The week that was, eh? Was unusual with Toby being sick and yesterday was absolutely frantic at work. But I have recovered enough to draw breath and all is good once more.
Last night Mike and Toby left for the South Island. They are in St Arnaud where Mike is leading a family tramping trip. I just got a text from Mike and Toby is still asleep. Wow - must have been a very exciting adventure last night for him to be still asleep at 8am!
I have the house to myself and I am going to watch the things I like to watch and read all weekend!
I'm off on Sunday at midday to Auckland for a few days. We'll be back at work on Thursday morning all fired up and ready to get stuck in. We're both (Mike is coming early Monday morning after the tramping trip) going to TechEd - the Microsoft conference. It usually is very good although the Australian one this week has copped a lot of flak for having half naked women handing out promotional material. Made me laugh.
Toby is off to stay with Grandy and Gramps while we're away. He is looking forward to that! I'll come and collect him from their house early on Thursday morning and drop him at school. Mike is away until Thursday night.
So, that's about it. I'm going to check the weather conditions in St Arnaud now, to make sure they are going to keep dry!
Have a great weekend!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Good morning on Wed, Aug 25
Well, I am sitting in the dining room typing in my bike gear. I was almost ready when we decided that Toby should have another day off school. So I am now a tiny bit freezing! But today I am working from home. Toby is under strict instructions to leave me alone as much as he can! Poor kid.
His cough is still bad and we suspected his teachers would be calling us to come and collect him if we sent him today. Last night Mike started his training regime and we walked with him for a while until Toby retched from his coughing and the two of us went home. Mike forged ahead with his pack full of kitty litter and beer (the heaviest things to hand) climbing the hills of Wadestown.
Let's see how I get on working on these tiny screens and trying to communicate effectively with work colleagues. First time I've tried this working from home thing here.
Have a great day!
Well, I am sitting in the dining room typing in my bike gear. I was almost ready when we decided that Toby should have another day off school. So I am now a tiny bit freezing! But today I am working from home. Toby is under strict instructions to leave me alone as much as he can! Poor kid.
His cough is still bad and we suspected his teachers would be calling us to come and collect him if we sent him today. Last night Mike started his training regime and we walked with him for a while until Toby retched from his coughing and the two of us went home. Mike forged ahead with his pack full of kitty litter and beer (the heaviest things to hand) climbing the hills of Wadestown.
Let's see how I get on working on these tiny screens and trying to communicate effectively with work colleagues. First time I've tried this working from home thing here.
Have a great day!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Good morning on Mon, Aug 23
What a weird weekend. We had nothing planned - apart from swimming. Which was just as well, because Toby is a little sick. We didn't take him swimming as he woke up coughing and spluttering and got worse over the day. He ended up sleeping most of the day with a fever. Very rare for wee Toby.
Anyhow, come Sunday he seemed much better and was positively perky by 5pm. So we took him to the Bichans for tea, but I think in retrospect, we should have kept him at home. His coughing was still a bit distracting. Mike re-built Helen's PC though - so we were some use over there. He was quite chuffed at how well it went.
Mike went into work last night to get some stuff done and it means he didn't have to get in super early this morning. However, I think Toby is having a sick day - and so is Mike. To look after Toby.
Keas might be a bit tricky tonight with only me available. I'd best sort that out.
Have a great week!
What a weird weekend. We had nothing planned - apart from swimming. Which was just as well, because Toby is a little sick. We didn't take him swimming as he woke up coughing and spluttering and got worse over the day. He ended up sleeping most of the day with a fever. Very rare for wee Toby.
Anyhow, come Sunday he seemed much better and was positively perky by 5pm. So we took him to the Bichans for tea, but I think in retrospect, we should have kept him at home. His coughing was still a bit distracting. Mike re-built Helen's PC though - so we were some use over there. He was quite chuffed at how well it went.
Mike went into work last night to get some stuff done and it means he didn't have to get in super early this morning. However, I think Toby is having a sick day - and so is Mike. To look after Toby.
Keas might be a bit tricky tonight with only me available. I'd best sort that out.
Have a great week!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Good morning on Fri, Aug 20
Phew - what a week. I can't keep track of my life. Things are sliding out of view before I have a grasp of them. Anyhow - tonight we're having tea at 40WLW. I'll ride home, collect Toby and Mike (he'll come home on the bus as he is still a bit asthmary) and then collect Ma and head to Lower Hutt for the feast.
Last night went well. Ma and I played table tennis for the first time in three weeks (sick, then holidays then work kept me away) and I was pants! Talk about rusty.
Saturday we have swimming. Then the weekend is pretty free. I need to do some gardening (moving plants around for the main part) so hopefully it rains overnight to keep the soil easy to work with and is sunny during the day.
I'd better get stuck in.
Have a great weekend.
Phew - what a week. I can't keep track of my life. Things are sliding out of view before I have a grasp of them. Anyhow - tonight we're having tea at 40WLW. I'll ride home, collect Toby and Mike (he'll come home on the bus as he is still a bit asthmary) and then collect Ma and head to Lower Hutt for the feast.
Last night went well. Ma and I played table tennis for the first time in three weeks (sick, then holidays then work kept me away) and I was pants! Talk about rusty.
Saturday we have swimming. Then the weekend is pretty free. I need to do some gardening (moving plants around for the main part) so hopefully it rains overnight to keep the soil easy to work with and is sunny during the day.
I'd better get stuck in.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Good morning on Thurs, Aug 19
Phew - what hectic times. Last night we saw Mum and Dad as they collected Toby from school and cooked tea for us. Toby's favourite - chicken schnitzels. He was pretty chuffed. Ate a mountain of mashed potato to boot.
Mike went off to tramping club and signed up for a winter trip to scale Mt Ngauruhoe in mid September. Wow! He'll be riding and walking everywhere from now to then to get fit for it. Good on him.
