Monday, August 2, 2021

The weekend with loads of things on


What an awesome weekend.  Saturday was so lovely - the best sort of day.  Boot camp was hard work.  Then we drove to the mechanics so they could switch the tyres over on the van.  Mike wants to use the tyres that came with the van as new extras, keep the best option that remains as a spare and dump the rest.

As Mike stayed at the mechanics, I wandered down Cuba St to find a coffee for Mike.  

Stunning clear mornings

Retrogrove do an awesome iced latte

I ended up at Retrogrove.  Harry the barista was chatting to a customer as I approached.  He took my order then went back to the customer and apologised for interrupting her story.  She searched her memory for where she was up to - and I said I could start her off if she didn't remember.  So I said:  Yesterday at the park...

And she said:  I ended up jamming with this guy that I met on Tinder

Yep - I was totally invested in this story already.

Turns out she was from Melbourne and a musician.  She asked me if I knew what Tinder or Grindr was.  I must look really old.

Went back to the garage to discover the machine that fitted tyres had broken so we had one tyre done and left.

There you go!

Headed to the vaccination centre for Mike's covid jab.  He was an hour early and I tagged along, curious.  They let him in early as they were not busy.  A seamless check in process.  Andrew the vaccinator chatted away to Mike as he jabbed him.  Asked if he'd had his mole on his arm checked too.  And then asked me if I had my jab or an appt for one.  I said mine was on Tuesday.  He said he could do it now if I wanted.  So I said yes.  A jab in the arm is worth two in the bush.  Or something.

So we both have our covid jabs now.  Woot!

Manic pair

We got vaccinated

\Went to Tony's Tyres afterwards on the off chance they could do finish the tyres.  They could.  If we waited for a bit.  So we did.  By the waterfront - enjoying a sunny day.

Feet over the harbour

Sat here reading for a while

Wee shag at our feet

More feet

Blue sky

Grabbed the van after its tyres were all sorted and headed to the supermarket for an impromptu picnic with Sally and Andrew in Eastbourne.  They were out and about on their bikes.  Perfect timing.

Red delicious strawberries from Queensland

Picnic on the beach @ Days Bay


The refurbished wharf

Went back to their place and watched the Olympics (trampoline bronze!), a movie (The Tomorrow War) and more Olympics (Black Ferns 7s).

We got dinner - turkish Deliver Easy.  Mmmmm.  Home quite late.

Sunday saw us stay home all day.  I did the waterblasting and got the steps all clear of grimy muck.  Yay!

The week stretches ahead.  Busy.  But on Saturday we do go skiing for a week.  So there is that to look forward to.

Bring it on.



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