Monday, November 29, 2010

The weekend with glorious weather


It's all anyone can talk about at work - how lovely the weather was at the weekend.  Everyone looks healthy for getting a good dose of the UV.  Our Saturday was busy - we took Toby swimming and he swam well (although we could tell he really just wanted to play).

Off to the Backbencher afterwards to spend our Trivia night winnings ($100 voucher at the Backbencher pub) on a lovely lunch with the rest of "Six of the Best" (that was our team name).  We got to meet some friends of Christine's from Canterbury and they told us of the earthquake excitement.  Scary stuff.

Then home to quickly get Toby ready for his swimming with William and sleepover.  Mum rang about then and said it was too hot to walk tot he supermarket so I popped over and took her in the car.  By the time I got back home Toby was gone.  Mike and I had a few hours to relax before we cooked tea and Mike collected Ilske.

Ilske had talked at tramping club about her walk in Ethiopia so I got a private version of that talk.  Lucky me!  It was fascinating.  Dinner was yummy (vege lasagna and salad) and then it was time to take Ilske back home.

A quiet night watching TV before we both realised we were actually asleep on the couch. 

Sunday we decided to launch into some manic gardening.  Mike went and collected Toby from William's house and I set to with the hedge trimmer.  When Mike got back he decided the hedge trimmer was far too slow and not destructive enough.  The bush saws appeared and we cleaved a hole in some trees beside Toby's trampoline.

Then it was time to head to Sally and Andrew's place for lunch with everyone.  My mother had been baking up a storm (Ma - do you want to bake something for Thursday for Toby to take to school - he is having a shared lunch with his house - Tuis) and although I wore a bit of trifle when it oozed out of the container, everything was yummy.  Mum had also made marshmallows squares - I think they are Toby and my favourites.  Homemade Mallowpuffs I call them.  Toby ate three after lunch for dessert.

Andrew got back just as we were finishing lunch.  He'd done the Around Taupo race.  Phew!  He looked pretty pleased with his efforts.  Good on him!

Home for more gardening and tidying.  We have a lot of green waste to chip into the gully now.  And a broken sewer pipe to get sorted.  Mike bought a machete on the way home and hacked through the undergrowth to the sewer pipe and declared it was structural to the concrete slab.  So, the only thing keeping tonnes of concrete up is a sewer pipe.  No wonder it's broken under that strain.

Keas tonight - I haven't organised anything so we'll be winging it again.  Oh dear.  Then off to dinner with Ilske at the Ethiopian restaurant we have found in Brooklyn.  Yum!

Have a great week.

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