We're all a bit tired this morning as Toby woke up several times during the night. No television or computers for him today.
Toby is off for a playdate after school though. To Jack's house. I'll collect him on the way home as I rode right past their house.
That's about it. Table tennis tonight. Haven't been for a while with colds, holidays and work. So Mum and I are looking forward to it.
Phew - what hectic times. Last night we saw Mum and Dad as they collected Toby from school and cooked tea for us. Toby's favourite - chicken schnitzels. He was pretty chuffed. Ate a mountain of mashed potato to boot.
Mike went off to tramping club and signed up for a winter trip to scale Mt Ngauruhoe in mid September. Wow! He'll be riding and walking everywhere from now to then to get fit for it. Good on him.
We're all a bit tired this morning as Toby woke up several times during the night. No television or computers for him today.
Toby is off for a playdate after school though. To Jack's house. I'll collect him on the way home as I rode right past their house.
That's about it. Table tennis tonight. Haven't been for a while with colds, holidays and work. So Mum and I are looking forward to it.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Good morning on Wed, Aug 18
Wednesday has dawned bright and cheery after a rain-filled last few days. The road was almost dry on the ride in this morning. The gullies have stayed wet after the rain late last night.
Toby has tennis then karate this afternoon. I'm busy at work for a great portion of today. But I can still make room for a cup of tea.
Last night I made a new dish for tea - Orange Chicken. I think I could have done it a bit better. Mike has the leftovers for lunch as he loved it. Toby was undecided and I think it could have looked a lot better than it did. Aidan gave me the idea as she cooked it a few days back. Perhaps I need her recipe rather than the first one I found on Google. Anyhow, I'll give it another go soon and see if I can perfect it.
Toby is possibly coming down with the coughing cold that has been going around. I just suspect it. Mike also seems to have it and it is giving his asthma a bit of gyp. Hopefully they are both ok soon. Dad had it on holiday in Noosa.
We'll see Ma and Dad this afternoon for the first time since they got back from Queensland. They are chirping again about moving there, but I am aiming to make them realise they can't live without us and they'll decide to live here once more. Stealth plan (of course, they read this so my plan is uncovered already).
Have a marvellous day! The sun is shining here. Looks great!
Wednesday has dawned bright and cheery after a rain-filled last few days. The road was almost dry on the ride in this morning. The gullies have stayed wet after the rain late last night.
Toby has tennis then karate this afternoon. I'm busy at work for a great portion of today. But I can still make room for a cup of tea.
Last night I made a new dish for tea - Orange Chicken. I think I could have done it a bit better. Mike has the leftovers for lunch as he loved it. Toby was undecided and I think it could have looked a lot better than it did. Aidan gave me the idea as she cooked it a few days back. Perhaps I need her recipe rather than the first one I found on Google. Anyhow, I'll give it another go soon and see if I can perfect it.
Toby is possibly coming down with the coughing cold that has been going around. I just suspect it. Mike also seems to have it and it is giving his asthma a bit of gyp. Hopefully they are both ok soon. Dad had it on holiday in Noosa.
We'll see Ma and Dad this afternoon for the first time since they got back from Queensland. They are chirping again about moving there, but I am aiming to make them realise they can't live without us and they'll decide to live here once more. Stealth plan (of course, they read this so my plan is uncovered already).
Have a marvellous day! The sun is shining here. Looks great!
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Good morning on Tues, Aug 17
What a Monday night! I had to cancel our squash game just so I could fit in all the other activities we had on. Keas went well - Mike excelled himself making sculpture dough and keeping 13 children in line. Then off home to cook and Mike left for the Wadestown Residents AGM. As he left I yelled out "Don;t join the committee."
What was the first thing he said as he stepped back in the door at 9pm? "I'm on the committee." Heheheh.
Mike now knows more than he thought possible about the trials and tribulations facing Wadestown residents.
After a chat about the meeting, I got ready to collect Ma and Dad from the airport. After timing it to perfection and arriving at arrivals at 12:05 (their estimated arrival time - giving me loads of time to relax while customs processed them all), I saw the actual arrival time said 2320. Yikes! I looked wildly around to see if I could see them waiting for me somewhere. Nope. Phew. 1 minute later they walked through the doors. What timing!
They were tired after their marathon day but happy to be home. We picked up some fresh milk and they stumbled into their lovely house at about 12.40am. Not too bad.
I went home and was fast asleep by 1am. Unlike Mike who was getting distracted by a Jack Reacher book.
Slightly damp ride in this morning, with a strong northerly to push me even faster. Not too bad at all though.
Have a great day!
What a Monday night! I had to cancel our squash game just so I could fit in all the other activities we had on. Keas went well - Mike excelled himself making sculpture dough and keeping 13 children in line. Then off home to cook and Mike left for the Wadestown Residents AGM. As he left I yelled out "Don;t join the committee."
What was the first thing he said as he stepped back in the door at 9pm? "I'm on the committee." Heheheh.
Mike now knows more than he thought possible about the trials and tribulations facing Wadestown residents.
After a chat about the meeting, I got ready to collect Ma and Dad from the airport. After timing it to perfection and arriving at arrivals at 12:05 (their estimated arrival time - giving me loads of time to relax while customs processed them all), I saw the actual arrival time said 2320. Yikes! I looked wildly around to see if I could see them waiting for me somewhere. Nope. Phew. 1 minute later they walked through the doors. What timing!
They were tired after their marathon day but happy to be home. We picked up some fresh milk and they stumbled into their lovely house at about 12.40am. Not too bad.
I went home and was fast asleep by 1am. Unlike Mike who was getting distracted by a Jack Reacher book.
Slightly damp ride in this morning, with a strong northerly to push me even faster. Not too bad at all though.
