up for a fair while - a few switchbacks made it easier. So many birds. Robins. Tui. Bellbirds.
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Top of steep grunt - looking at Lake Cobb |
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Mike hauls up a massive pack! |
I was watching Vanessa climb up for a bit before I realised I should probably help. I scooted down to her and realised she was not having a good time at all. The height and the wind all contributed to exacerbate her fear of heights and although she was almost at the panicky stage, she was still plodding upwards. What an amazing woman! On a bit of flat ground, I took her pack. She steadied her breathing and off we went.
She made it!
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At the top |
There was a signpost at the top of that ridge and we went to look at Lake Peel far in the distance. Little did we know that we would be soon having lunch there. The track then sidled around a valley. It was a steep slope in places with rockfalls. But Vanessa aced it.
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Ascent from Lake Peel |
Lake Peel was a wind tunnel. Phew! Mike boiled up water and we gratefully drank miso soup. Ate our sandwiches and headed on towards Balloon Hut.
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At the top |
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Balloon Hut in the distance |
Balloon Hut was a gorgeous place. Another couple stayed there too. Mike and I went on to explore Bishops Cave, about 1.5km further along towards Flora Saddle way. We probably got to halfway to Salisbury Lodge. The cave was a shuffle through about 8m long. Popped out into a grotto area.
We enjoyed the walk together and headed back to make tea.
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Mike peering back into Bishop's Cave |
Shared dehydrated Apple Pie for dessert between the 4 of us. Two tablespoons each, dished out by "Dad". Janine said it was like being in an orphanage. She wasn't wrong. Cracked me up!
I had to fish out the sultanas from it. But otherwise - it was yummy!
We shared Balloon with a another couple. He stoked the fire up like a furnace and we all cooked in a sauna through the night. It was so hot they both slept on the floor.
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Clag is set in for the morning start |
Got away at 8.30am this next morning for the walk back to the Cobb Valley. Clag had set in, and it was windy. So we rugged up on the walk up to the tops.
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Heading back to Trilobite |
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Checking for signal |
I heard kea screeching high above us on the way back. I thought I heard it the day before too. This time the others heard it. :-)
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It might not look cold, but the wind was enough to make you wrap up! |
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Vanessa contemplates the track she's just negotiated |
We got back to Myttons Hut and had a lovely lunch in the hot sun. Then back to the car and drove to the Sylvester car park at the other end of Lake Cobb.
Hard hot slog up the hill to Sylvester. Saw Rifleman in the bush. Mike's pack must have weighed 20 kgs! He had champagne bottles and wine decanted into aluminium bottles.
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Sylvester Hut |
As I finished pitching the tent, I turned to watch a new person arrive at the hut. And was astonished to see it was Andrew! He looked hot from his slog up (he probably ran) and he delivered the best goods. Toilet paper for Janine. And ginger beer for me! Plus beer. And in the morning I got a Lewis Road iced coffee. OMG.
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I got an iced coffee from Andrew! My hero! |
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Day tramp Dec 31st |
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Lake Sylvester in the background |
At the bottom of Mt Iron, the team split up. Janine tackled the high road back to the hut and Vanessa took the same path back as we walked up.
Mike, Andrew and I headed up Mt Iron. Took us 40 minutes from the bottom to the top. Grippy rocks most of the way. Snow tussock which would be slippery in the wet. And at the top a bit of loose scree to avoid.
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Top of Mt Iron |
There was a seam of quartz running through the top of the mountain. We saw three seams in the top there. Someone had made a clear arrow pointing to the descent route using the bright white quartz. Hard to miss, even in clag.
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Andrew on the left boulder - me on the right. Top of Mt Iron. |
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Happy! |
We sat on the edge of the mountain to look over Lake Lockett and there was not a breath of wind. Andrew had a great lunch for us. Wraps. Hummus. Cheese. Mmmm.
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Looking into Lake Lockett |
We headed down to the tarn again and I tried to swim. But when I went in up to the upper thighs, my legs went numb. So I got out pretty fast.
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Andrew reviewing some of the terrain he's in right now! |
Back to the hut to start the long countdown to the midnight and goodbye to 2019.
Heard kea in the evening above the hut. Watched the last sunset of 2019.
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Last sunset of 2019 |
We stayed up, drinking supplies and eating our way to midnight like champs. Sang Auld Lang Syne with a Scottish couple at midnight. Kisses all round. And hit the hay.
Up early to pack and head out. Then the crazy started. Hahah. We all shoved our packs into the Mazda and Andrew and I jumped in and took off. Andrew tackled the road like a rally driver (that's just how he rolls) and we made good time. We got stuck inching past a white van. We were so close we rubbed his rubber wheel nut protectors off his wheels.
