Monday, November 8, 2010

The weekend where I forgot the title - again

A weekend of two halves - bit like the rugby on Saturday against England. The weather on Saturday was cold. A biting southerly. The weather on Sunday was lovely. Shorts for Toby and hours on the bouncy castle at Aunty Sally and Uncle Andrew's place.
Saturday Toby had his best swimming day ever. He finally understood the idea of the kicking and kicked so hard doing his lengths he was actually puffing when he got to the other end. And he overbook other swimmers - for once. I think he's onto something.  Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Friday Toby had a sleepover at Jack's place.  It involved a party with lots of kids overlooking the fireworks spectacular.  Then, apparently, a long walk back to the car where Toby was freezing.  The southerly had kicked in by then.  We collected him on Saturday morning and he had obviously had a great time.
Swimming and then I watched a movie with Toby while Mike worked.  Poor Mike.  He did very well getting through his task list for the weekend.  I went grocery shopping.  Ooooo.
Sunday we watched the rugby delayed and it was a great first half.  The second half was a bit less exciting.  But it was a good game to watch.  Then off to Sally and Andrew's place for a late-ish lunch.  Great to catch up with people.  Toby bounced on the bouncy castle for ages with Anthony.  Good fun!
Back to work this morning.  The ride in was dry but it looked as though it had rained a few hours before. 
Keas tonight.  Wonder what the leader has organised?  Bet she's done nothing.  Oh dear.
Have a great week.

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