Have a great day!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Good morning on Mon, Aug 16
Mum and Dad get home today. Well, at midnight. You can tell because although the weather on the radio said morning drizzle for Wellington, I rode to work in low, low cloud! There is a difference between drizzle that falls from the sky, and low cloud that means you ride into the hovering raindrops. Mum and Dad seem to attract fog warnings. But I'm sure it'll be clear by the time they arrive at midnight. I can't wait to see them. We've missed them.
My Monday night has become very full. Keas (and I have convinced Mike to help in Wally's absence - Wally has broken his shoulder and is out of commission for a few weeks) and then dinner for Toby. Possibly followed by a squash commitment. I say "possibly" because Mike is off to the Wadestown Residents AGM to discuss various issues facing the residents here. Then I'm off to the airport to collect my parents - at midnight! Ooooo.
Roll on quiet Tuesday!
The weekend was wonderful. I felt like I was a million miles away from the Wellington pace of life. Very pleasant. Can I do it again soon, please?
Have a great week!
Mum and Dad get home today. Well, at midnight. You can tell because although the weather on the radio said morning drizzle for Wellington, I rode to work in low, low cloud! There is a difference between drizzle that falls from the sky, and low cloud that means you ride into the hovering raindrops. Mum and Dad seem to attract fog warnings. But I'm sure it'll be clear by the time they arrive at midnight. I can't wait to see them. We've missed them.
My Monday night has become very full. Keas (and I have convinced Mike to help in Wally's absence - Wally has broken his shoulder and is out of commission for a few weeks) and then dinner for Toby. Possibly followed by a squash commitment. I say "possibly" because Mike is off to the Wadestown Residents AGM to discuss various issues facing the residents here. Then I'm off to the airport to collect my parents - at midnight! Ooooo.
Roll on quiet Tuesday!
The weekend was wonderful. I felt like I was a million miles away from the Wellington pace of life. Very pleasant. Can I do it again soon, please?
Have a great week!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Matiu/Somes Island, 14 August
Matiu/Somes Family daywalk (and overnight stay for some): Mike, Angela, Toby, Brennan, Josh, Aidan, Duncan, Emerson
Having lived outside New Zealand for a while, I can say that weather forecasting is quite a bit more hit and miss here than, say, Australia or Europe. Something to do with being a small island in a large ocean, I'll bet. But when the Metservice decided to add a 10 day forecast to their website, it did make me laugh. The forecasting is sometimes wrong on the day they release it. But, despite that, when they are forecasting for tomorrow, they have a reasonable chance of getting it pretty right.
So I was quietly confident that the Saturday forecast of "clearing showers and easing winds" might be vaguely reliable. Even though as I read it on Friday night, it was pouring and blowing. Anyway, the Forest and Bird Lodge on Matiu/Somes Island was ours for Saturday night and I was determined not to miss that. I was going to the island come rain or shine (as long as the ferries were running).
We'd organised a family day walk for Saturday August 14 on Matiu/Somes, and decided a few months out that we would hire the Forest and Bird Lodge and stay the night as well. Our son Toby has had a fascination with Matiu/Somes for years. He calls it Tracey Island (from the Thunderbirds) and we (and his Thunderbird-mad Aunty Sally) do nothing to dissuade him from it. We've been meaning to visit for ages and this was a great opportunity.
However, the lashing rain driven by gale northerlies did change the mind of several other families planning on making the trip out to Matiu/Somes. It is hard to take families out in poor weather. Social skills involving stiff upper lips and struggling gamely through all adversity are certainly not fully developed until much later in the teenage years. And the recurring theme that all us parents of young kids have is "Don't put the children off tramping!".
So, we waited on Saturday morning at Queens Wharf, with our luggage haphazardly strewn around to avoid the puddles from the recent rain. Another family turned up (but then, they were also booked into the Forest and Bird Lodge with us, so they had a vested interest and knowledge that we had refuge from anything the island could throw at us) and we did have one other person arrive. But they asked more about the coming trip to Nelson Lakes and decided against visiting Matius/Somes this time around.
We boarded the Dom Post ferry (two families of two adults and two boys each) at 10am and enjoyed the fast trip out to the island. We were met by DoC officers and searched our luggage for stowaway pests and listened to some information about the island. Then we walked up to the house and made ourselves comfortable. The house was a well-maintained three bedroom house with excellent facilities. The power is from a diesel generator, so there are three bursts of power through the day while the generator runs: an hour at breakfast time; another hour at lunchtime; and 4 hours in the evening. You can cook with the gas hob/stovetop outside those times, but at 9:30pm when the power goes off and the lights go out - that's pretty well bed time.
We made lunch and had fun exploring the house. Then we tackled a walk around the island. It was a family daywalk trip after all. We walked back down to the wharf as a starting point. A day volunteer ranger pointed out a nesting penguin, which was good as despite our best efforts we never got to see another penguin for the rest of the stay. We certainly smelled their presence and heard them a lot. But they proved elusive. We picked up a dead weta to examine more closely and returned it to the scene of its demise. Then we walked back up the hill to the visitors centre, then up past that to the gun emplacements on the top of the island. Can you believe there was no wind at all? So calm and peaceful. Interrupted only by four boys playing soldiers amongst the old fortifications.
We enjoyed the view of Wellington and Lower Hutt from the summit and continued on the Circuit Track around to the lighthouse. The views of the shoreline were spectacular. The sea was so clear and the birdlife was abundant. I peered through Josh's binoculars at any opportunity. (Thanks Josh!) One of the boys spotted a Giant Cook Strait Weta on the side of the path at one point. It was huge. We all took a good look.
