Monday, January 18, 2010

Good morning on Mon, Jan 18


What a weird weekend of wacky weather here in Wellington.  Friday was wet, wet, wet and I went to collect the kids and Ma from Ngaio to head out to Queensgate with the intention of a glowworm tour in the botanic gardens afterwards.  But the dire weather put paid to all that.  Ma bought the kids shoes (very nice blck school shoes) and we went back home really.

Saturday morning dawned even worse on the weather front, and we hadn't even thought that was possible.  The southerly was bringing rain in sheets all day.  Wee Tom had his 4th birthday party in the Wadestown Plunket and his parents had a superbly organised event.  Great food for the adults as well as the kids.  The outdoor activities were curtailed but John did organise some gladiator events with blow up swords.  I think everyone had a good time despite the indoor nature of it all.

After the party we headed home to re-group after the fun and food and got ready for swimming.  We went to Karori pool and the kids swam by themselves with us hovering from afar.  The Karori pool is quite small and easy to keep an eye on them.  They had a ball and never had any problems.  Toby seems to have forgotten how to swim properly though.  Better take him again after Tyler heads off so we can practise his strokes.

Sunday was more of the same weather - but lighter rain.  Mike was busy all day with TradeMe buyers turning up to take things away and helping the Tabors move houses.  The kids and I donned jackets for a walk to the dairy but they really wanted a stay-at-home day.  Understandable given the weather!

Sunday evening Lesley and Wally turned up for dinner and we're trying to book Avatar 3D tickets with them.

That was about it really.  Mike was a machine all weekend and this morning.  He had to be at work by 7.30am this morning too so he was off early.  I dropped the kids off under a mist that was very thick.  It is supposed to be wet day at Skids (so Toby has his two super soakers and they both have togs) but I can't see them doing it unless the weather clears.  Which it might.  Tomorrow is supposed to be lovely.

Ok.  Better get stuck into work.  I need a break after getting two kids ready for Skids this morning.  Heheheheh.  Phew!  Toby seems to be a bit fragile (he has a snotty nose so he might be getting a cold) and Tyler has a cough every so often.  Tyler ate well - cornflakes and then two pieces of toast!  What a good girl.  Toby - not!  Some rice bubbles and that was it for him.  Never mind.


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