As we were doing this, Andrew had his head out the drivers window checking the van proximity and I had my head out the passenger window checking the tyres were not falling into the ditch on my side. A car pulled up behind us and then we heard a tap on the back windscreen. Odd. Wondered what that meant. Maybe it looked worse than we thought!
Then he was in my window saying: You have the keys for the other car!
Oh. OH! We thanked them and the woman driving that wee car muttered that it was just like a James Bond movie. We got past the van and turned around and headed back.
Mike was so pleased to see us so soon. And... the car battery failed to start after all that. So we all pushed the car out of the park it was in, and back and forth until Mike had a clear run back down the gravel road. We all hoped for a clear run as it was only wide enough for one way traffic. We all heaved a sigh of relief as we heard the engine catch.
Vanessa and Janine jumped in and Andrew and I followed in the dust in their wake. Drove past the hippy festival we saw on the way in. Andrew slowed as there was a car parked on the other side of the road. And my gaze casually went to the ditch outside my window.
In the ditch was a woman smiling beatifically. She had not a care in the world. Even though she was IN A DITCH. And a man was cradling her cheek as she smiled.
It was all rather odd. But I am sure they were very happy. IN THE DITCH.
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Jan 1st - Happy New Year in Takaka. And an iced Americano. |
Anyway, we all went to a pub in Takaka and ordered yummy food. Nom, nom!
Got to Pōhara and checked in at the Kotare Sands Motel. Lovely room. Caught up with Sally and then JR and Anita and their friends for pre dinner nibbles in JR's room.
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Sans Souci - yummy dinner! |
Yummy dinner at Sans Souci. We wandered back to our motel room after eating very good food (as usual for Sans Souci).
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Horse riding with Vanessa |
Mike had tidied the car up - and found this tissue and thrown it in the rubbish. Fortunately he chose to throw it in the recycling and not the actual rubbish otherwise we would have lost them for sure.
I was traumatised for some time. A walk on the beach sorted me out. Still slightly traumatised writing this a week later. Hahah.
The morning saw us horse riding out of Collingwood for a few hours. We drove up for our 11.15am check in at the stables. My horse was called Bungle. Mike's one was Blazer. Vanessa and Janine had lovely horses too. It was too windy for a beach ride, but our ride through manuka was beautiful.
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Flight of beer at Mussel Inn. |
Back to Mussel Inn for a flight of beer for Mike and Janine, and Raspberry Fizz for me and Vanessa. Slurp!
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Brekkie at Top10 Pohara. Janine, Mike and Vanessa. |
With no room at Kotare Sands, we switched to the Pōhara Top10 and pitched the tents in the packed park. But it was so pleasant. Clean, efficient, friendly.
Had fish n chips at the tent - yum! Then I convinced the others to go sit quietly on the beach in the gloom to see if we could spot wee penguins coming ashore. We walked down to beach and found a washed up log to sit upon. No success. But at least the sandflies didn't find me.
Up early to pack and say goodbye to Sally and Andrew and then off to Nelson. Stopped off for lunch at the lookout on top of Takaka Hill. Took 15 mins to negotiate the one way traffic light system on the lower road Nelson side.
Had iced latte at surf shop. Checked out the house from the outside. All looks good. Dropped Mike and Vanessa off at the airport. Drove back to Blenheim with Janine.
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Iced latte at Surf shop in Nelson. |
Liz and Richard were staying with Iona and Col (who themselves had only been back a few days). Janine stayed on the pull out couch and we enjoyed a yummy potato and leek pie and awesome salads for tea.
Up early to head to the trapline and a picnic. Janine was off to explore before her ferry crossing at 2.30am.
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Cheeky Iona - at Pelorus. We went for a cold swim. |
Trapline was good. 7 critters. One unidentifiable. Iona and Col have picked up a new line and we struggled to find all the traps on it. They will nail that soon, I'm sure. All in all, they now have 4 lines they check.
Picnic with the whanau at Totara Flats at Pelorus. Jean and Allan had just done their trapline. Cold swim for some of us. Good to meet wee Jacob (Clare's 6 month baby - born June 16!).
Back home and a celebratory dinner out for Liz's birthday. The Tamarind. It was good! The owner is from Kerala.
Liz and Richard headed off early Sunday morning. Iona and Col and I went for a walk then a quick lunch at BV Gourmet.
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Walking around the Grovetown oxbow |
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Iced coffees at BV Gourmet cafe |
Easy flight home at 1630 and Mike picked me up. Yay! Good to be home. Toby pretended to be happy to see me. The cats didn't even bother that much. :-p
Thank you everyone for a lovely tramping holiday. Thank you for supporting each other. Sad, but also a celebration of love and respect.
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