Then, further around, closer to our accommodation, Aidan, Emerson and Duncan found a tuatara nesting under an old, gnarled macrocarpa tree. We used the binoculars then too, to get a good look at a tuatara in the wild. I've only ever seen them in glass enclosures before this trip. What a highlight. Wetas and tuatara. I was so excited at the idea of a torchlight walk around the Circuit Track because with this much good luck we'd see flocks of Little Blue Penguins. Surely.
Anyhow, when the evening power came on at 5.30pm, we cooked up a mighty fine dinner. Spaghetti bolognese. I don't know why, but I never tire of eating it and it always seems such a hit for the kids. Most of the children ate as much as the adults. Must be that good, fresh island air.
After tea we pulled on our warm clothes, and wandered down to the northern end of the island for the 7.30pm Petone Winter Festival Fireworks Spectacular. And, I have to say, I think we had a prime spot for viewing it. It was marvellous. Fifteen minutes of very good fireworks. Then we went around the Circuit Track to spot the multitude of penguins. After a good 45 minutes walking around, we could smell the penguins easily, and hear them cooing (laughing at us?), but saw nothing of them. They were Ninja Penguins. And we must have been elephant tourists. Four young boys didn't make us the stealthiest of groups. Lucky the volunteer ranger pointed out the nesting penguin down by the wharf so we can say we did see one.
Back to the lodge and our hard family daywalk had us all tuckered out. Two boys crashed immediately, and the two others followed close on their heels. Then it wasn't long for the parents to follow suit. Come 9.30pm when the lights went out, it was very easy to pass up playing cards by torchlight and go straight to bed instead.
Sunday we packed up and cleaned the lodge, using our precious hour of electricity to get in and vacuum it out. The DoC ranger came and collected our luggage with the trailer and we wandered down to meet the ferry. At some stage during the night the weather had turned from a warm northerly to a cooler, stronger, southerly. In the morning, the shoreline was all murked out with fog around the edge of the harbour, making Matiu/Somes feel even more remote. Still no rain though! We took the boys for a last play around the gun enplacements and then walked down to meet the ferry at 10.40am.
The southerly had whipped the harbour up into a frenzy, but with such a short ride into the city, not even my poor sea stomach could be upset. The boys thought we'd provided them with their very own roller coaster, so their whoops of joy could be heard echoing around the boat with every wild dip.
The trip out to Matiu/Somes was as good as I could have hoped. Despite looking out at the twinkling lights of Wellington, you felt really isolated and cut off from the world. It is a special place so close to Wellington. Go and explore it, either for the day or overnight. We had fun!
More photos here:
Having lived outside New Zealand for a while, I can say that weather forecasting is quite a bit more hit and miss here than, say, Australia or Europe. Something to do with being a small island in a large ocean, I'll bet. But when the Metservice decided to add a 10 day forecast to their website, it did make me laugh. The forecasting is sometimes wrong on the day they release it. But, despite that, when they are forecasting for tomorrow, they have a reasonable chance of getting it pretty right.
So I was quietly confident that the Saturday forecast of "clearing showers and easing winds" might be vaguely reliable. Even though as I read it on Friday night, it was pouring and blowing. Anyway, the Forest and Bird Lodge on Matiu/Somes Island was ours for Saturday night and I was determined not to miss that. I was going to the island come rain or shine (as long as the ferries were running).
We'd organised a family day walk for Saturday August 14 on Matiu/Somes, and decided a few months out that we would hire the Forest and Bird Lodge and stay the night as well. Our son Toby has had a fascination with Matiu/Somes for years. He calls it Tracey Island (from the Thunderbirds) and we (and his Thunderbird-mad Aunty Sally) do nothing to dissuade him from it. We've been meaning to visit for ages and this was a great opportunity.
However, the lashing rain driven by gale northerlies did change the mind of several other families planning on making the trip out to Matiu/Somes. It is hard to take families out in poor weather. Social skills involving stiff upper lips and struggling gamely through all adversity are certainly not fully developed until much later in the teenage years. And the recurring theme that all us parents of young kids have is "Don't put the children off tramping!".
So, we waited on Saturday morning at Queens Wharf, with our luggage haphazardly strewn around to avoid the puddles from the recent rain. Another family turned up (but then, they were also booked into the Forest and Bird Lodge with us, so they had a vested interest and knowledge that we had refuge from anything the island could throw at us) and we did have one other person arrive. But they asked more about the coming trip to Nelson Lakes and decided against visiting Matius/Somes this time around.
We boarded the Dom Post ferry (two families of two adults and two boys each) at 10am and enjoyed the fast trip out to the island. We were met by DoC officers and searched our luggage for stowaway pests and listened to some information about the island. Then we walked up to the house and made ourselves comfortable. The house was a well-maintained three bedroom house with excellent facilities. The power is from a diesel generator, so there are three bursts of power through the day while the generator runs: an hour at breakfast time; another hour at lunchtime; and 4 hours in the evening. You can cook with the gas hob/stovetop outside those times, but at 9:30pm when the power goes off and the lights go out - that's pretty well bed time.
We made lunch and had fun exploring the house. Then we tackled a walk around the island. It was a family daywalk trip after all. We walked back down to the wharf as a starting point. A day volunteer ranger pointed out a nesting penguin, which was good as despite our best efforts we never got to see another penguin for the rest of the stay. We certainly smelled their presence and heard them a lot. But they proved elusive. We picked up a dead weta to examine more closely and returned it to the scene of its demise. Then we walked back up the hill to the visitors centre, then up past that to the gun emplacements on the top of the island. Can you believe there was no wind at all? So calm and peaceful. Interrupted only by four boys playing soldiers amongst the old fortifications.
We enjoyed the view of Wellington and Lower Hutt from the summit and continued on the Circuit Track around to the lighthouse. The views of the shoreline were spectacular. The sea was so clear and the birdlife was abundant. I peered through Josh's binoculars at any opportunity. (Thanks Josh!) One of the boys spotted a Giant Cook Strait Weta on the side of the path at one point. It was huge. We all took a good look.
