Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Good morning on Tues, Jan 19


Yesterday afternoon's superb weather has continued into this morning with a cracker morning.  No wind and dry roads for our ride in.  After lunch yesterday the fog and drizzle lifted and we were greeted by sunshine.  The wind dropped away and the evening was wonderful.  We had tea at our place then dropped everyone off at Ngaio.  Ma and Dad's car is in the panelbeaters getting the two driver-side doors sorted after the run-in with our neighbour and so they needed our car.  We left the Corolla behind and drove the wee green car home - via Waikanae.  Yes - we went to visit the Tabors in their lovely new house.  Lots of fun.  The boys were already fast asleep but we got a tour of the house.

Anyhow, fun though it was, it made for a short sleep and it was hard getting out of bed this morning.  Never mind!

Yesterday the kids went to Skids and luckily the weather cleared up because it was "Get Wet Day" and Toby was armed with his two Super Soakers (one for him, one for Tyler).  They both had towels and togs but although Tyler carefully changed into her togs fror the fun, Toby must have launched straight into the fray.  The first thing Tyler told me when I saw her was "Toby got soaked".  They had fun!

Tonight however, is another thing.  We might flag dinner at Ma and Pa's house in favour of getting the house in order.  On Sunday night, Wally helped Mike move the television downstairs (into the TV room, naturally - about time the TV room got a TV in it - it's only been 2.5 years!).  So now we have to set it all up just so.  It'll probably take all evening.  Mike has to crawl into the roofspace and connect co-axial cables together to reach from the lounge down to the bottom TV room.  And that involves pre-laid drwawires that we hope will be up to the task!  At the moment we have no TV and my son seems to have taken this as a personal affront.  I think he is very happy to be at Grandy and Gramps' place this week so he can get his daily fix.  Tyler was horrified when I told her on Monday morning that we had no TV.  She said "Am I supposed to stay here with no TV?" or words to that effect.  Her face was incredulous.  I had to hold back guffaws at that point as she genuinely was surprised.

So, there you have it.  Ma has real estate agents coming around today.  The house should look its best on a day with sun and little wind!  They'll choose an agent and I expect marketing will begin.  When my parents return from Sydney (Sat. Feb. 6) they will kick off the selling process.

Have a wonderful day, wherever you are.


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