Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Good morning on Tues, Apr 20


What a lovely, gorgeous morning.  My ride down the hill was perfect.  There were 5 tuis chatting away to each other above our garage as I got my bike out.  They chortled away and then flew off to go about their business.

The boys were all in fine form.  Mike was up early because he hates our radio station and it is becoming a passionate thing for him.  Certainly it was this morning.  But he doesn't want to switch to another station in case he loses track of the latest music and he is stuck listening to 80s dross for the rest of his life (his choice - not mine!).  Toby was awake but luxuriating in his warm bed and not looking like he was going to leap out of bed.  I got a nice goodbye kiss though.

Keas went well.  Mike came to help me out as Wally was going to be late and I had decided to bake ANZAC cookies with them all.  What was I thinking?  However, with Mike to keep them busy while I got ready in the kitchen worked well.  Ta Mike.  And the cookies came out very well.  And Mike told them lots of stuff about ANZAC.

Tonight is a evening to ourselves.  Unless Ma and Pa want to pop over.  :-)

Toby has a new Pokemon toy - courtesy of his Nana.  It is called Buttonmon and is very cute.  It has pride of place next to some puffles where Toby will be eating his Weetbix on the dining table.  I think that is why it is lined up there.  Toby is being punished for a misdemeanour at the end of last term at school and has no computer or electronic games for all this week.  So he is reading and playing with toys like mad.

That's it.  Busy at work.  I'm settling in to my new location.

Have a great day!

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