Then, further around, closer to our accommodation, Aidan, Emerson and Duncan found a tuatara nesting under an old, gnarled macrocarpa tree. We used the binoculars then too, to get a good look at a tuatara in the wild. I've only ever seen them in glass enclosures before this trip. What a highlight. Wetas and tuatara. I was so excited at the idea of a torchlight walk around the Circuit Track because with this much good luck we'd see flocks of Little Blue Penguins. Surely.
Anyhow, when the evening power came on at 5.30pm, we cooked up a mighty fine dinner. Spaghetti bolognese. I don't know why, but I never tire of eating it and it always seems such a hit for the kids. Most of the children ate as much as the adults. Must be that good, fresh island air.
After tea we pulled on our warm clothes, and wandered down to the northern end of the island for the 7.30pm Petone Winter Festival Fireworks Spectacular. And, I have to say, I think we had a prime spot for viewing it. It was marvellous. Fifteen minutes of very good fireworks. Then we went around the Circuit Track to spot the multitude of penguins. After a good 45 minutes walking around, we could smell the penguins easily, and hear them cooing (laughing at us?), but saw nothing of them. They were Ninja Penguins. And we must have been elephant tourists. Four young boys didn't make us the stealthiest of groups. Lucky the volunteer ranger pointed out the nesting penguin down by the wharf so we can say we did see one.
Back to the lodge and our hard family daywalk had us all tuckered out. Two boys crashed immediately, and the two others followed close on their heels. Then it wasn't long for the parents to follow suit. Come 9.30pm when the lights went out, it was very easy to pass up playing cards by torchlight and go straight to bed instead.
Sunday we packed up and cleaned the lodge, using our precious hour of electricity to get in and vacuum it out. The DoC ranger came and collected our luggage with the trailer and we wandered down to meet the ferry. At some stage during the night the weather had turned from a warm northerly to a cooler, stronger, southerly. In the morning, the shoreline was all murked out with fog around the edge of the harbour, making Matiu/Somes feel even more remote. Still no rain though! We took the boys for a last play around the gun enplacements and then walked down to meet the ferry at 10.40am.
The southerly had whipped the harbour up into a frenzy, but with such a short ride into the city, not even my poor sea stomach could be upset. The boys thought we'd provided them with their very own roller coaster, so their whoops of joy could be heard echoing around the boat with every wild dip.
The trip out to Matiu/Somes was as good as I could have hoped. Despite looking out at the twinkling lights of Wellington, you felt really isolated and cut off from the world. It is a special place so close to Wellington. Go and explore it, either for the day or overnight. We had fun!
More photos here:
Friday, August 13, 2010
Good afternoon (oops - again) on Friday (hooray), Aug 13
Unlucky for some, eh? Horrible weather here today. Rain and hard northerlies. But it isn't cold. Went around to see the Sampsons last night and Wally is pretty sore from his tumble off his bike. So, we're taking Brennan to Somes Island with us. Yay. Toby is over the moon. Brennan, Duncan and Emerson. He'll think it's Christmas.
Anyhow, Toby and I got home early and read in bed for a while. We chatted to Mike and then curled up and went to sleep. The cat was the only bother. Up, down. Up, down. In, out. In, out. Grrrr.
This morning went well. I was unsure whether I should ride or not given the conditions. But it wasn't too bad in the end on my bike. The traffic was lighter than usual I think.
Anyhow, we'll go and collect Brennan tonight and he can sleepover tonight so we can get away early tomorrow morning to the ferry. I'm quite excited about this wee excursion.
Have a great weekend.
Unlucky for some, eh? Horrible weather here today. Rain and hard northerlies. But it isn't cold. Went around to see the Sampsons last night and Wally is pretty sore from his tumble off his bike. So, we're taking Brennan to Somes Island with us. Yay. Toby is over the moon. Brennan, Duncan and Emerson. He'll think it's Christmas.
Anyhow, Toby and I got home early and read in bed for a while. We chatted to Mike and then curled up and went to sleep. The cat was the only bother. Up, down. Up, down. In, out. In, out. Grrrr.
This morning went well. I was unsure whether I should ride or not given the conditions. But it wasn't too bad in the end on my bike. The traffic was lighter than usual I think.
Anyhow, we'll go and collect Brennan tonight and he can sleepover tonight so we can get away early tomorrow morning to the ferry. I'm quite excited about this wee excursion.
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Good morning on Thurs, Aug 12
Where has the week gone? Phew! Passing me in a flash. Busy at work. Busy at home. Choice!
Mike got off ok this morning. He should be in Auckland now. I hope he gets everything done he needs to get done. He is flat out at the moment.
Toby and I had a good morning. The walk to school was very pleasant and I saw Sarah drop Ryan off and then passed her as she parked her car at the bottom of the hill. Not too slow on the ride down this morning then. Dry roads help a lot.
Tonight we're off to see the Sampsons. Toby is very excited about that. Wally fell off his bicycle and broke his shoulder. Ouch! He has time at home for a while.
Have a great day!
Where has the week gone? Phew! Passing me in a flash. Busy at work. Busy at home. Choice!
Mike got off ok this morning. He should be in Auckland now. I hope he gets everything done he needs to get done. He is flat out at the moment.
Toby and I had a good morning. The walk to school was very pleasant and I saw Sarah drop Ryan off and then passed her as she parked her car at the bottom of the hill. Not too slow on the ride down this morning then. Dry roads help a lot.
Tonight we're off to see the Sampsons. Toby is very excited about that. Wally fell off his bicycle and broke his shoulder. Ouch! He has time at home for a while.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Good afternoon (oops) on Wed, Aug 11
Look - I forgot. Oops. I had Toby drop off duty (which went very well) and hurtled down the hill to work for a 9am meeting. And forgot all about this.
Anyhow... Tuesday night is always good fun. We have nothing on, so we get Toby's homework done and generally relax. Unfortunately Mike worked until 10pm or so. So he never got a chance to relax.
Mike will collect Toby for karate (after tennis - which should be on as the day is lovely).
We have two days without Mike as he's off up to Auckland. Solo parent for Thursday and Friday! Ouch!
Have a great day!
Look - I forgot. Oops. I had Toby drop off duty (which went very well) and hurtled down the hill to work for a 9am meeting. And forgot all about this.
Anyhow... Tuesday night is always good fun. We have nothing on, so we get Toby's homework done and generally relax. Unfortunately Mike worked until 10pm or so. So he never got a chance to relax.
Mike will collect Toby for karate (after tennis - which should be on as the day is lovely).
We have two days without Mike as he's off up to Auckland. Solo parent for Thursday and Friday! Ouch!
Have a great day!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Mario's Big Race

King Boo was flying to his house, but Mario was guarding it.

King Boo challenged Mario and Bowser to a race at Grumble Volcano.

King Boo shot right over a hole. Mario was impressed! He flipped over the hole - but Bowser was still in front. They crashed into Bowser and Bowser accidentally fell into Lava - but he survived.
The End.
Next : The Battle of Bowser, in a school near you.

Good morning on Tues, Aug 10
Keas went so well last night. It's amazing what making paper darts does for a 6 year old boy. We had our usual ten keas there and it was good fun. Towards the end they played hockey with paper batons and some light plastic balls and it was a hoot. Great.
I played squash afterwards and was very pleased to have Mike and Toby show up for the last 20 minutes or so. I think it has got Mike enthusiastic again about playing. So we might get some quality squash time on the courts. Toby liked watching too. He was very appreciative of my shots that went out of bounds. Big = better in Toby's eyes.
Straight home and straight to bed for Toby. And he slept so well. Monday was a no computers, no TV day as he had woken many times on Sunday night calling out for us about being scared. So it was on the cards for another day straight with no TV if he called out. Slept like a log, he did. And he told me so when he woke at 6.30 and came into bed for a cuddle. So we'll see if it keeps working tonight.
I think we might instigate the No TV Tuesday policy again soon. I like not being a slave to television. A walk after tea is a much better prospect. I just have to convince Toby.
Back to work now. And a cup of tea I think.
The weather is marvellous here today. Truly lovely. No wind, dry roads, lots of sunshine. I think Mike will ride into work too (for the first time in ages). Encourage him!
Keas went so well last night. It's amazing what making paper darts does for a 6 year old boy. We had our usual ten keas there and it was good fun. Towards the end they played hockey with paper batons and some light plastic balls and it was a hoot. Great.
I played squash afterwards and was very pleased to have Mike and Toby show up for the last 20 minutes or so. I think it has got Mike enthusiastic again about playing. So we might get some quality squash time on the courts. Toby liked watching too. He was very appreciative of my shots that went out of bounds. Big = better in Toby's eyes.
Straight home and straight to bed for Toby. And he slept so well. Monday was a no computers, no TV day as he had woken many times on Sunday night calling out for us about being scared. So it was on the cards for another day straight with no TV if he called out. Slept like a log, he did. And he told me so when he woke at 6.30 and came into bed for a cuddle. So we'll see if it keeps working tonight.
I think we might instigate the No TV Tuesday policy again soon. I like not being a slave to television. A walk after tea is a much better prospect. I just have to convince Toby.
Back to work now. And a cup of tea I think.
The weather is marvellous here today. Truly lovely. No wind, dry roads, lots of sunshine. I think Mike will ride into work too (for the first time in ages). Encourage him!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Good morning on Mon, Aug 9
After a glorious Sunday (until about 3pm at any rate) we have a dour Monday here in Wellington. The radio forecast said cold, gale southerlies and snow to 500m. So I took the bus. Soft, eh?
The weekend was good fun. Toby swam well and then we popped in for a quick lunch to Sally and Andrew's place. Then off to see End Game - a play aimed at 8 - 14 year olds. We met Duncan and Emerson there (and their mother) and we all went in to see the play. It was quite good. I think as far as a play goes, it was a good idea for keeping someone like Toby's attention. A boy and his mother get pulled into a computer game and the mother has to learn to accept her son knows more about their situation than she does.
Then off to Sweet Mother's Kitchen to meet Mike and Josh and have a coffee and some beignets (sweet pastries from southern USA). We took Duncan and Emerson back home for a quick play date and then Ryan came to play as well.
Sunday was spent lazing around tidying and planning stuff. Toby went to play with Jack and that was about the extent of the weekend.
Tonight is Keas and I have a squash session after that. Phew!
Hope your weekend was great fun too!
After a glorious Sunday (until about 3pm at any rate) we have a dour Monday here in Wellington. The radio forecast said cold, gale southerlies and snow to 500m. So I took the bus. Soft, eh?
The weekend was good fun. Toby swam well and then we popped in for a quick lunch to Sally and Andrew's place. Then off to see End Game - a play aimed at 8 - 14 year olds. We met Duncan and Emerson there (and their mother) and we all went in to see the play. It was quite good. I think as far as a play goes, it was a good idea for keeping someone like Toby's attention. A boy and his mother get pulled into a computer game and the mother has to learn to accept her son knows more about their situation than she does.
Then off to Sweet Mother's Kitchen to meet Mike and Josh and have a coffee and some beignets (sweet pastries from southern USA). We took Duncan and Emerson back home for a quick play date and then Ryan came to play as well.
Sunday was spent lazing around tidying and planning stuff. Toby went to play with Jack and that was about the extent of the weekend.
Tonight is Keas and I have a squash session after that. Phew!
Hope your weekend was great fun too!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Good morning on Fri, Aug 6
Friday - hooray! And it was a short week for us too after our long weekend to Sydney. But the last half dragged a bit. I was sure it was Friday yesterday.
I had Toby drop off duty this morning as Mike needed to get in early. But last night I went to a fund raising event for Toby's school at the Children's Bookshop in Kilbirnie and I was in paradise. Never been there before and it is superb! I must take Toby. Toby has bought a book for the school library and will get his name on it. Skullduggery. The shop assistant thought it'd be good for Toby in a year or so.
This weekend is looking good. We have swimming tomorrow and then (possibly) a play for 8-14 year olds in the early afternoon. I think it is on. Then nothing strictly scheduled for the rest of the weekend.
Have a marvellous weekend.
Friday - hooray! And it was a short week for us too after our long weekend to Sydney. But the last half dragged a bit. I was sure it was Friday yesterday.
I had Toby drop off duty this morning as Mike needed to get in early. But last night I went to a fund raising event for Toby's school at the Children's Bookshop in Kilbirnie and I was in paradise. Never been there before and it is superb! I must take Toby. Toby has bought a book for the school library and will get his name on it. Skullduggery. The shop assistant thought it'd be good for Toby in a year or so.
This weekend is looking good. We have swimming tomorrow and then (possibly) a play for 8-14 year olds in the early afternoon. I think it is on. Then nothing strictly scheduled for the rest of the weekend.
Have a marvellous weekend.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Good morning on Thurs, Aug 5
What a weird Wednesday. Mike got a migraine at work and only stayed till mid-afternoon when he went home to bed. But he felt ok after taking migraine-strength Neurophen and collected Toby for karate. Yes - tennis was cancelled. The rain has been more like a deluge. This morning was the first ride where I didn't get soaked for the last two days. Yesterday I got wet coming in (my desk has struts underneath it and my biking gear was strung out over it drying - it did quite well), and soaked going home.
I stayed working late and walked to the tramping club meeting in Mt Vic. It was a talk and slide show on Everest. This chap in the club climbed it - and made it. The photos were spectacular.
Then I hopped on my bike and rode through the cold rain, over unfamiliar streets, back home. I was glad to hop in the shower when I got in.
Unfortunately, my necklace broke when I was in the shower. Luckily I noticed it edging towards the plug and saved it from oblivion. I never knew how much I touched it during the day, but I reach up to play with it often. And it's not there! I'll be out of sorts all day.
Tonight is table tennis night but I am going to miss it. Toby's school has a fundraising event on at a very good children's bookshop in Kilbirnie. We can buy books and 10% goes towards the school library fund. And we can buy to donate too. So I think we might do just that! Someone want to come with me and drink the wine they said they'll provide? :-) I'll ride home, cook tea and drive over. The owner will speak as well, and apparently he is good at what he does.
Roll on Friday! Hooray!
What a weird Wednesday. Mike got a migraine at work and only stayed till mid-afternoon when he went home to bed. But he felt ok after taking migraine-strength Neurophen and collected Toby for karate. Yes - tennis was cancelled. The rain has been more like a deluge. This morning was the first ride where I didn't get soaked for the last two days. Yesterday I got wet coming in (my desk has struts underneath it and my biking gear was strung out over it drying - it did quite well), and soaked going home.
I stayed working late and walked to the tramping club meeting in Mt Vic. It was a talk and slide show on Everest. This chap in the club climbed it - and made it. The photos were spectacular.
Then I hopped on my bike and rode through the cold rain, over unfamiliar streets, back home. I was glad to hop in the shower when I got in.
Unfortunately, my necklace broke when I was in the shower. Luckily I noticed it edging towards the plug and saved it from oblivion. I never knew how much I touched it during the day, but I reach up to play with it often. And it's not there! I'll be out of sorts all day.
Tonight is table tennis night but I am going to miss it. Toby's school has a fundraising event on at a very good children's bookshop in Kilbirnie. We can buy books and 10% goes towards the school library fund. And we can buy to donate too. So I think we might do just that! Someone want to come with me and drink the wine they said they'll provide? :-) I'll ride home, cook tea and drive over. The owner will speak as well, and apparently he is good at what he does.
Roll on Friday! Hooray!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Good morning on Wed, Aug 4
What a wet morning this morning. The rain is proper rain and not drizzly rain. So I got quite wet walking Toby to school this morning and then continuing my ride into work. The people that usually walk or bus to work drive on days like this and that is only too apparent. They stop where they shouldn't, don't indicate and sometimes don't even look. But apart from that, I really enjoyed the ride in. I feel so much better when I get to work.
Last night we went out to Makara Beach after dinner to look for the aurora. We saw nothing but high cloud. But it was nice on a beach in the dark!
Tennis today (not likely) and karate. Cool!
Have lots of fun!
What a wet morning this morning. The rain is proper rain and not drizzly rain. So I got quite wet walking Toby to school this morning and then continuing my ride into work. The people that usually walk or bus to work drive on days like this and that is only too apparent. They stop where they shouldn't, don't indicate and sometimes don't even look. But apart from that, I really enjoyed the ride in. I feel so much better when I get to work.
Last night we went out to Makara Beach after dinner to look for the aurora. We saw nothing but high cloud. But it was nice on a beach in the dark!
Tennis today (not likely) and karate. Cool!
Have lots of fun!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Good morning on Tues, Aug 3
What a surreal, but wonderful, weekend to Sydney we had. It's hard to imagine we were ever away as I sit here at work as if it was a normal weekend. It certainly didn't feel like 3.5 days as we only had two full days in Sydney.
Karen's party was wonderful - as any party they host is always wonderful. They had 10 extra people in their house and Karen and Scott coped marvellously. They had the party catered and it was yummy and unobtrusive.
We arrived Friday evening and debated getting a rental car out to Quakers from the airport for me, Toby, Mike, Mum and Dad. It was a close thing. If we didn't need to drop the car off in town the next day, but somewhere out near Karen and Scott's place, I would have been in! But we decided on the train and hopped onto the next train from International to Central (where we had to change to the yellow line out to Blacktown). As we were two stops out from Central, Karen rang Mike. I heard him say he was two stops out from Central and Karen excitedly told him Michelle and Tim must be on the same train. Then Gramps yells out "Michelle" in a booming voice. We saw Michelle and Tim at the other end of our carriage. So we rode with them all the way to Blacktown.
Karen and Noush collected us so we all got home at about 8.30pm. It was perfect. We ate spaghetti bolognese (although Toby was far too excited to eat) and then Mike and I took the GPS unit into the airport to collect Kylie then Sharon and Jamie. It worked well and we even managed to show Jamie the Opera House and Harbour Bridge on the way home.
Crashed into bed and slept like a log. Toby was in Abby's bed and Mike and I were on her trundler bed that pulls out from under her bed. Toby woke at 5.30am (I guess 7.30am Wellington time), whispering"Abby, Abby!". I told him it was just Mum and Dad and to go back to sleep. Which he might have done. I certainly did.
We got up early and got ready for swimming. Abby and Tyler had their lessons while Jamie and Toby swam around waiting impatiently for the lessons to finish so they could all play together. Toby loves Jamie - as do Tyler and Abby! Especially Abby! When the girls finished their lesson, Karen took me to Castle Towers for some shopping and then big boys took the little boys and girls home.
Then it was preparation for the party and at 3pm it all started! Woo hoo! There must have been 60 people easily there - including about 15 or 20 children! Scott's family come as a massive unit: hire-a-crowd really. And they always treat us like family too.
I managed to get some rugby watching in as well that evening. I think I made it to midnight and crashed. Noush and I sang karaoke for a while before that. We figured no one would remember us too well. As I slept in a coma, I did get woken up to the dulcet (???!!!) tones of La Bamba from Scott and Chad, but I fell back to sleep immediately.
Next day saw quite a few bleary eyes. We took it easy with a little shopping and not a lot of much else. The day disappeared really. And we were to bed early for the early dash to the train station to catch the 5.57am train into town. Dad dropped us off and we made it! One hour later we were walking into the International terminal for our trip home.
Wonderful stuff. I am sad though as it was such a little visit.
Mike went to Keas last night and Toby and I stayed home. At 6pm Toby wished he had gone to Keas though. I was pleased to have the night off as I had a headache for a lot of the day. Much better to stay home and cook.
Back to work and into it all already!
Have a great week!
What a surreal, but wonderful, weekend to Sydney we had. It's hard to imagine we were ever away as I sit here at work as if it was a normal weekend. It certainly didn't feel like 3.5 days as we only had two full days in Sydney.
Karen's party was wonderful - as any party they host is always wonderful. They had 10 extra people in their house and Karen and Scott coped marvellously. They had the party catered and it was yummy and unobtrusive.
We arrived Friday evening and debated getting a rental car out to Quakers from the airport for me, Toby, Mike, Mum and Dad. It was a close thing. If we didn't need to drop the car off in town the next day, but somewhere out near Karen and Scott's place, I would have been in! But we decided on the train and hopped onto the next train from International to Central (where we had to change to the yellow line out to Blacktown). As we were two stops out from Central, Karen rang Mike. I heard him say he was two stops out from Central and Karen excitedly told him Michelle and Tim must be on the same train. Then Gramps yells out "Michelle" in a booming voice. We saw Michelle and Tim at the other end of our carriage. So we rode with them all the way to Blacktown.
Karen and Noush collected us so we all got home at about 8.30pm. It was perfect. We ate spaghetti bolognese (although Toby was far too excited to eat) and then Mike and I took the GPS unit into the airport to collect Kylie then Sharon and Jamie. It worked well and we even managed to show Jamie the Opera House and Harbour Bridge on the way home.
Crashed into bed and slept like a log. Toby was in Abby's bed and Mike and I were on her trundler bed that pulls out from under her bed. Toby woke at 5.30am (I guess 7.30am Wellington time), whispering"Abby, Abby!". I told him it was just Mum and Dad and to go back to sleep. Which he might have done. I certainly did.
We got up early and got ready for swimming. Abby and Tyler had their lessons while Jamie and Toby swam around waiting impatiently for the lessons to finish so they could all play together. Toby loves Jamie - as do Tyler and Abby! Especially Abby! When the girls finished their lesson, Karen took me to Castle Towers for some shopping and then big boys took the little boys and girls home.
Then it was preparation for the party and at 3pm it all started! Woo hoo! There must have been 60 people easily there - including about 15 or 20 children! Scott's family come as a massive unit: hire-a-crowd really. And they always treat us like family too.
I managed to get some rugby watching in as well that evening. I think I made it to midnight and crashed. Noush and I sang karaoke for a while before that. We figured no one would remember us too well. As I slept in a coma, I did get woken up to the dulcet (???!!!) tones of La Bamba from Scott and Chad, but I fell back to sleep immediately.
Next day saw quite a few bleary eyes. We took it easy with a little shopping and not a lot of much else. The day disappeared really. And we were to bed early for the early dash to the train station to catch the 5.57am train into town. Dad dropped us off and we made it! One hour later we were walking into the International terminal for our trip home.
Wonderful stuff. I am sad though as it was such a little visit.
Mike went to Keas last night and Toby and I stayed home. At 6pm Toby wished he had gone to Keas though. I was pleased to have the night off as I had a headache for a lot of the day. Much better to stay home and cook.
Back to work and into it all already!
Have a great week!
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